
Posterous (richard.mackney.com) | Custom Posterous Themes

i appreciate it and what a pain in the ass their particular encoding is on this function, and despite what they 'say' everyone of course, uses share for the exact reasons you mention and always will if given the choice for more potent stats and return.  i visited Guy whatshisname's posterous (one of the founders?) and saw his share function opened as it should in a popup, but figured that since he has his own domain that was how he swung that.  i asked him about it, nevertheless and will let you know if there are any tricks he shared.  besides what you've already done, i assume with the 'target' tag, i think it's as good as can be gotten currently.  Although I reckon Posterous said something about including one themselves in the near future, but i'm not holding my breath.  

Do you have any suggestions with your code as to how to associate my app for my posterous blog with the Facebook share and like?  or is that also still impossible without JS?  

and one more:

how in the hell are we supposed to search for our 'draft' or private posts from within dashboard since Po has disabled the link?  I've written and posted about it, but i still can't figure it.

Love your template.  Not crazy about the background, but that's small potatoes which hopefully i can graduate from on your next.  

Thanks for your response.


Richard Mackney just commented on the post "Custom Posterous Themes" on richard.mackney.com

.@limbsandthings I see what you mean about the fb share. I've changed it to open in a new window. I don't think fb want us to use 'share' anymore and are pushing for the 'like' - which is a shame as the 'share' gives the thumbnail option etc.

Some interesting stuff about 'share vs. 'like' here: http://daggle.com/facebook-button-facebook-share-keeping-1792

Posterous is the place to post everything. Just email us.



Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat