
Well, this never really happened for me and Michael Jackson, but it was a nice idea

'The Adventures of Michael Jackson' - Summary - General Call for Assistance in Editorial, Research, Continuity and Presentation of Orig. E-Serial

The Adventures of Michael Jackson
Serialization, Concept, Intellectual Property and Copyright for Publication by [::]

Dear Reader,
Here you will discover the very essence of a fantastical work in progress which I now ask for assistance in completing. It has long (since MJ died) been a dream of mine to present a serialized E-Version of Mr. J.M. Barrie's The Adventures of Peter Pan, replacing all of his characters with appropriate figures from the life and death of The King of Pop--who naturally becomes the protagonist, Peter Pan himself.
As fantastical works go this one has spent many weeks in the dreaming stage, and only one evening in actual application (although I must say that I am very pleased with the immediate result, having experimented with medias, formats, generators and the like, and ultimately utilizing the simplest and most effective method of this half-mechanized and, I like to think anyway, half-creative redheaded brainchild of mine).
So it is though, that while thoroughly committed to following through with a 17-part, old-fashioned, Dickensian E-serialization, contemporaneous with the ongoing criminal investigation and burial-even, of our beloved (and I mean that sincerely, if you have been following my blog, you can find the moment when I not only fell in love with Michael Jackson, unbelievably, but decided that I was him in many ways) protagonist/replacement, Michael Joseph Jackson.
I'd be happy to hear from anyone with just about any type of help, or encouragement, or suggestion regarding what I hope to be, and after reading the Wikipedia Replaced Summary, am encouraged, a wonderful, thought-provoking commentary on the Unusual Life and Times and Death of Michael Jackson. I would like to present Chapter 1 as quickly as possible, and so, even though there is no deadline, if any of you are interested, and possess a specific field of expertise or interest (editorial, computer graphic, layout, illustration, musical soundtrack, video, proofreading, etc.), please don't hesitate to contact me in the comment section of this or any other subsequent posting.
I am also hoping that public reception will be encouraging as the true-life events unfold, simultaneously increasing the complexity of the story (of which I plan to stay as fateful as possible), and inspiring someone in the media or publishing industry to republish the story online or as a book when completed (that way I could afford to pay my best friend Tony Millionaire the fee for illustration services).
Enjoy the general and completely-subject-to-change summary (with thanks to Wikipedia), and let your imagination range.

#Video Hot Gossip Dance to David Bowie Rebel Rebel


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)

Also Known As (AKA)
Fuoco cammina con me Italy
Miasteczko Twin Peaks: Ogniu, krocz ze mna Poland
O ypoptos kosmos tou Twin Peaks Greece
Twin Peaks (El diario de Laura Palmer) Spain
Twin Peaks - Der Film Germany
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me France (DVD title)
Twin Peaks - Fuego camina conmigo Spain (DVD title)
Twin Peaks - Les 7 derniers jours de Laura Palmer France
Twin Peaks - Ogenj hodi z menoj Slovenia
Twin Peaks - tüz jöjj velem Hungary
Twin Peaks - tuli kulje kanssani Finland
Twin Peaks: El fuego camina conmigo Spain
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer USA (working title)
Twin Peaks: Laura Palmers sidste dage Denmark
Twin Peaks: Os Últimos Dias de Laura Palmer Brazil
Twin Peaks: Os Últimos Sete Dias de Laura Palmer Portugal

Also Known As (AKA)
Fuoco cammina con me Italy
Miasteczko Twin Peaks: Ogniu, krocz ze mna Poland
O ypoptos kosmos tou Twin Peaks Greece
Twin Peaks (El diario de Laura Palmer) Spain
Twin Peaks - Der Film Germany
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me France (DVD title)
Twin Peaks - Fuego camina conmigo Spain (DVD title)
Twin Peaks - Les 7 derniers jours de Laura Palmer France
Twin Peaks - Ogenj hodi z menoj Slovenia
Twin Peaks - tüz jöjj velem Hungary
Twin Peaks - tuli kulje kanssani Finland
Twin Peaks: El fuego camina conmigo Spain
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer USA (working title)
Twin Peaks: Laura Palmers sidste dage Denmark
Twin Peaks: Os Últimos Dias de Laura Palmer Brazil
Twin Peaks: Os Últimos Sete Dias de Laura Palmer Portugal

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10 Most Popular "twin peaks" Quotes

Most Popular Titles With Quotes Matching "twin peaks"

11 titles.

