
Reader's Wives

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My name is Elizabeth.
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Reader's Wives | Dave Edmunds

For Readers Age: 12-14 (Seventh and Eighth grade)

What are you waiting for?


10-12 minutes
Next, you meet a fisher. You can say one of several greetings:

"Hello there!"

She responds with "Hello, how may I help you?"; you can respond with:

"I would like to buy a fish."

She sells you a fish and the conversation finishes.

"Can I borrow your boat?"

She is surprised and asks "What are you offering in return?".

"Five gold." (if you have enough)

"Ten gold." (if you have enough)

"Fifteen gold." (if you have enough)

She lends you her boat. The conversation ends.

"A fish." (if you have one)

"A newspaper." (if you have one)

"A pebble." (if you have one)

"No thanks", she replies. Your conversation options at this point are the same as they were after asking to borrow her boat, minus any options you've suggested before.

"Vote for me in the next election!"

She turns away. The conversation finishes.

"Madam, are you aware that your fish are running away?"

She looks at you skeptically and says "Fish cannot run, miss".

"You got me!"

The fisher sighs and the conversation ends.

"Only kidding."

"Good one!" she retorts. Your conversation options at this point are the same as those following "Hello there!" above.

"Oh, then what are they doing?"

She looks at her fish, giving you an opportunity to steal her boat, which you do. The conversation ends.


Hedral is a male american domestic shorthair, with a fluffy black fur with white paws and belly.
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What are you waiting for?
Hello Everyone!
Sometimes I wake up at night, full of agony, tears in my eyes. The Holiest Alliance Against is haunting me. I see their countless crusaders gallop at innocent web developers with merciless force, incessantly blowing their deafening horns to never ever ever ever use ever; code of the wicked.


Some characters repeat their lines in order each time you interact with them, others randomly pick from amongst their lines. Those who respond in order have numbered entries in the lists below.

The Shopkeeper

  • How may I help you?
  • Fresh apples!
  • A loaf of bread for madam?

The pilot

Before the accident:
  • I'm about to fly out, sorry!
  • Sorry, I'm just waiting for flight clearance and then I'll be off!
After the accident:
  1. I'm about to fly out, sorry!
  2. Ok, I'm not leaving right now, my plane is being cleaned.
  3. Ok, it's not being cleaned, it needs a minor repair first.
  4. Ok, ok, stop bothering me! Truth is, I had a crash.

Clan Leader

During the first clan meeting:
  • Hey, have you seen my daughter? I bet she's up to something nefarious again...
  • Nice weather we're having today, eh?
  • The name is Bailey, Jeff Bailey. How can I help you today?
  • A glass of water? Fresh from the well!
After the earthquake:
  1. Everyone is safe in the shelter, we just have to put out the fire!
  2. I'll go and tell the fire brigade, you keep hosing it down!
Announcer: Number 16: The hand.
Interviewer: Good evening. I have with me in the studio tonight Mr Norman St John Polevaulter, who for the past few years has been contradicting people. Mr Polevaulter, why do you contradict people?
Norman: I don't. [1]
Interviewer: You told me you did! ...

[1] This is, naturally, a lie, but paradoxically if it were true he could not say so without contradicting the interviewer and thus making it false.
I wake up because...
But this is driving me crazy, everything else is perfect!

Readability Consensus
Based on 8 readability formulas, we have scored your text:
Customer: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
Shopkeeper: I'm sorry?
Customer: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
Shopkeeper: No no no, this's'a tobacconist's.

Grade Level: 8

Table 1. Alternative activities for knights.
Activity Location Cost
Dance Wherever possible £01
Routines, chorus scenes2 Undisclosed Undisclosed
Dining3 Camelot Cost of ham, jam, and spam4
1. Assumed.
2. Footwork impeccable.
3. Quality described as "well".
4. A lot.

Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old (Seventh and Eighth graders)