
Jerry Lee Lewis Eskatrol! (Jaws like a beartrap) Facebook Friend Activity

Summer Reading: Picture Books

one time jerry lee took more mandrax than eskatrol...it took me 20 years to find, but i did! http://www.dailymotion.com/ playlist/ x1gbrx_mrjyn_jerry-lee-lewis-do gmeat-man/1#videoId=xayb1q

A video playlist by Dog Meat, mrjyn on Dailymotion.. Jerry Lee Lewis Dogmeat Man Mrjyn Motherhumper http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xaek7h Jerry Lee Lewis KING KONG KILLER ROCKROLL! http://www.dailymotion.com/mrjyn

  • Doug Meet commented on his own link: "only me and Taquila Mockingbird and Nettles J. Oak-Land know about Eskatrol"

  • Doug Meet commented on his own link on Taquila Mockingbird's wall: "go like Eskatrol only me and taquila do currently"[[posterous-content:pid___0]]