HALLOWEEN: GLORIA GAYNOR: "Love is Just a Heartbeat Away": "From Transylvania to Manhattan"
Nocturna (1979) (performer: "Love is Just a Heartbeat Away (Nocturna's Theme)" aka Granddaughter of Dracula Nocturna (1979) Director: Harry Hurwitz Writers: Nai Bonet (story) Harry Hurwitz Release Date: June 1979 (USA) more From Transylvania to Manhattan... She'll Get Under Your Skin! Female Nudity / Sex / Business / Castle / Disco more Yvonne De Carlo ... Jugula John Carradine ... Dracula Nai Bonet ... Nocturna Antony Hamilton ... Jimmy rest of cast listed alphabetically: Marcus Anthony ... Transylvania Character John Blyth Barrymore ... Punk Vampire Ivery Bell ... The Moment of Truth John Epstein ... John Toby Handman ... BSA Member Norris Harris ... The Moment of Truth Michael Harrison ... The Moment of Truth Frank Irizarry ... Disk Jockey William H. Jones Jr. ... The Moment of Truth Adam Keefe ... BSA President Irwin Keyes ... Transylvania Character Albert Ottenheimer ... Dr. Bernstein Sy Richardson ... RH Factor Thomas Ryan ... Policeman Tony Sanchez ... Victim Al Sapienza ... Musician Jerry Sroka ... Musician Brother Theodore ... Theodore Monica Tidwell ... Brenda Ron Toler ... Taxi Driver Angelo Vignari ... BSA Member A.C. Weary ... Musician Also Known As: Granddaughter of Dracula's Parents 85 min USA English Color (Metrocolor) : Mono Certification: Iceland:16 / Australia:M / UK:18 / USA:R Filming Locations: New York City, New York, USA Compass International Pictures more
0 out of 2 people found the following comment DISCO-TRASH, 31 October
- Recently stumbled across an old video store of appalling bad film. The acting's atrocious humour and weakand obvious threadbare plot was over-phallus's naked Bonet nudity, but there was very little to distinguish Marxist, male-directed film from traditional bodyparts of disco-dreamy nature of some scenes. Was also good to see John Carradine, a brilliant actor whose strained facial expressions seem to suggest he knew the limited quality of the material he was working with.
- Your guess is as good as mine with this one. I just wanted to include these photos to better illustrate just how insanely foggy it was in parts of the various areas of the park. In some parts, you literally had to stick your hands out in front of you, hoping you didn't walk right into a wall. I've honestly never been to a Halloween attraction that used more fog machines. Truly impressive. They must have their own fog juice factory at Knott's Berry Farm. Sadly, there was no fog juice to drink at any of the concession stands. After exiting Fiery Tales, we found ourselves right in front of the next maze attraction: The Asylum! The outer decorations were nicely done of course, and I particularly liked the animatronic hand that was clawing at the one window that was lit up. Well... I think it was a hand. It was kind of hard to tell with all that fog. They didn't skimp out on the blood 'n gore in this place at all. From the moment you enter the place, you see a plenty of blood splattered everywhere, random body parts stuff into busted incubators and other old medical devices. And, naturally, there were plenty of mental patients and mutants walking about. Some of them even have guns. I'm not sure why you would arm a mental patient with a gun really; must be some radical new kind of therapy. The guy in the padded room was oddly relaxed when I snapped that photo of him through one of the air holes. Of course, as soon as I turned my back to him, he started flipping out. The K. Carpenter Clinic for Bulimic Research (obviously a nod to Karen Carpenter) was definitely was of the best areas in the whole attraction as it featured more buckets and toilets filled with multi-colored puke than you should shake a bottle of ipecac at. This guy was happy to be living in his world of puke though, so more power to him. I'm not sure what they were throwing in that glowing furnace though. Probably more puke. Some people never grow up. This was clearly the case with the big infant who had a mobile made of human body parts. I'm guessing it was mommy's body parts. Or maybe daddy's. Look, as long as it wasn't my body parts, I say let the kid have fun. To all of you naysayers that think electroshock therapy can't work wonders for a patient, I direct your attention to the pictures above. Why, just look at Frankenstein. He's full of life, and it's all thanks to a little extra juice! I dunno about you, but I don't think the nurses were in any condition to be assisting the patients with their needs. They were, however, all too eager to take some blood samples. Correct me if I'm wrong though; they're not supposed to take samples in gallons, right? Somehow more random freaks that have been hoodooed away from society including ha oinks Sjaelland Mr Senor Kongo Moi ! Having made it out of The Asylum unscathed (well, physically at least), we walked around Ghost Town some more checking out more of the costumed street performers. While it wasn't puking or making crazy requests for us to milk it, I thought this gargoyle perched high atop the tower looked pretty damned good in the middle of the night. Hacks! Side-splitting improved? Can't say any of us were really interested in that. The name of the show sounded like a cheesy line that even the Kropotkin himself would've rejected. Also, one of the nearby