
Even rubbing sudden death of 10-hour men playing cards

Even rubbing sudden death of 10-hour men playing cards
【Li Jing Hao ╱ reported in Kaohsiung】 Lunar New Year, the traditional habit of playing mahjong Qing New Year, but New Year's Day and friends Kaohsiung side of a man to drink while playing mahjong, played 10 hours straight, suspected of too much exertion-induced myocardial infarction coma, hospital yesterday morning after the Rescue pronounced dead. 醫生提醒民眾,不要熬夜打麻將,以防悲劇發生。 Doctors advise people not to stay up all night playing mahjong, to prevent the tragedy.
警方表示,年初一中午12時許,有心臟病史的52歲吳姓男子到位於高雄市中山路的友人家中打麻將。 Police said 12 o'clock noon on New Year's Day, there is history of heart disease 52-year-old Wu姓男子mountain located in Kaohsiung, the homes of friends playing mahjong. 2男2女共4人,一邊打麻將、一邊聊天喝酒,連打了10個小時。 Two men and two women a total of four people, while playing mahjong while chatting to drink, and even played 10 hours.
前晚10時許,吳男雙眼看著自己桌上的牌,右手搔著右耳,狀似思考該打哪張牌,突然整個人向左傾斜,友人趕緊扶住他,一直搖他身子叫他,「阿榮,你怎麼了?你醒醒啊!」3人發現吳男昏迷,趕緊請救護人員送他到醫院急救。 Last night 10 o'clock, Miss M eyes to watch their cards on the table right hand scratched right ear, which seemed to reflect on the playing cards and suddenly the whole person to the left tilt, friends quickly Fuzhu him, shaking his body has been called him, "Arong, how can you it? you wake up ah!" 3 people found Wu male unconscious, and quickly requested the ambulance crew to take him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

疲累立刻休息 Tired, rest immediately

搶救一個多小時,最後仍回天乏術,醫院在昨晨零時5分許,宣告吳男不治,吳男八旬老母在過年期間聞訊,傷心不已,檢警初步研判,吳男死因疑為心肌梗塞。 Rescue more than an hour, finally available antidote, the hospital yesterday morning at 0:05 Xu, declaring Wu men dead, Wu M octogenarian mother heard the news during the Chinese New Year, sad admiration preliminary conclusion that the prosecutors and police, Miss men suspected cause of death myocardial infarction.
阮綜合醫院心臟血管主治醫師蔡坤炎表示,國人打麻將有時情緒太high,完全不顧已過度疲勞,身體不堪負荷,依然熬夜拼戰,容易造成血壓升高,誘發心肌梗塞。 Nguyen General Hospital Cardiovascular physician Kun-yan said that the people playing mahjong and sometimes emotional too high, in total disregard has been fatigue, physical over-stretched, still stay up all night to fight war, likely to cause high blood pressure, induced myocardial infarction. 蔡坤炎建議,患有心血管方面疾病的民眾,過年想打麻將應景,千萬不要熬夜打通宵,若感覺勞累應立刻休息,切勿硬撐,也不要久坐,應時常站起來動一動。 Kun-yan suggested that people suffering from cardiovascular disease, the New Year would like to play mahjong occasion, do not stay up all night playing all night, if the feeling of tiredness should immediately rest, not their teeth, do not sedentary, should always stand up and Move.

打牌猝死示意圖 Sketch cards sudden death

吳男邊喝酒邊打牌10小時,突然整個人向左傾斜,友人趕緊扶住他送醫,仍宣告不治。 Wu M edge to drink while playing cards 10 hours, suddenly the whole person to the left tilt, friends rushed him to hospital Fuzhu still pronounced dead.