
(#Video) 'Sex' on the King's Road' Original Punk Rocker' Malcolm McLaren, Vivienne Westwood, Sid Vicious (BBC 1977)

John LydonJohn Lydon

Malcolm McLaren pictured in 1977

limbsandthings1 April 11, 2010

Father and Mother Punk Fashion Document!

Watch remarkably Rare Footage of Interior at 'Sex' on the King's Road.

IN QUOTES: Lydon, Westwood (et. al.) Speak of Devil: Malcolm McLaren - BBC

Malcolm McLaren pictured in 1977
John Lydon
John Lydon made his name as anarchic lead singer of the Sex Pistols, and was better known as Johnny Rotten. He signed his written tribute to McLaren in that name.
"For me Malc was always entertaining, and I hope you remember that. "Above all else he was an entertainer and I will miss him, and so should you."
Viv conducts a 'bit' Tour (including canned laugh trac) for BBC's Derek Nimmo. With VERY YOUNG JOHNNY ROTTEN, SID VICIOUS AND Pistols. Only Network Footage featuring entire group and Deceased McLaren's Partner (World Famous Haute Couture Fashion Designer), Vivienne Westwood (whose own son, JOSEPH CORRE, currently oversees  famous lingerie kink company, Agent Provacateur--its name and inspiration a tribute to Mum and Malc's most famous appellation and Situationist leaning).

Dame Vivienne Westwood
Dame Vivienne Westwood was formerly McLaren's partner. The couple have a son, Joseph Corre. The pair opened the shop Sex together, which showcased her designs.
"When we were young and I fell in love with Malcolm, I thought he was beautiful and I still do. The thought of him dead is really something very sad. We hadn't been in touch for a long time."

Dame Vivienne Westwood
Viv was McLaren's original collaborator and the Talent Behind His Promotional Genius and Punk Svengali This Rarely Seen Footage Inside The World's First S&M Bondage cum Punk Fashion Emporium (unless you count the two shops, Too Young To Live, Too Fast To Die and Let It Rock! whose combined essence paved the way for the fully realized dream and Pop Culture Explosion of 'SEX'
John Lydon
most notably famous for the Genesis of the World's Most Infamous Punk Band and Singer, Johnny Rotten (whose audition with a fake mic to an Alice Cooper song in front of the Store's Jukebox won him a place as lead singer for the Sex Pistols and in the history of Popular Music, whose estimation is as yet  undetermined).

Joseph Corre, 42, is the son of Malcolm McClaren and Dame Vivienne Westwood and founded the lingerie brand Agent Provocateur.
"He was the original punk rocker and revolutionized the world. He's somebody I'm incredibly proud of. He's a real beacon of a man for people to look up to."

Jah Wobble - real name John Wardle - was the original bass player in John Lydon's band Public Image Limited, and had known McLaren during the height of the punk era.
"You can't deny he was very important. He was a very interesting character. He was a likeable rogue. Not without faults, but we all have our faults. But the faults made him better.
The fact that he wasn't actually a very good businessman made it more fun. He had a great sense of fun. His sense of humour was a great redeeming factor."
Julien Temple
Julien Temple directed Sex Pistols film The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle.
"Malcolm was an incredible catalyst. At that time to be in the room with him was just to be bombarded with energy.
He was an amazing teacher. Teachers are lucky to inspire one or two people in their class, but Malcolm really inspired generations across the world.
He was a phenomenal force to be reckoned with in the late 70s and early 80s."

Sylvain Sylvain
Sylvain Sylvain, a founding member of Punk rock band the New York Dolls, says he first met McLaren in 1971. The band are planning to dedicate a song to him at their forthcoming London concert.
"Malcolm opened up the doors for punk music around the world. He was a visionary and took what was going on in New York City and made it global. He was a massive influence on everyone who ever had a punk shop or a punk band. His passing represents the final chapter in an era when music was exciting."

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Category: Howto & Style
Sex Tour: Vivienne Westwood Sex Pistols Sid (BBC)

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