
Tiger in the Woods (Taiwanese Cartoon) Facebook Video

Woods (age 2) on The Mike Douglas Show. From l...Image via Wikipedia

Tiger Woods (Taiwanese Translated)

Woods, broken windows at night to save his wife crash shady husband

    The world's richest athletes, Tiger Woods.

Woods (age 2) on The Mike Douglas Show. From l...
Image via Wikipedia

    In the startling news of a car accident near their homes, when he was alone in car crash fire hydrants and street trees.

    The police confirmed that Woods was not drinking, injuries sustained.

    No right, but the affair came before the accident and can not help but make the association.

    Sex scandal court disaster.

    Misrepresent an extremely serious car accident once, and afterwords proved a false alarm, Woods, to the fans through the official website reported 报平安.

    Florida Police described two police officers arrived.

    The car sat down in front of Woods, his wife Irene (Elin) and looks depressed to take care of the side.

    The police described as Woods was the mouth mutter prayers, hear the contents of an ambulance arrived 10 minutes later to hospital later confirmed that only a facial laceration, upper and lower lips have a wound, nose bleeding due to impact.

    Network broke the news soliciting Ming-yuan.

    Police at the scene by road blocks enclosed.

    The police statement quoted by Irene that Woods went out, she heard a loud noise, and quickly went out to understand, so he is also holding a golf club Qiaopo the driver's seat window, rescued Woods.

    Police investigations show that the impact speed of about 33 miles (about 53 km), airbags did not start, only slightly damaged the front.

    Internet media broke the news a few days ago, alleging that the drama depicted the privacy of celebrities, "National Enquirer" magazine (National Enquirer) will be the latest journal out, Woods and socialite Wu Qitai (Rachel Uchitel) sex scandal, and is now involved in an accident, time coincidence, derived from more speculation.

    The truth of a mystery injury closed-door.

    Rumored affair object is 34-year-old Woods in New York, "running crouch Queen".

    Wu Qitai dedicated to soliciting more Gold dignitaries, two people have separate appointments three times, most recently a meeting in Australia, reportedly paparazzi pictures had been photographed 2 betrayal Woods spokesman clarified that recognizes only been Wuqi Tai Tiger Woods opened in Melbourne nightclubs.

    In mid-November the Australian line, Woods wife, and children are not around, but my mother Kultida (Kultida) to accompany it true, reported 1:00 Lost and Delirious caught in sex scandal storm was still doubtful.

    Woods injured in a car accident, it will certainly have to retreat a few days, we can only wait for next month, appeared on the 3rd play, only to further the truth.

    Crooked Hearts crash Rashomon. doubt one why 2:25 to go out?

    Concludes: Woods and his wife Irene quarrels Yiyanbuge angrily driving away from home. . doubt two face tear, upper and lower lips are breaking, but also nosebleeds?

    Speculated: 53 km per hour hit hydrants, no airbags burst open, why can cause various injuries, suspected to have been manhandled his wife, doubt 3 Woods, crash, rushed to his wife first!

    Club is also holding the broken windows to save foo?

    Concludes: Woods give clear wanted to run, my wife is more gas out of the door holding a golf club to recover the theory of Woods scare into Bing Mao, emergency situations, braking into a false step on the accelerator doubt 4 Woods scandal source, "National Enquirer" magazine official website mount point!

    Speculated that: All Agencies were not published in Woods affair, Internet sources are pointing to "National Enquirer" magazine, official website simply shut down sheltering spotlight. . doubt 5 scandal actress Wu Qitai let it be 11 months in Australia, see the two face each other for ambiguous messages, Woods, accompanied by her mother turn a blind eye?

    Concludes: Woods inexperienced, lying by running the Queen Wu Qitai designed by Woods.

    Full Report in Taiwanese After the Jump

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    全世界最富有的運動員老虎伍茲,美國時間周五凌晨2點25分在自家附近驚傳車禍,當時 他獨自駕車衝撞路邊消防栓和路樹,警方證實,伍茲並未飲酒,傷勢無大礙,但車禍與之前 傳出的緋聞不免讓人產生聯想。


    車禍一度誤傳極為嚴重,事後證實虛驚一場,伍茲透過官網向球迷報報平安。佛羅里達警方描述,2名員警抵達時,伍茲倒坐在車子前方,老婆艾琳(Elin)滿臉沮喪在旁照顧,警方形容伍茲當時口中念念有詞,聽出內容,10分鐘後救護車抵達,送醫後確認僅臉部撕 裂傷,上下嘴唇都有傷口,鼻子也因撞擊流血。

    網路爆料 勾搭名媛


    警方引述艾琳供詞,表示伍茲出門後,她聽到巨響,趕緊出門了解,情急之下還拿高爾夫球 桿敲破駕駛座玻璃窗,救出伍茲。警方調查發現,撞擊時速約33英里(約53公里),安 全氣囊未啟動,僅車頭輕微受損。

    日前網路媒體爆料,指稱專門揭露影劇名人隱私的《國家詢問》周刊(National Enquirer)將於最新一期刊出,伍茲與社交名媛烏琪泰(Rachel Uchitel)緋聞,如今又發生車禍,時間巧合,衍生出更多猜測。

    受傷閉關 真相成謎

    外傳伍茲緋聞對象是34歲的紐約「跑趴女王」烏琪泰,專門勾搭多金名流,2人曾單獨約 會3次,最近1次是在澳洲,據傳狗仔已拍到2人偷情畫面,伍茲發言人澄清,只承認伍茲 去過烏琪泰在墨爾本開設的夜店。

    11月中旬澳洲行,伍茲老婆、小孩不在身邊,但母親庫蒂妲(Kultida)隨行,是 否真如報導,一時意亂情迷陷入緋聞風暴仍存疑。伍茲車禍受傷,勢必得閉關數日,也只能 靜待下月3日露面參賽,才有進一步真相。

    車禍 偷腥 羅生門

    ★疑點1 為何凌晨2點25分出門?


    ★疑點2 臉部撕裂,上、下嘴唇都破,還流鼻血?

    推測:時速53公里撞擊消防栓,安全氣囊都沒爆開,為何會造成多處部位受傷,疑遭老婆 動粗。

    ★疑點3 伍茲撞車,老婆第一時間趕到!還拿球桿破窗救夫?

    推測:伍茲交代不清想跑,老婆更氣,持高爾夫球桿追出門外理論,伍茲嚇成病貓,情急之 下,煞車誤踩成油門

    ★疑點4 伍茲緋聞來源《國家詢問》周刊官網掛點!

    推測:所有通訊社均未刊登伍茲緋聞,網路消息來源均指向《國家詢問》周刊,官網乾脆關 閉,暫避鋒頭。

    ★疑點5 緋聞女主角烏琪泰放話,11月中在澳洲見兩次面,互傳曖昧簡訊,伍茲母親隨行,視而不 見?


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