
Search for 'cartoon' - Posterous


law7355 says...
Aug 23, 2008

Cartoon Skeletons

From telegraph.co.uk:"An exhibition at the natural history museum in Basel, Switzerland, imagines what may lie beneath the skins of cartoon characters"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/howaboutthat/2579628/Cartoon-skeletons.htmlI got to see this exhibition at the Korean stand at last year's Venice Bienale, and it was prett...

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James Clay says...
Apr 28, 2009

xea says...
Jun 29, 2009

Alex says...
Jul 28, 2009

Alex cartoon - Telegraph

via telegraph.co.uk Another great cartoon strip worth reading...

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jsbach1650 says...
Jul 28, 2009

hypergogue says...
Aug 05, 2009

cristianca says...
Aug 24, 2009

Cartoon based on microsyntax!

Cartoon based on microsyntax! [via @kathysierra]via microsyntax.org

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Filed under: cartoon, microsyntax, twitter

Aug 25, 2009

Great Political Cartoon regarding Obama and his tax plan.

Great political cartoon I found on Townhall.com.  Thought it was quite accurate.

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jbruin says...
Aug 28, 2009

Big Morning in Social Media [Cartoon]

via blog.hubspot.com LOL

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Filed under: cartoon




Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat