
Favorite Apture+Posterous Fuck-up Yet! - 10 Crazy Straitjacket Videos




12 Crazy Straitjacket Music Videos (Best Apture+Posterous Fuck-up Yet!)

This is a real Posey, high security strait jacket
Infectious Grooves Therapy with Ozzy Osbourne

Split-second shot of a crying blonde in an SJ.

Quiet Riot Cum On Feel The Noize
Set in an asylum, you can see an SJed female in  frame.

Pat Benatar Anxiety (Get Nervous) 
Spends some time in a Posey SJ.

Aerosmith Falling in Love (Is Hard On The Knees)
 Steven Tyler in an SJ. 

Aerosmith Crazy 

The Orb Toxygene
Blonde seen in a Posey SJ for about 30 seconds. 

Rome Crazy Love  (featuring Chill)
Inmates at the Loony Bin perform dance sequences in brown (suede) SJs. Quite surreal. 


Cutting-edge advertising

Local agencies use new techniques to promote their clients as well as their own businesses

Red7e created "The DuBouchett Asylum -- Crazy drinks for people who like to go nuts."
Drinks were developed with names like The Lobotomy, Psycho Therapy and Shock Treatment. Many of the promotion's collateral materials featured a photo of a young woman in a rubber miniskirt trying to extricate herself from a straitjacket.
Bars are encouraged to host games, including Crazy Karaoke, in which contestants in straitjackets sing songs such as Patsy Cline's "Crazy," and Nuts in the Head, in which contestants try to catch peanuts in their mouths while their arms are tied behind their backs.
The insanity theme "is something many would consider politically incorrect, but we think it's perfectly appropriate for appealing to the target audience," Barbercheck said.
"Frankly, anyone who has a problem with the theme probably isn't going to like DuBouchett drinks in the first place, and those who do `like to go nuts' are precisely who we're after," he said.


The *next Straitjacket video is:

N'Sync's I Drive Myself Crazy, with shots of two of the band girlfriends in loosely tied Posey Straitjackets. The video, of course, is available on Straitjacket VIDEO Tube! 

*i won't bother telling you how many YouTube links I had to cull in order to find one good fucking straitjacket video from


this two-year-old Ultimate Straitjacket Video Post


Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat