After years of will he or won't he make that Abraham Lincoln biopic, Steven Spielberg has decided yes in favor of "Yes, it will be my next film starting in Fall 2011."

Though Liam Neeson has always been the man for the stovepipe hat, and has allegedly spent years researching for the part, he will no longer be playing it.  He dropped out in July, claiming he is now too old for the part.

Instead, Abraham Lincoln will be played by that master of mimicry, Daniel Day-Lewis. 

"Daniel Day-Lewis would have always been counted as one of the greatest of actors, were he from the silent era, the golden age of film or even some time in cinema’s distant future. I am grateful and inspired that our paths will finally cross with Lincoln,” said Spielberg in DreamWorks' official press release. And there's nothing much to say beyond that, which is why I let Spielberg say it.  Day Lewis will knock it out of the park, and already looks good in stovepipe hats (see: Gangs of New York) so there's nothing to complain about. You can feel bad for Neeson (and I really do) but this choice certainly isn't a downgrade in talent.

The rest of the film's stats remain the same. It will be based on Doris Kearn Goodwin's Team of Rivals, and Tony Kushner's screenplay stands.  Lincoln will hit theaters in Fall of 2012.