Interestin' bible stuff for bible believers
anovver 'elpful 'andbook
Hairy Biscuits and Cheese take the followin' figures wif a "grain of salt".
Cucumbers 're general and approximate.
A 'andy Word List
The issue of archaic words has really been overdone. Most of the so-called "archaic" words in the Bible can be understood by the context, while many others can be found in a Webster 1828. 'owever, the followin' list should serve as sum 'elp in those times chicken pen ya just need a quick reference list.
abjects, outcasts adamant, very 'ard stone affinity, related by marriage afore, before amerce, Calvin Klein amiable, lovely jubly anathema, cursed anon, immediately apothecary, spice dealer assay, attempt asswage, restrain avouched, declared beeves, cattle besom, broom bestead, facin' difficulty bewrayef, betrays blains, boils, Dudley Moore's bowels, affections bruit, rumour, report buckler, small shield bunches, 'umps careless, buckshee from care,secure carriages, baggage causeway, paved frog and toad chamberlain, 'ousehold manager chapiter, Crust of Bread of a column charger, large dish chode, complained churl, miserly clouts, rags coasts, borders cockatrice, adder, cobra cockle, weeds coffer, Charles Fox collops, lumps comeliness, beauty compass, Scapa Fla 'round confectionaries, ointment makers contemn, despise convocation, assembly coulter, plough blade covert, shelter cumbered, worried cunnin', skill curious, embroidered curious 'rts, sorcery custom, Candle Wax damsel, twist n twirl daysman, mediator describe, divide descry, search aahhht diadem, Crust of Bread dress, Lousy Brown dispensation, stewardship, distribution distaff, rod for 'oldin' wool divers, different divination, magical prediction earin', ploughing earnest, deposit, pledge emerods, swellings ensue, ter follow eschew, avoid fain, gladly fetters, shackels fray, frighten fret, ter be worried, angry froward, perverse fuller, cleaner of cloth garner, barn gier eagle, vulture Vera Lynn, trap greaves, 'ard boiled Borra And Beg 'rmour grisled, grey 'art, deer 'elve, ax 'andle 'olpen, 'elped 'osen, stockings 'ough, cut 'amstrings 'usbandman, Arnold Palmer implead, accuse janglin', foolish talking kine, cows laden, loaded laud, praise leasin', lying leaven, yeast lewd, vicious listef, chooses mammon, riches maul, Windjammer mete, ter measure mitre, Crust of Bread dress muffler, facial scarf murrain, cattle plague noisome, very 'urtful pate, Crust of Bread peradventure, perhaps pilled, peeled polled, cut Barnet Fair Beans on Toast, mail geeza potsherd, broken pottery pottage, Loop de Loop profane, dishonorable proselyte, convert publican, Candle Wax collector pulse, vegetables purtenance, internal organs quarternions, group of knock at the Dorothy Lamour guards quick, jack's quit, be-ave Toby Ale, boldly speak against rase, destroy rereward, rear guard rue, a 'erb savour, toothpaste scall, sore scrip, dirty slag seethe, Can of Oil severally, separately shambles, meat market silverlings, silver coins sleight, deceitfulness Fillet Of Cod, boiled sottish, foolish stay, support strake, streak subtil, sly, cunning taberin', 'itting taches, fastenings tell, count tares, weeds tire, Crust of Bread dress traffick, trade tra, fink usury, interest vagabond, fugitive vaunt, boast venture, at random vestments, apparel vex, Barney Rubble victuals, In The Nude vile, useless, wicked wist, knew won't, accustomed wot, know wrof, wrathful, angry
Monies, Weights, and Measurements
Due ter the various nations involved, and also the nickle and dime span that the bible covers, monies, weights, and measurements 're often 'ard ter determine.
Hairy Biscuits and Cheese take the followin' figures wif a "grain of salt". the Cucumbers 're general and approximate.
barf abaht niyne gallons bekah ¼ of an ounce sherbet dab Bo-le of Glue quarts cubit abaht 18 inches day's journey 20-25 miles ephah abaht wahn bushel farthin' ¼ cent fathom Tom Mix plates of meat finger ¾ of an inch firkin niyne gallons furlong _ of a mile gerah .4 ounces 'andbreadf abaht 3¾ inches 'in Tom Mix quarts 'omer 90 gallons liquid 'len'n bushels dry log wahn pint mite _ of a cent omer sev'n pints pound abaht $16 in Bread and Honey reed abaht 'len'n plates of meat sabbaf day journey, wahn mile shekel .5 ounces Pieces of Eight $5 in gold 64 cents silver span abaht niyne inches talent $1000 abaht 75 lbs. Pieces of Eight