7 роликов на 7 дней - от RuTube
7 роликов на 7 дней - от RuTube
Добрый день, дорогие видеозрители! На этой неделе все сходят с ума от Олимпиады, но сегодняшней подборки это не коснулось. На этот раз мы решили остаться верными традициям, и спорт у нас, как всегда, выглядит курьёзно. Не обошлись мы и без Чака Норриса в Украине, роботов и, конечно, животных.
Ролики недели:
2. Выглядит страшно, а по сути смешно. Искусственный человек питается женщинами.![]()
3. Чувак выпал на лёд, чтобы сыграть в хоккей, а пришлось ползать. То-то все поржали!![]()
MORE RUTUBE AFTER THE CHECKPOINT!4. Мини-сенсация с выборов украинского президента. Каким боком легендарный Чак имеет отношение к Януковичу – в этом видео.
6. А если перед другим котом поставить пустую миску, он обязательно удивится и сделает так. (Очень популярное видео!)
7. Говорят, умственно отсталые люди вообще не понимают, что им показывают в этом ролике. А зря, тут редкая красота природы и настоящие чудеса мимикрии.
Displaying 1 - 8 of about 32 resultsWhat Gets Me Hot: 7 video 7 days - from RuTube - Sorry Rollers, N...
7 video 7 days RuTube: Rollers of the week - Sincerely, The RuTube MY FAVORITE DAY! ... 7. And this is - the happiest moment of the day. ...
Pixar - Partly Cloudy - RuTube Video
Watch Pixar - Partly Cloudy - RuTube and hundreds of other videos about partly cloudy - pixar. Gets Me Hot: 7 video 7 days RuTube: Rollers of the week ...
Good day, dear viewers Rutube! Today, we have prepared you a selection of entertaining educational nature. In it, we teach you how to rip teeth vehicle, ... Henderson Vs. Michael Bisping :: RuTube Video
Watch Dan Henderson Vs. Michael Bisping :: RuTube and thousands of other similar videos from around the web. Gets Me Hot: 7 video 7 days: RuTube VISIT ME (mrjyn.rutub...
And dessert simple weightlessness without leaving the apartment /tracks/2703941.html I just want to celebrate you can watch ... RuTube - Video sobre OVNI-UFO. En Valencia capital OVNIs - UFO...
Estas imágenes que van a poder ver, no dejan lugar a dudas de la existencia de naves que no proceden de nuestro mundo conocido. Gets Me Hot: Sex Pistols Longhorn Ballroom Dallas, TX January ...
Sex Pistols Longhorn Ballroom Dallas, TX January 10, 1978 Whole Show :: Видео на RuTube. Hot at Sunday, February 21, 2010 ... Pistols Longhorn Ballroom Dallas, TX January 10, 1978 Whole ...
Sex Pistols Longhorn Ballroom Dallas, TX January 10, 1978 Whole Show :: Видео на - via
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Спасибо за внимание и просмотры! Искренне ваша, команда RuTube
21:57 Дата: 22 дек 2009 160 2 |
О пользователе:
На Rutube с 23 сен 2009Россия, Благовещенск, 36 лет
VISIT ME AT RU.TUBE AND SAY HELLO! IF YOU'RE A ROLLER! страницы Благовещенск What Gets Me Hot at http://whatgetsmehot.blogspot. com/2009/12/7-video-7-days- rutube-visit-me.htmlHello dear videozriteli! Approximation of the New Year, we unwittingly fall into childhood and even waiting for Santa Claus. Otherwise, farm animals, drunk and a lot of foreigners violated infantilism! Rollers of the week: the child in roulette Lolissimo! 2707380.html two bottles of cheap vodka Hardcore 2693437.html blue eyes, nails, electrical suffers obscure metal pit bull car and Groove! 2703281.html dog is heated in two worms clogging it? 2697191.html love for animals immediacy of live chicken S Pampers diapers in a pure ... 2706992.html 7. And dessert simple weightlessness without leaving the apartment 2703941.html I just want to celebrate you can watch non-stop in a rather videovitriny, not regret it! Thank you! Your If you do not want: 02 / 64/3390264_80.jpg 2009/12/14 <
7 Video 7 days - with RuTube Hello, dear videozriteli! Approximation of the New Year, we unwittingly fall into childhood and even waiting for Santa Claus. Otherwise, explain the current selection can not, because they were too often children, animals, as well as drunk and a pile of broken foreigners. Look at what is infantilism! Rollers week: 1. At the moment it is a very positive kid on the site. Look, do not regret it. Dad played roulette, and the child, and that's enough. Lolissimo! 2. Drama from their spaces. Two bottles of cheap vodka for 5 minutes, won the entire tank of milk! 2694096.html 3. Another positive child, but pogotichnee. Growls that your wolf. Listens to hardcore. 2693437.html 4. And here - blue eyes, the electric motor and pieces from all sides. Conjoined claws suffering flesh woozy pit bull through intelligent machines. Sheet metal and groove! 2703281.html 5. And around this broke dog - what it does. Administrator divided into two camps - some of them were in favor of worms, and others - with the blockade of the glands. Do you think happened to her? 2697191.html 6. We love children and animals, for immediacy. But when you bring the son of a dog on the air, it can continue. Pampers in the studio! No diapers too late, let's Cleaner ... 2706992.html 7. And for dessert - a simple way to get the state of weightlessness, without leaving the apartment. Learn! 2703941.html