
Psychmovies.com Good God, I'll be here for days


Started in 1999, the psychmovies.com website has grown to include hundreds of films which deal with the portrayal of mental illness and its treatment. Some contain characters with mental disorders, some include mental health professionals, and others reflect dysfunctional family relationships. The accuracy of portrayal varies. This is intentional, as I believe that there is value in identifying what is inaccurate, as well as what conforms to diagnostic criteria or ethical guidelines for psychologists.

The new look is in preparation for site expansion. Soon movies related to the broad field of psychology will be included, beyond just psychopathology.

As always, the list includes only those movies with Internet Movie Database viewer ratings of greater than 6.0 (on a scale from 1-10). New films are being added, as well as resources, and additional information about selected films. Stay tuned! 

Enjoy your visit!

Brooke J. Cannon, Ph.D.
Marywood University

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