1. The Simpsons (1989 TV Series)
Episode: Lisa's Sax (1997)
That's damn fine coffee you got here in Twin Peaks. And damn good cherry pie.
2. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.2 (1990)
Deication to duty is not the only reason of my return to Twin Peaks. It's about Windom Earle.
Your father! Ben Horne! He owns this place. He owns everything in Twin Peaks, including me. I run girls through the perfume counter at Horne's Department Store. That's how I recruited Laura Palmer and Ronnette Pulaski.
3. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.10 (1990)
That's not an attitude. That's a promise. Agent Cooper is the finest lawman I've ever known. I've had nothing but respect for him since he arrived in Twin Peaks. Now, I don't know what information you have or where you got it from, but it is dead wrong.
4. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.18 (1991)
In Twin Peaks?
5. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #1.7 (1990)
Well, how much do you know about Josie? Where she's from? Who she was before she came to Twin Peaks?
6. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.3 (1990)
A man that four of us have seen here in Twin Peaks.
7. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
We've lain a gala reception for your fair-haired boys tonight; all of Twin Peaks' best and brightest.
8. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #1.2 (1990)
Diane, 6:18 AM, room 315, Great Northern Hotel here in Twin Peaks.
9. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Pilot (1990)
Diane, 11:30 a.m., February Twenty-fourth. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many trees in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, I'd rather be here than Philadelphia. Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day. Weatherman said rain. If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it'd beat working. Mileage is seventy-nine thousand three hundred forty-five, gauge is on reserve, riding on fumes here, I've got to tank up when I get into town. Remind me to tell you how much that is. Lunch was, uh, six dollars and thirty-one cents at the Lamplighter Inn, that's on Highway Two near Lewis Fork. That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie, and a cup of coffee. Damn good food. Diane, if you ever get up this way that cherry pie is worth a stop. Okay. Looks like I'll be meeting up with the, ah, Sheriff Harry S. Truman. Shouldn't be too hard to remember that. He'll be at the Calhoun Memorial Hospital. I guess we're going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl that crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain. When I finish there I'll be checking into a motel. I'm sure the sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced. That's what I need, a clean place, reasonably priced.
Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks - some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery - the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all - it is beyond the "fire", though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one - and I knew her. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one.
10. The Border (2008 TV Series)
Episode: Nothing to Declare (2008)
More like... Twin Peaks.
11. Hype! (1996 Documentary)
So all these people come here, and then there's all this publicity, and... "Northern Exposure" and "Twin Peaks" and all this stuff, and everyone wants to come here and live the good yuppie lifestyle, but all this time there's all these people that are underneath that were here first and they're just starving and they're all crazy.

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The world of bore-craft

The world of bore-craft
By Raymond Zhou (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-07-24 08:05
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The world of bore-craft

Examples of online spoofs inspired by the post "Jia Junpeng, mom wants you back home for dinner", which originally appeared in a forum for the online game World of Warcraft. The iconic scroll in the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony (top) and the rainbow flag at a gay pride parade (top left) have also been lampooned.

Everyone is said to enjoy 15 minutes of fame, but not many people can achieve it in 15 minutes. Jia Junpeng did - almost.

The world of bore-craft

Last week a post appeared in an Internet forum, which contained this headline: "Jia Junpeng, mom wants you back home for dinner". In six hours there were about 400,000 clicks on the post and 17,000 netizens left remarks.

Funny thing was, there was no text with the original post, and nobody seemed to know who Jia Junpeng was. Even the mighty "human-flesh" search army failed to dig up the real identity of Jia. So, why all the fuss?

This has since become a conundrum of the magnitude "Who killed Laura Palmer", the character in David Lynch's television series Twin Peaks that got all of America guessing. For all I know, Jia Junpeng could be fictional.

As Jia Junpeng is a character without a background, the respondents are rebels without a cause, so to speak. Maybe they had one, but could not bring themselves to articulate it.

