
Story behind The Exorcism of Emily Rose


2005年11月11日,台灣上映了一部電影《驅魔》(The Exorcism of Emily Rose),這部電影在台灣票房普通,因此鮮少有人拿出來討論。 November 11, 2005, Taiwan's release of a film "Exorcism" (The Exorcism of Emily Rose), the movie box office in Taiwan, ordinary, so few people come up for discussion. 劇情主要是描述天主教廷在一起非常罕見的案例中,正式承認一位19歲大一女學生遭到惡魔附身。 The main plot is to describe the Catholic Church with a very rare case, the formal recognition of a 19-year-old freshman female student was demon possessed.

在神父的驅魔儀式中,這位年輕女孩不幸在過程中喪命,而神父也因過失殺人罪名遭到起訴。 In the priest's exorcism ceremony, the young girl, unfortunately, lost their lives in the process, while the priest was indicted for negligent homicide charges. 但大家不知道的是,這部電影改編自真人真事,這讓人不寒而慄的驅魔的過程,還用相機跟錄音的方式記錄了下來,成為最真實的史料。 However, we do not know is that the film adapted from a real life story, which makes the process of chilling the exorcism, but also a way to use the camera with the sound down and recorded as the most authentic historical materials. 恐怖指數媲美另一部電影「大法師」。 Index comparable to another terrorist film "The Exorcist."

這真實事件發生在德國的巴伐利亞,一位名為安娜莉絲. This is a true incident took place in Germany's Bavaria, a name Annalisi. 米契(Anneliese Michel)的女孩是一位虔誠的天主教徒。 Mitch (Anneliese Michel) The girl is a devout Catholic. 在她16歲的時候,開始產生一些莫名奇妙的精神問題。 In her 16 years of age, began to have some mental problems entranced. 醫生先是認為患有癲癇症、精神憂鬱的問題。 Doctors at first that suffers from epilepsy, mental depression problems.

不過安娜莉絲後來又產生幻聽、幻覺的症狀,甚至認為有惡靈在和她說話,惡靈對她說,「她將在地獄被燉煮。」安娜莉絲於是告訴醫生自己已被「惡魔附身」。 However, later produced Annuolisi auditory hallucinations, hallucinations symptoms, even thought there are evil spirits in and talking to her, the evil spirits said to her, "she would be stew in hell." Annuolisi then told the doctors themselves have been " demon possessed. "

「病」發前的安娜莉絲. "Disease" before the onset of the Annalisi. 米契 Mitch

身邊的人對於安娜莉絲的不正常舉止,也認為是惡魔附身,多次進出精神病院之後,還曾經克服這樣的問題,讓她考上了大學。 People around the abnormal behavior for Annalisi also think that is a demon possessed, and out of psychiatric hospitals several times and then still have to overcome this problem, so she was admitted to the university. 安娜莉絲原先以為惡魔早已遠離,沒想到情況卻更嚴重! Annuolisi originally thought that the devil has long been away from the surprise, the situation was even worse!

安娜莉絲開始吞食昆蟲、蜘蛛等等,還會舔食自己的尿液,或者是整夜以扭曲的姿勢,躺臥在地板之上,也會學習狗吠的奇怪舉止。 Annuolisi began devouring insects, spiders, etc., will also lick their own urine, or a night in distorted posture, lying on the floor above the bark will also learn the strange behavior.如果任何聖物靠近她,例如十字架或耶穌畫像,她大聲狂叫,激烈的把這些聖物破壞掉。 If any sacred objects close to her, such as the crucifix or the portrait of Jesus, she loudly barking, the intensity of these sacred objects destroyed.

被惡魔附身時,安娜莉絲擁有巨大的力氣,經常需要三個大男人才有辦法壓制,有時還必須用鐵鍊綁著才行。 Possessed by the devil, the Annuolisi has a huge effort, often only way to suppress the three big men, and sometimes also necessary to use an iron chain tied Caixing.安娜莉絲還開始自殘,她用刀子切割自己,自己衝去撞牆等等。 Annuolisi also began self-mutilation, her with a knife cutting themselves, their impulse to hit a wall and so on.

各種自殘的行為,讓安娜莉絲的家人擔心不已,他們因此求助教區的神父,請求神父為其進行「驅魔儀式」。 A variety of self-mutilation behavior, so that Annuolisi family deeply concerned, so they help the parish priest, Father requested to carry out "Exorcism." 天主教的驅魔儀式相當複雜,除了必須先由天主教的總會認定,經過批准之後才能進行。 Catholic exorcism ritual complex, in addition to the Federation of the Catholic Church must first be determined, after approval to proceed.

拖到1975年,安娜莉絲死前的一年,教會終於核可了安娜莉絲被附身的事實,並且同意派出神父來替安娜莉絲進行驅魔儀式。 Drag 1975, Annuolisi the year before his death, the Church finally approved Annuolisi be possessed of the facts and agreed to send a priest to back Annuolisi for exorcism ceremonies.