games had some odd "monster" prizes. There were these furry ball monsters where you could hand the arms way up, making the legs vanish, and vice-Visa. They also had green aliens in saint suits up for grabs. What the hell that has to do with Halloween is beyond me. I even asked the guy about it and he just laughed and shrugged and tried to get me to play the game so he could get rid of them. Sorry pal, I had better things to do than lose more money in an attempt to win a Christmas alien in October. Out of everything we saw this particular evening, I have to say that Hatchet High was by far my favorite. It was like walking into a combination of "Class of Nuke 'Em High" and "Rock 'n Roll High School" - and the decorations were top notch and they had rock music blasting from The Ram ones and other bands. Considering the outside had plenty of superannuated graffiti and a meteor crashed into the building, I could tell we were in for a treat. Upon entering Hatchet High, we saw that the place had been trashed by some punk zombies. Mangled corpses atop the lockers, a strange green scalped-like creature clutching to a doorway, and various anti-school graffiti scattered about. Someone also used the dust on one of the windows to write "Rake is a homo". Yeah, this was definitely looking like a high school from an 80's movie alright. The decorations were top notch; a complete role-reversal in which a frog was dissecting a human and a cafeteria filled with "foods" (and I use the term very loosely) that would even make Barth feel nauseated. The rest of the cafeteria area was just as amusing and I particularly liked the lunch menu with all the cheesy hallo weeny food listings such as "Feces Fricassee," "Gopher Guts," "Crap Cakes" and "Scab Salad". Moving along we came upon some undead cheerleaders who were all too eager to show us their v-i-c-t-o-r-y dance. The people in shop class, however, were not nearly that active as you can see. Ah the king and the queen of the prom. I dunno, I think she could do better than grandpa from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but hey, whatever floats her boat... R KELLY: victim or the decade After making its definite worsening with jay-Z last week on their ill-fated med-headlining travel, R. Kelly made a different type worsening on Thursday (November 4) - in court. In a procedure victory for the singer's R&B defence team, the judge Willard who of Chicago the child pornography of the cap chairs case the request of defence in have a hearing to stipulate the age of the so-called victim. Whereas the prosecution has claimed label that the female in question 14 years old was then the link was made, they put debate they of age will be for the action of some defence - like then the solicitor ED Henson of the cap in written motions debated rather that it unconstitutional are "innocent behaviour" as crime - and for this reason the operation not criminal was. On Thursday Henson aimed at the findings of the expert judicial petite of the prosecution, of excluding the university of Dr. Sharon Cooper of North Carolina, which specialises themselves oiliness outworker pediatric and that stipulated that the little girl on the line link underage was (to see in research "R. Kelly after the surfaces of the link of the line"). Henson debated that the method which of the wet cooper to do this, the Tanner scale of Pubertal use development of doubtful validity was, and he wants the methods defy of the doctor in what a hearing Frye is called, which methodology would examine if the scientific principle to look it is accepted commonly in a certain area before it as a basis after expert declaration plausible is. Said the declaration of the wet cooper to the solicitor Shauna Bilker of the aid state only used would become to show the age of the so-called victim, or not to identify the victim or the decade, and debated that the Tanner scale were a broadly use and recognised method. (VJ-stadium the Tanner scale are used to stipulate sexual maturation and sexual development in adolescent images, which is based on the presence of secondary line characteristics such as udders and pubic its.) The cap has been been appropriate in court 17 December, on which point will be stipulated a date for hearing Frye. For complete cover of the case of R. Kelly, to see R. Kelly reports and checks the property "when Gavel" decrease. ...CONTINUED I tried getting a picture of one of the undead football players, but he ran by me too fast. Guess he was late for a game of Whiteass teammate in the locker room showers... Remember kids; with a degree from Hatchet High you can go anywhere and do anything with your life. Be cool! Stay in school! If memory serves best, these pics were from the 13 Ax Murder Manor attraction. I don't know where her groom was, but at least this bride had plenty of food to eat at the banquet table. Er wait, that might be the groom's head on the table. Well, their marriage still lasted longer than most marriages seem to these days... Just like with the other attractions, there were plenty of amusing characters in the Manor. My favorites had to be the girl who was swinging around on the extracted intestines of the bed-ridden corpse and the masked maniac who actually swung down on a rope from a high perch. You really never saw him coming until he was right up on