The post first appeared in a forum for the online game World of Warcraft (WoW). As it happened, the game has been in censorship limbo for more than 2 months, leaving 5 million players in a state of frustration.

The Ministry of Culture ordered a review of the content of the game when the Chinese licensing rights were transferred from one company to another. During the waiting-for-Godot period, gamers filed lawsuits with the court, filed complaints with consumer protection agencies and stormed the new licensee's websites. They could mass tens of thousands of gamers to act simultaneously.

The cryptic Jia Junpeng post could well be the spark that got fueled by their boredom. Just imagine a couple of million young loafers roaming the streets. Any excuse could become the particle to ignite a wildfire of social unrest.

If this is reading too much into one elliptical post, the following is a sociological dissection both politically correct and warm-and-fuzzy. Internet addiction is a huge problem in China, and the victims are mostly teenage boys who play online games in Internet cafes. They can get lost in their virtual worlds for days and not bother going back home for food or lodging. Some places provide everything the youngsters need, including instant noodles.

"Mom wants you back home for dinner" may have functioned as a wake-up call for every netizen who has got carried away in their online affairs and forgotten about their duties in the real world. It jolted them from their game-induced stupors. In that sense, everyone who clicked into the forum thread subconsciously saw himself as Jia.

On the flip side, people might have seen everyone else as Jia, the one being dragged away from serious fun into the drab routine of real-life existence. That would give them a sense of self-importance, as the ones guarding the purity of a good-vs-evil cosmos. Jia could never break free of the shackles of the mundane, but a few, like heroes in a Hollywood blockbuster, get to save the world.

Then again, "mom wants you back home for dinner" was a refrain popular long before the advent of Internet gaming, or any game. It is a throwback to an era when everyone knew his neighbor and let his kids roam free in the dorm building, often shared by fellow employees of the same organization. You'd hear mom yelling in the corridor or through the window. If she was not within earshot, a passerby would be an ad hoc messenger, yelling out her command for her.

Most kids do not want their peers to know that they are a "mama's boy". Teenagers are known for their rebelliousness. So, when mom calls, you don't take off immediately. Instead, you yell back: "I know. I'll be right back!" and then keep playing for 10 more minutes - until mom shouts the second time. I bet a few of the really defiant ones want to holler something like: "Shut up! I don't need your damn food!" But that's inviting a ready retort: "You think you can feed yourself? Go eat northwest wind!"

It's always a northwest wind. It has never occurred to anyone that wind from other directions does not carry nutrients either. But I don't want to bore you to death with Chinese etymology.

The world of bore-craft

On the other hand, the origin of the Chinese phrase "northwest wind" could well be more intriguing and meaningful than someone by the name of Jia Junpeng. What drove the Jia phenomenon could be an immense feeling of ennui, an apathy and helplessness in regard to more meaningful endeavors. The spate of responses simply defied logic. You can easily divine why earlier Internet celebrities, such as Sister Hibiscus, aroused public interest, but nobody can decipher exactly what prompted the current craze for a context-less sentence. We can only say, for sure, that the online herd has its own signals and cues and nobody can predict where the next stampede will take place and what the result will be.

On a positive note, the past week's mania did not produce a victim. No one was stoned or lynched. What came out was a barrage of spoofs that were great examples of online humor. The sentence has been used as a slogan and inserted into all kinds of pictures. Someone wrote in former chairman Mao Zedong's handwriting - as if Jia Junpeng were Lei Feng, the altruistic soldier extolled by Mao as a role model. It also appears as a line in a soap opera, appropriately paraphrased with subtitles. The now iconic scroll in the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony opens to the heart-warming reminder that a kid should go back home for dinner. It is even hoisted on a giant rainbow banner in a gay parade - as if going home for Jia is tantamount to gaining the right to marriage for gay couples.

Coincidentally, WoW, the online game whose suspension led to millions being idle, passed the review of the Ministry of Culture on Wednesday - but with a caveat. Material deemed "violent" by the government body would have to be revised. "They'll ruin the original even if they don't ban it," a player was quoted by Global Times.

Is playing WoW healthy? Is venting through a nonsensical slogan meaningful? It all depends on what the alternatives are. Many players of the game said they would resort to drinking, smoking and taking drugs if WoW were not available according to Southern Weekend and other reports.