在驅魔的儀式當中,附身在安娜莉絲體內的惡靈,總共有六位,分別是路西法(撒旦)、猶大(出賣耶穌的人)、尼祿(暴君)、希特勒(納粹頭子)、該隱(亞當的兒子)和佛烈契曼(一位被除籍的神父)。 In the exorcism ritual among the evil spirit possessed the body in the Annuolisi, a total of six, namely Lucifer (Satan), Judas (who betrayed Jesus), Nero (the tyrant), Hitler (Nazi leader) , Cain (Adam's son) and the Buddha Lieqi Man (who has been Chuji priest).

安娜莉絲的驅魔過程都被錄音下來,前後大概有四十幾錄音帶。 The Exorcism Annuolisi process had been recorded down a few before and after about 40 tapes.

從1975年開始,到1976年中,驅魔儀式密集的進行。 From 1975 to 1976, the exorcism ritual conducted intensive. 安娜莉絲情況時好時壞,有一段時間,她好到足以回學校上課,或者和家人去教會做彌撒,之後情況越來越糟。 Annuolisi of good times and bad, for a long time, she was well enough to return to school, or family and go to church to do mass, after which the situation worse. 因為安娜莉絲只肯睡在石地上,因此得了肺炎。 Because the ground Annuolisi only willing to sleep in the stone, it got pneumonia. 也因為長久無法進食而形銷骨立,體重只剩下三十公斤。 But also because a long time can not eat and Guli-shaped pin, weighing only 30 kilograms.

1976年6月30日,在安娜莉絲生命中的最後一個晚上,她極度憔悴,還發高燒。 June 30, 1976, in the Annuolisi life last night, she was extremely emaciated, but also a high fever. 在驅魔過程中,安娜莉絲不斷地大力下跪600次,向上帝祈求赦免,導致她的膝蓋跪到破裂,全身傷痕累累。 In the exorcism process, continue to vigorously Annuolisi kneel 600 times and prayed to God to pardon, led to her knees Guidao broken body bruises.

安娜莉絲虛弱到無法進行驅魔儀式的行動,必須靠她的父母扶持她。 Annuolisi weak that can not be exorcism ritual action, must rely on her parents support her. 最後,她告訴驅魔的神父:「懇求寬恕我的罪。」給母親的話則是:「我好害怕……」 Finally, she told the exorcism of the priest: "ask for forgiveness of my sin." To the mother's words is: "I am afraid ... ..."

這也是安娜莉絲最後的遺言。 It is also Annuolisi last testament.

1976年7月1日中午,兩位驅魔的神父主動通報當局安娜莉絲的死亡消息,她死於23歲那年,正是青春花朵準備妖艷綻放的時候。 July 1, 1976 at noon, two priests take the initiative to inform the authorities in exorcism death Annalisi news, and she died 23 years old, was ready to glamorous young flowers blooming time. 德國檢調單位隨即進入調查程式,確認安娜莉絲的死因為飢餓和脫水。 German law enforcement authorities investigating the program went on to confirm Annuolisi's death from hunger and dehydration.

這個案子在當時引起渲然大波,因為這是一個連教會都核可的驅魔儀式,這表示教會相信安娜莉絲是真的被惡靈附身! The case at the time caused by wash-ran big waves, because this is a company approved by all the Church exorcism ceremony, which means that the Church is true that Annalisi possessed by evil spirits! 經過兩年的調查之後,法院判定當時驅魔的神父和安娜莉絲的父母皆有罪,罪名是「疏於照護致死」。 After two years of investigation, the court held that beast, then the parents of priests and Annuolisi Jieyou crime, the charge of "neglect of care to death."

幫安娜莉絲驅魔的兩位神父 The two priests to help Annuolisi Exorcism

在做出「有罪」的判決之後,神父和安娜莉絲父母卻只被判了6個月,而且是立刻交保,連牢都不必坐就可以離開了。 In making a "guilty" ruling, only priests and Annalisi parents sentenced for 6 months, but immediately released on bail, even the prison do not need to sit you can leave. 直到現在,安娜莉絲的墓碑都是許多信仰虔誠者朝聖的處所。 Until now, Annalisi tombstones are those of many devout pilgrims premises.

下面這段影片就是當時所拍攝的照片和錄音, 請做好心理準備再點擊 Here is this video taken at the time photos and recordings, please click on mentally prepared.

值得一提的是,安娜莉絲死後,德國主教會議的委員們突然推翻之前的認定,宣稱安娜莉絲並非被惡魔附體。 It is worth mentioning that Annuolisi death, Germany, members of the Synod before the sudden overthrow of the identification, claiming that Annuolisi not be demon possessed. 然而,這並沒有打消信徒對於安娜莉絲的支持。 However, this has not discouraged the faithful for Annalisi support. 還有為很多人相信她的遺體沒有得到安息。 There is a lot of people believe that her body did not rest in peace.

因此,安娜莉絲的遺體在被埋葬後的半年內,被挖出11次。 Therefore, the Annuolisi's body was buried six months after being dug up 11 times. 但卻也證實,遺體會在正常情況下腐朽。 But it also confirmed that the body will decay under normal circumstances. 不過吊詭的是,在棺槨不斷被挖出的同時,也有人拍到一張靈異照片。 But paradox is that in the coffin, while constantly being dug up, it was also a supernatural photo shoot. 照片中一隻疑似為鬼爪的手,正抱著安娜莉絲的棺槨! Photo of a suspected ghost hand's hand is holding the coffin Annalisi!

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