
bonny bakley WAS the cusp ... poes lolly lee gron gaw gelos lakis bone lee ley hotto

 Searches related to bonny bakley was a stag cats gory lovestory, typewritten on bus station stationary in the style of Charles Dickens or Dick Charleston as read from over bonnie lee bakley daughter, robert blake, bonnie lee bakley cause of death is bonnie lee bakley.











ssss ssssss sssss


bus station


bus station


bus station

Charles Dickens.

bus station


bus station


bus station


bus station

acting as if he were Tiny Tim (it was Christmas).

bus station

orphan wrote bald letters to old motherfucks.

as a

bus station

hot girl orphan whose

promiscuity was only next to her brooding  Brobdingnagian sexual lusting, fulfilled only owing to the imaginative storytelling her creative brain could spiel a yarn out. 


she continued, uninterested male and female staff doctors to

uninterested male and female

janitors all.


see me. feel me. touch me. heal me. Tommy was the album of her stay at the orphanage.  


Bovine AND buxom did the cowbell's rhythmic lowing, mournful in the gloaming, like a loon in the night, but in the morning light, when golden  warm full to bursting unmilked teats hung low, their tit tips touching blades of glassy grasses, tops new with dew,  passenger of the pasture  wild with curled coolly lubricious owly preternatural coprolalia whose tic was for a Freudian slip, co-morbid with a false type of synesthesia which instead of hearing colors, made her see phallus in varying girth, length, and color, based on the weather or articular season;  such sallow

fallowed fields did her gate tramp down,

Mia Farrow-slow, kids in tow, eschewing everything Woody or Allen; off-limits also worldly things and for some reason Pho, not comforting, now angsty, swallowing  paper-thin steak, raw and untouched by the fundament bowl of steaming hot Pho, Nam Pla, and basil to fight to the death  scoville hot  acid  which to chew  cud like pitchers on the mound walking guys, his chaw never more like girl-gum, in its mastication friendly, soft, inviting and repetitive to mull over, he was thinking about changing ball grips when as if  striking out of its own, his mind made a twinning of two disparate things whose only real time for it was it okay for reviewing was the top of the 7th upon recheeking, rechewing, but there it stayed the similarity not similar to Cole Porter's lovely melodic rhyming in his famous flapped lyric where the melody went from major to minor, so had his career in the Major League, and now to follow suit, so had his apparent cognitive executive function taken a long summer farm league float where they build it you come, but his was not prophetic, in fact, quite distressing, the Macy's window of his mind whose mannequins he was dress and undressing; 


the minora and majora of the labial variety, texture, giving and taking soft and yielding or tight and feeling ministrations not done or done as one does just for fun, or of no mind at all, but to while away the time from the second hand rounds of the circular dial. 


savory, slightly salty, psychologically upsetting, in whose absent advances toward each of them she rebelled at the thought that she'd been rejected wholly, each one without the other, not knowing the score, as she sat at her desk, ready for filling, they sallied to her without trying to hide it, then easily, quickly they told her, all of them, told her, each one on their own, told her, without exception, 'no,' the    some of them with even the decently common rough veneer too unlovely, dragged out, no edgewise spot was their space for a word,  filibuster  faces getting a gander as a mentally unfit,  emotional panhandler  she  suffered  abuse,  as orphan child 1 with a bullet  at Christmas, non-sexualized conventioneers  she  stumbled among looking for argot imperceptible micro-expression, play  it  its lulling  evensong  at 9 ... 9 in the fucking evening, even the fountains were dry, instead of getting it on, she took six oval pillules, touched Padre Pio's glove, and just lay their akimbo.   



Dick Charleston wrote a sad letter


to his old mother,


over the seat as the orphan kid,


WROTE his same  gory  story.

12-03-1993 Senator Nat G. Kiefer University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena, New Orleans, LA

In 1987, the UNO Lakefront Arena was officially renamed the "Senator Nat G. Kiefer University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena".