
Mark Zuckerberg and Justin Bieber's friend barely make Top 10 People Search Results for October

Top 10 People Search Results for October 2010


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The results are in for the month of October and Justin Bieber has fallen! Bieber’s reign is over! Justin Bieber has fallen as the most searched for person in the United States to be replaced at Number 1 by a woman in Italy gaining attention as a Catholic School teacher coming under fire for being a former model and actress, which some parents find inappropriate.

Last month we wondered if the cast of Twilight would see a surge for the month of October, being the month of ghosts, ghouls, goblins and Halloween, but not a single cast member from the popular vampire movies made it on this months list, so sorry but no vampires or werewolves this month… unless you count the politicians that made the list. Just kidding!

The most shocking person to make the list this month is Jennifer Petkov of Trenton Michigan, a woman who is gaining nationwide attention for her harassment of a 7 year old little girl, Kathleen Edward, who is dying from a degenerative brain disease. We are supposed to be unbiased and objective in our news, but harassing and making fun of a child who is suffering and about to die is just plain cruel. Jennifer Petkov has since been arrested and has had her own two children taken away from her. See videos of Jennifer Petkov.

Aside from the wicked witch of Trenton Michigan (Hey, a monster did make it in for Halloween, now didn’t it!), the search results for this month show many new names, with Bieber and his buddy Beadles still hanging in there in the Top 10!

Top 10 People Searches in the United States for October 2010

  • 1. Down with Justin Bieber and the new Number 1 is… Ileana Tacconelli – The teacher enjoying the fame associated with moral controversy, as a teacher for a Catholic school in Milan Italy, coming under attack for her past work as a model.
  • 2. Justin Bieber – Who fell a whopping one space to being the second most searched for person in the United States.
  • 3. Jennifer Petkov – The woman getting a lot attention for her harassment of a 7 year old girl suffering from a degenerative brain disease, and more news after her arrest for attempted vehicular assault on another neighbor, and who has now had her children taken away from her by the courts. Guess you may want to think twice before moving into this wonderful woman’s neighborhood!
  • 4. Alessandra Torresani – This young actress is seeing a rapid rise in popularity from her work on several hit TV series including Caprica, Malcolm in the Middle, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Arrested Development, CSI and more.
  • 5. Pawan Singa – The popular Astrologer is back… again. For the third straight month the popular astrologer is one of the most searched for people in the world! Funny that the biggest rival to Justin Bieber in U.S. searches isn’t Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt or Miley Cyrus, but a psychic with a crystal ball.
  • 6. Jasmine Villegas – Lookout Bieber, now you have some competition in the R&B world, from rising star Jasmine Villegas. Maybe he should watch out for her taking his momentum, and she should thank Bieber as she got her start as the opening act to his shows!
  • 7. Mark Zuckerberg – It took the founder and CEO of Facebook long enough to make the list, but here he is in the Top 10 thanks to the opening of the hit movie, The Social Network. A film based on his life and the founding of what is now the world’s leading social network.
  • 8. christian beadles – Beadles is back in the Top 10 again, for just being friends with pop star Justin Bieber. Maybe I should hang out with Bieber and get some poparazzi attention for some free friend-fame!
  • 9. Selena Gomez – This young singing sensation got her start on popular kids TV shows like Barney and Friends, Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place. She has been gaining momentum and rising each month on our people search list and finally breaking the Top 10 this month at number 9. Congratulations Selena.
  • 10. Jacoby Shaddix – Founder and lead singer for alternative band Papa Roach closes out the list by taking over the Number 10 spot this month.

Once again we see a lot of singers as the most searched for people in America. The overall list of people being searched for is as usual, filled with a wide range of interesting people including singers, entertainers, controversial teachers, and scary neighbors! Well, we had to have something scary in here for Halloween, but we didn’t expect it to be someone as scary as Jennifer Petrov, who makes Michael Meyers (from the movie Halloween) look like Mary Poppins!

Let’s see who makes it in November? Maybe Mel Gibson with his latest controversy after getting axed from the cast of the movie The Hangover 2, or maybe Sarah Palin are Karl Rove for the tension building between these two and how it affects politics and the pending elections?

Who will be the Top 10 most searched for people in the U.S. for November? You will just have to come and back and see!

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