
Lextutor Jazz Layout getting Cloze

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 10:13 AM,
Dogmeat wrote

'm the rebel who eventually convinced FB to let YOU ' Like Dog meat posts containing the formerly offensive contraction for the words 'Who Are' in the title.
i t was a long hard fight, but eventually justice prevailed, and now anyone can use the word 'Who're' in a sentence on Facebook and ALL SOCIAL NETWORKs


thanks for coming to

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Dogmeat wrote Hello, I 'm the rebel who eventually convinced FB to let YOU ' Like Dog meat posts containing the formerly offensive contraction for the words 'Who Are' in the title. i t was a long hard fight, but eventually justice prevailed, and now anyone can use t ...» more Dogmeat