
Rolling Vortices of Lust for June 15

Rolling Vortices of Lust for June 15

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Morbi commodo, ipsum sed


Gmail Gaejang Guk <gaejang.guk@gmail.com>

DOGMEAT "*dasniyasommer" plus 2 more

Dogmeat █ Roiling vortex of LUST █ <cynophagie@gmail.com> Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:09 PM

http://whatgetsmehot.posterous.com)" target="_blank" style="color: #666666; text-decoration: none; background-color: #95b7cd;">DOGMEAT "*dasniyasommer" plus 2 more

Link to Dogmeat █ Roiling vortex of LUST █


Posted: 14 Jun 2011 02:49 PM PDT

*dasniyasommer a


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Dasniya Sommer is coming!

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:06 PM PDT


Dasniya Sommer is coming!

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Is CSS gay? (see source)

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 08:28 AM PDT

Eric Meyer (disambiguation)

disambiguation A l|l A disambiguation page from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

web designer guy on ALA this week, and i can't think of your name, and i'm over at the link... and since you don't know about posterous,
trust me, i'm too tired to start over; via en.wikipedia.orgDogmeat ★
★however i do plan on reading your article on ALA as soon as my tea kicks in. thanks for the link, but i won't be needing it. they always seem to beat me to it to the tune of 7 profiles in two years ★ ★ ★
... ★» more ★ Dogmeat Delete My Facebook Account Link
Eric Meyer (disambiguation)
+| disambiguation A l|l pages+
A disambiguation page from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eric Meyer may refer to:
web designer guy on ALA this week, and i can't think of your name, and i'm over at the link...
trust me, i'm too tired to start over; ... ★» more ★ Dogmeat
Input Using this tool --------------- This page lets you create HTML by entering text in a simple format that's easy to read and write. - Type Markdown text in the left window - See the HTML in the right و الآن, مع دعم تلقائي للغة العربية! Markdown is a lightweight markup language based on the formatting conventions that people naturally use in email. As [John Gruber] writes on the [Markdown site] [1]: > The overriding design goal for Markdown's > formatting syntax is to make it as readable > as possible. The idea is that a > Markdown-formatted document should be > publishable as-is, as plain text, without > looking like it's been marked up with tags > or formatting instructions. ------------ هذه الاضافة =========== هذا المشروع قيد العمل لاضافة دعم تلقائي للغة العربية، مستوحى من فكرة بعض محررات النصوص في عالم اللينوكس, حيث يتم صف الفقرات العربية الى اليمين تلقائيا في المرحلة القادمة نحتاج الى: * تطبيق الفكرة في محرر wmd نفسه, بحيث يكون هو في حد ذاته داعم لنفس الخاصية (في مربع الادخال و ليس الاخراج فقط) * السعي الى نشر هذه الاضافات و تبنيها من قبل كل او اغلب المواقع اللتي تدعم التدوين او الكتابة عن طريق Markdown الكود موجود على This code for this fork is available for download/forking at ----------- This document is written in Markdown; you can see the plain-text version on the left. To get a feel for Markdown's syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right. You can see a Markdown syntax guide by switching the right-hand window from *Preview* to *Syntax Guide*. Showdown is a Javascript port of Markdown. You can get the full [source code] by clicking on the version number at the bottom of the page. **Start with a [blank page] or edit this document in the left window.** [john gruber]: http://daringfireball.net/ [1]: http://daringfireball.net/ projects/markdown/ [source code]: http://www.attacklab.net/ showdown-v0.9.zip [blank page]: ?blank=1 "Clear all text"
Eric Meyer (disambiguation) disambiguation A l|l A disambiguation page from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia href="http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Eric_Meyer_% 28disambiguation%29#p-search"> Eric Meyer may refer to: Eric Meyer, Web standards and CSS advocate and author Eric Meyer (musician), former Dark Angel guitarist Eric K. Meyer, University of Illinois journalism professor " web designer guy on ALA this week, and i can't think of your name, and i'm over at the link... and since you don't know about posterous, " trust me, i'm too tired to start over; via en.wikipedia.orgDogmeat ★ ★however i do plan on reading your article on ALA as soon as my tea kicks in. thanks for the link, but i won't be needing it. they always seem to beat me to it to the tune of 7 profiles in two years ★ ★ ★ ... ★» more ★ Dogmeat Delete My Facebook Account Link Eric Meyer (disambiguation) +| disambiguation A l|l pages+ A disambiguation page from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia href="http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Eric_Meyer_% 28disambiguation%29#p-search"> search Eric Meyer may refer to: Eric Meyer, Web standards and CSS advocate and author Eric Meyer (musician), former Dark Angel guitarist Eric K. Meyer, University of Illinois journalism professor " web designer guy on ALA this week, and i can't think of your name, and i'm over at the link... " trust me, i'm too tired to start over; ... ★» more ★ Dogmeat