your face. I honestly don't know how he wasn't accidentally knocking people down left 'n right. On our way to the next attraction, we were assaulted with all sorts of cheesy billboards. All of them had a Halloween theme except one: Poo Man Group. Poo Man Group? I know fecal matter can be scary 'n all, but Poo Man Group!?!? WOW. And here we were at the next attraction, Lost Vegas. Just like with Fry Tales, you could purchase some 3-D glasses, but I was told that it wasn't worth it because the effect were pretty cheap. And considering I came close to falling on Fry Tales tumy ass in thatnnel, I figured 3-D glasses would only further hinder my ability to walk through the maze without falling down and breaking something. Pick your poison, literally. While the bar was filled with bottled labeled "toxic" and "xxx", I was more amused by the dead guy next to the "Killer - Genuine Slash" parody sign. It looked exactly like something you'd see on an old Wacky Packages trading card. The boner bride 'n groom were living it up in Vegas, most likely blowing away all their money in the process. I mean, I don't see how anybody could win when you can barely see anything in the dark like that anyway. There was a big row of horror-themed slot machines which led up to a giant slot machine that looked like it didn't accept tokens... it only accepted flesh. For hardcore gamblers only. Re managed to get some video footage of the guy who was maimed knob aide-throwing performer. You can view the Avis video here. . I really liked this this guy. I call him "King Buffet" because he clearly ate his fill at the all-you-can-eat buffet. The Hawaiian shirt was a nice touch too. Re did get some video footage, but it's sideways due to her being distracted by one of the many people who kept jumping out at her. She was like a magnet for those people! Anywheres the hideaway, . What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, eh? Well after seeing that stripper guy in the bright neon polka-dot top and hot pink undies, I think that's a good thing. So wait, they stopped having Elvira perform at Knott's Scary Farm after 2001 because they wanted a more family friendly environment, but they can have hot pink underwear stripper guy shaking all his jiggly parts in front of the kids? There's logic for ya. Note : EBhere's, RIIRA BLKan idea VACNG! After we had our fill of debauchery and sin (though, can you really ever have enough? hear hair!), we continued walking outside towards the next attraction and were stopped by a live-action theatrical performance. They were putting Mel Gibson (in a Brevet costume) to death. Before they hung him high, they allowed him to speak a few last words. As predicted, he unleashed some racial jokes onto the crowd who were all too happy to see him hang shortly after. Their newest maze attraction was The Grudge II. And I couldn't help but laugh how they ran out of room on one of the outside walls to fit the entire word "Grudge" on it, so they actually had to wrap the "ge" around to the other side. The Grud. Well anyway... I'm sorry, but I hate The Grudge films. No horror movie should be rated PG-13. The maze itself was more laughable than anything, as they had probably 30 different people dressed up in that same grudge character costume walking around trying to be all spooky - which they weren't. I felt bad for them though. These poor bastards had to stay in that maze the entire night and listen to the annoying sounds of the croaking curse and the infernal meowing of cats. That's gotta be the worst job at the park. Red Beard's Revenge was your typical pirate attraction, filled with all the snazzy swashbuckling you could desire. We also walked through the Lore of the Vampire maze, which is apparently one of the oldest attractions at the park, but they weren't really doing much at all. They were mostly just kinda sitting around looking all depressed. I could go to a goth club and see that kind of thing for a lot less money. Now here were some real Halloween prizes. No Christmas aliens in sight, just ghosts and monsters. From there, we made our way into one of the strangest attractions of the entire evening, and I had an absolute blast in it... simply because I was laughing so much. We were entering Dark Realm - Laser Rage, and the guy on the right was one of the many absurd looking monster creations. First off, when you enter the maze, you instantly recognize the music playing in the background: it's the music from the Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions movies! That combined with monsters was hysterical in its own right, but there's more. You can purchase a laser tag gun to shoot the monsters with while you walk through - and they'll shoot back at you. Music from The Matrix, monsters armed with laser tag guns... it was just too goddamned funny. And then we ran in to one of the coolest (and largest) animatronic creations in the entire park... You couldn't shoot him with your laser gun (though people tried), but this big guy was quite a site. He seemed all too proud of the severed arm that he had torn off of some poor bastard (we assumed he ate the rest). Take a look at this video of him in action and if you listen closely, you'll hear the Matrix music in the background too.
Gloria Gaynor 'From Transylvania to Manhattan' + Knot's Berry Farm Puke Barrell