
Isabelle Adjani IS Stella ... danse seule accrochée avec cornuta ... Roman Polanski Le locataire

Isabelle Adjani and Roman Polanski in Le locataire (1976)

Isabelle Adjani dances alone in black velvet pantsuit, neck hung with silver cornuta

Isabelle Adjani



      Le locataire


tux vest,

shearling coat,

kimono dress,

tight leather
platform boots,

multi-chain bracelet;


bohemian-intellectual ...


Roman PolanskiRoman Polanski The TenantThe Tenant

Is Stella a reincarnated dead woman?

Or a compassionate woman watching her lover's slow descent into madness?

 Isabelle Adjani and Roman Polanski in Le locataire (1976)

Stella frequents cafes, smokes Gauloises,

screen_shot_tenant_1119gand orders a small glass of wine.


Isabelle Adjani in Le locataire (1976)

Isabelle Adjani dances alone in black velvet pantsuit, neck horned with silver cornuta


Isabelle Adjani dances alone in black velvet pantsuit, porcelain neck draped with  silver cornuta

il bue che dice cornuto all'asino

wears silver jewelry on her arm while serving marmalade toast;


and slips on a white kimono
to sip midnight tea,

smudgy eye shadow intact.


Her wild hair imbues sex; zippered bag, passion.


Also Known As (AKA) https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWJjMTdiMjYtNjkxNC00N2ExLThhNGQtNDc2NTM0MWNmYThjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI2ODA2NTc@._V1_SX1426_CR0,0,1426,999_AL_.jpg

(original title) Le locataire
Argentina El inquilino
Belgium (Flemish title) De huurder
Brazil O Inquilino
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Наемателят
Canada (French title) Le locataire
Croatia Stanar
Denmark Den nye lejer
Finland Vuokralainen
France Le locataire
Germany Der Mieter
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) O enoikos
Greece Ο ένοικος
Hungary A lakó
Iran (Persian title) Mostajer
Italy (alternative transliteration) L'inquilino del 3° piano
Italy L'inquilino del terzo piano
Lithuania Nuomininkas
Mexico El inquilino
Netherlands De huurder
Norway Leieboeren
Peru El inquilino
Poland Lokator
Portugal O Inquilino
Romania Scriitori de cartier
Serbia Stanar
Soviet Union (Russian title) Жилец
Spain El quimérico inquilino
Sweden Hyresgästen
Turkey (Turkish title) Kiraci
Ukraine Мешканець
USA The Tenant
Uruguay (original subtitled version) El inquilino
West Germany Der Mieter
World-wide (English title) The Tenant
Yugoslavia (Serbian title) (literal title) Stanar
Isabelle Adjani calls her mother after winning her 1984 Cesar award

Isabelle Adjani et Roman Polanski,
 Le locataire

 Stella fréquente les cafés et fumée la Gauloises.

 Isabelle Adjani est danser en pantalon de velours noir.
Isabelle Adjani est danser seule accrochée avec un la cornuta.
Parce que Stella est ma femme, Demi-tour.

Gilet de fumeur.
Manteau peau mouton.
Robe kimono.
Bottes compensées en cuir.
Bracelet chaînes multiples.
Obscuré lunettes de soleil.
Bohèmes intellectueles


Stella est-elle une femme morte réincarnée?

Y une femme compatissante qui observe la lente descente de son amour a la folie?