
Best "Dog Meat" Titles

Best "Dog Meat" Titles

6 titles

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1 Defiance (2008)

Jewish brothers in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe escape into the Belarussian forests, where they join Russian resistance fighters and endeavor to build a village in order to protect themselves and about 1,000 Jewish non-combatants.

7.2/10 34,830
2 Far North (2007)

A soldier's unexpected arrival affects two women's simple existence.

6.2/10 1,227
3 Fatty and Minnie He-Haw (1914 short)

Fatty steals a ride on a train, discovered, and put off in the middle of nowhere. He stumbles along over the hot desert and finally passes out...

6.0/10 5
4 Il pelo nel mondo (1964 documentary)

This shockumentary takes us on visits to a restaurant that serves up delicious dog meat dishes, mud-wrestling clubs...

5.6/10 11
5 Slingshot (2005) 4.9/10 418
6 Dog-Gone (1939 short)

Mr. Jones overhears a doctor prescribe a diet he thinks is for him, but it's really for his dog.

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