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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis."

Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed quis velit. Nulla facilisi. Nulla libero.

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element with an id attribute What type of elements are these? For those of you who haven't come across them before they are
elements with an id attribute, and they are the main building blocks used in CSS page layouts. A
is simply a generic HTML block element. This means you can wrap it around the different blocks of content you want to position on your page, just as we've done here. We then give the different
s unique id tart You are about to learn something about a subject over which there is considerable debate, controversy and I'm sure even fisticuffs in the world of ASS. The following is just one person's opinion on the best way to set font size. There are many others. Another way of looking at it is this: there is no one true answer. I'm going to demonstrate setting font-size using the em unit here because I think this makes for the most accessible pages in the widest range of circumstances. If later on you are convinced by the arguments for using another unit such as pixels it's simply a matter of working with that new unit. Enough! On with the show.
1. choose the unit in the popup menu on the right: in this case em.
The font-size property can take what is referred to in ASS as length values. This means things like pixels, mm, cm and others. But as discussed above, I prefer a unit particularly suited to displaying fonts onscreen, the em. First up, I always set the font-size on the body to 1em. This then means the final drawn size of the body text will always be determined by the user's preferred font size. Exercise 11 Set the font-size for the whole page to 1em. You'll find the font-size editor directly under the font-family editor. To set the font-size 2. type the value into the field on the left: in this case 1.
And when you're done it should look like this. First word of warning.body {
font-size: .9em;
color: #b5b;
center repeat black;

The element with an id attribute

What type of elements are these? For those of you who haven't
come across them before they are elements with an id attribute,
and they are the main building blocks used in CSS page layouts. A
is simply a generic HTML block element. This means you can wrap
it around the different blocks of content you want to position on
your page, just as we've done here. We then give the different s
unique id tart
You are about to learn something about a subject over which
there is considerable debate, controversy and I'm sure even
fisticuffs in the world of ASS. The following is just one
person's opinion on the best way to set font size. There are many
others. Another way of looking at it is this: there is no one
true answer. I'm going to demonstrate setting font-size using the
em unit here because I think this makes for the most accessible
pages in the widest range of circumstances. If later on you are
convinced by the arguments for using another unit such as pixels
it's simply a matter of working with that new unit. Enough! On
with the show.

1. choose the unit in the popup menu on the right: in this case

The font-size property can take what is referred to in ASS as
length values. This means things like pixels, mm, cm and others.
But as discussed above, I prefer a unit particularly suited to
displaying fonts onscreen, the em. First up, I always set the
font-size on the body to 1em. This then means the final drawn
size of the body text will always be determined by the user's
preferred font size.
Exercise 11

Set the font-size for the whole page to 1em.

You'll find the font-size editor directly under the font-family

To set the font-size

2. type the value into the field on the left: in this case 1.

And when you're done it should look like this.

First word of warning.

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DOGMEAT "*dasniyasommer" plus 2 more *dasniyasommer Dasniya Sommer is coming! Is CSS gay? (see source) Input Using this tool --------------- This page lets you create HTML by entering text in a simple format that's easy to read and write. - Type Markdown text in the left window - See the HTML in the ...» more Dogmeat