
(Not Your Garden Variety OMG!) Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Threat Assessment 2009 (C'mon, baby bloggers: let me show you how to blog some DOTGOV)

Motorcycle HeadbandImage by anyjazz65 via Flickr

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

OMG-related criminal activity poses a threat to public safety in local communities in which these gangs operate because of their wide-ranging criminal activity, propensity to use violence, and ability to counter law enforcement efforts. OMGs are highly structured criminal organizations whose members engage in criminal activities such as violent crime, weapons trafficking, and drug trafficking. OMGs maintain a strong centralized leadership that implements rules regulating membership, conduct, and criminal activity. As of June 2008 state and local law enforcement agencies estimate that between 280 and 520 OMGs are operating at the national, regional, and local levels. OMGs range in size from a single chapter to hundreds of chapters worldwide. Current law enforcement intelligence estimates indicate that more than 20,000 validated OMG members, divided among hundreds of OMGs, reside in the United States.
  • National-level OMG criminal activity poses a serious national domestic threat. National-level OMGs are a considerable concern to law enforcement because they are highly structured organizations with memberships ranging into the thousands, maintaining strong associations with transnational DTOs and other criminal organizations. In addition, national-level OMGs maintain criminal networks of regional and local motorcycle clubs, commonly referred to as "support," "puppet," or "duck" clubs, whose members conduct criminal activities in support of the larger OMGs, and who are a source for new members.Some members of support clubs have acquired employment with private businesses or government agencies, which enables them to provide national-level OMGs with business, government, and financial information that can be used to protect their criminal enterprises, according to open source and published law enforcement information.
  • Regional-level OMGs are highly structured organizations that range in size from 50 to several hundred members. In the United States 109 regional-level OMGs have been identified by gang investigators; most support one of the national-level OMGs. Several regional-level OMGs maintain independent associations with transnational DTOs and other criminal organizations.
  • Local-level OMGs typically operate in a single state or in a few neighboring states and have fewer than 50 members. They are often support clubs for regional- and national-level OMGs. Local-level OMGs usually have no ties to DTOs or to other criminal organizations.

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