
i dont think she is smoking mariguana , cus she is holding it like a cigarette

RT @mrjyn -Marilyn Monroe Marijuana- http://ow.ly/HLC7 -OR- http://bit.ly/7NSzXZ #Marijuana #YouTube #MarilynMonroe #video #pot #weed VIA @whatgetsmehot
sPiNcH - | i guess she smoked some really kickass kush LOL 
who gives a damn if she smoked a joint or of them .
It might have been like  " oh she-smoking a joint , that-bad " back then but when i look at this now there-nothing i guess dramatic in this . 

kariatis ( ) - | | | you can say all you want , but she has the face , eyes and expression of someone who is smoking / smoked a joint  

UberSecret ( ) - | | | ( Perhaps ) she smoking it as if it was a cigarette due  to her lack of experience and the culture of the time -- anyone who woodsmoke cigarettes was considered a weirdo and marijuana Halloween mainstream enough for the users of the time to be intense about enforcing the proper way to smoke a joint . 

briantomory ( ) | | | That is clearly pot , NOT a cigarette .
Grown adults density close to each other and pass around cigarettes

And look at the thickness and color of that smoke --- tobacco smoke does NOT look like that when 

itexhaled : I smoked for years , I should know .
And she has a look on her face like it is harsh when she inhales it .
And just take a look at her  eyes and behavior .... cigarette smokers do not act like that . 

anglow () + | | | It is a cigarette , back then they rolled them and didnhave filters so that would explain her " harsh " look and the smoke . I know tons of adults when they are partying  that smoke that act and sit next to exh other in the same way . maybe she was drunk , or maybe high on something else !
Inot saying itnot weed but it doesnmean itnot a cigarette .

She was very flirty and was always this close to people even in her movies even if she was smoking .

REALpinkdiva ( ) - | | | i donthink she is smoking mariguana , cus she is holding it like a cigarette , and when you smoke mariguana , you have to hold it in longer than that . and the smoke is thicker than the one in the vid so either she wasnsmoking pot , or  she just didnt know how to get high : anyways i still adore her ...

BillieJeanFan ( ) | | | She  is so beautiful !

whatgetsmehot ( ) |fox line '?

vremetal ( ) | | | i think  they mean " faux "...??

Hrko ( ) + | | | She sure can puff ^^ and she looks really baked at :  Just pause it and look at it .
I think Iin love 

| | | lovely  footage but please do not push the fox line of marilyn smoking pot 

ingoing an experiment : who: wittier ?
YouTube or Facebook ?
Submit your best title (Ive got : Joe DiMaggio , Not Only One Smoking Miss Hit).
Face-bookies laughed at the mere  suggestion , but I have money riding the untapped , bespectacled masses who read the NYT , and whose guilty pleasure is YouTube , but who wouldn't caught dead commingling with its kind .
So ante up and Ill check in with Facebook Results
whatgetsmehot ( ) | over at the norml channel theyre actually debating if ita joint . the  eyehave it over at whatgetsmehot.

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