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This video contains 10 supernatural film, video viewing over the number of million (1,068,663). Many video content is the first time I saw, was uploaded in December 2009, in other words it should be a more supernatural Top Videos new, rather than the old supernatural movie used as a Top! Film is very long, everyone take your time.User help on the film has subtitles, which erupted into a better film. In addition, this supernatural movie subtitles individual or company if there is copyright infringement, but also please tell me, I will immediately remove. There wowwowvideo trouble if you can leave your contact information, I want to co-work-related movie titles synthesis, Thanksgiving.
PS: sixth "cursed apartment" in Japan is also another program called: do not taste な 気 women (scary woman), the photographer's long and Yoko Bridge (pseudonym), photographed images of strange hotel staff for help after the before that she lived in the room, there was a mother and son and hanged himself!This film also has the follow-up, that is, the bridge's long and Yoko's friend was photographed .... details please see Cipian,"Women do not 気 な taste" full coverage。
"Cannibal Jinzhou"Have started selling more than a month, this book is important to me, but also to the publication of second episode, so people who want to start quickly (49 million), but also hesitant people, you can look at the "cannibalism ban curse "of the test reading -I, I, Thank you (bow).
◆ creeps!! Japanese supernatural movie BEST 10