As for the Jia Junpeng brouhaha, a crowd numbering in the tens of thousands shouting some whimsical slogan on the street is definitely a less desirable option for the government.

It's time regulators adopted an "or else" mode of thinking for innocuous activities embraced by the public.

(China Daily 07/24/2009 page18)

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Twin Peaks Mp3 Pics Ebay Video

Twin Peaks - Episode 11 .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


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disney classic



WordReference.com English-Spanish Dictionary

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Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

fuck /fʌk/ verbo transitivo (vulg) (copulate with) joder (vulg), tirarse (vulg), follarse (Esp vulg), coger(conj.⇒) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg)
verbo intransitivo (vulg) joder (vulg), tirar (vulg), coger(conj.⇒) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg), follar (Esp vulg), cachar (Chi, Per vulg)

Phrasal Verbs
fuck off v + adv (vulg): ~ off! ¡vete a la mierda! (vulg), ¡vete a tomar por (el) culo! (Esp vulg), ¡vete a la chingada! (Méx vulg), ¡andá a cagar! (RPl vulg)

Subscribe to the Oxford Concise or Unabridged dictionary for more translations, meanings and examples.

Diccionario Espasa Concise © 2000 Espasa Calpe:
fuck [fʌk]
I verbo transitivo & vi vulgar ofens joder, follar: fuck (it)!, ¡joder!
     II n vulgar ofens polvo
    La palabra fuck, como muchas palabrotas inglesas, es extremadamente fuerte. No existe equivalente directo en español, ya que la traducción joder no tiene el mismo efecto. No se recomienda su uso, ya que podría tener consecuencias imprevistas. En inglés normal se suele emplear el eufemismo f o eff [ef], effing y eff all.

fuck: WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2010
Compound Forms: fuck about vulgar hacer el capullo vi fuck around vulgar hacer el capullo vi fuck sb over vi vulgar, slang (swindle or betray sb) vulg joder a alguien loc verb I told her the story in confidence, and then she fucked me over by turning around and telling my boss. The bus was so late that I totally missed the concert I wanted to see, and the bus company fucked me over by not even giving me a refund!   vulg cagar a alguien loc verb Yo sabía que no podía confiar en él, que me iba a cagar con el dinero.   México vulg chingar a alguien loc verb fuck sb up Vulgar fastidiar joder a alguien v fuck sth up Vulgar estropear joder algo v fuck-up vtr vulgar, slang (do incompetently, spoil) vulg cagarla loc verb Note: Also an adj, meaning “intoxicated”: “He was so fucked-up he couldn’t see straight.” This is your last chance; don’t fuck up again. Es tu última oportunidad así que no la cagues otra vez.   arruinar vtr Esta es tu última oportunidad, no la arruines.   echar a perder loc verb Esta es tu última oportunidad, no lo eches a perder   España, vulgar joder(la) vtr La cagamos/jodimos Luis, el coche no sale. fuck-all adj UK vulgar slang (no, none) para maldita cosa adj Report an error
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Cage dancing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A stub-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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picture kris krüg

A cage dance is a specific type of erotic dance, performed inside a cage, usually at a night club or dance hall. The activity originated in the 1960s and rose in popularity with the advent of disco music. In particular, the practice began at the Los Angeles music venue, Whisky a Go Go.

Though the club was billed as a discothèque, meaning only recordings with no bands, the Whisky A Go-Go opened with a live band led by Johnny Rivers and a short-skirted DJ spinning records between sets from a suspended cage at the right of the stage. When the female DJ danced during Rivers' set, the audience thought it was part of the act and the concept of Go-Go dancers in cages was born.

More recently, both genders practice cage dancing. Go-go boys, for example, can regularly be seen in cages at night clubs frequented by homosexuals.

[edit] See also

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Soul Train

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Merry Clayton, Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones, and Fuckin' 'Gert Town' New Orleans

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Merry Clayton
Born December 25, 1948 (1948-12-25) (age 61)
in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Occupations Singer (both solo and back-up)
Years active 1962-2000
Associated acts The Raelettes, The Rolling Stones

Merry Clayton (born December 25, 1948 in Gert Town, New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American soul and gospel singer (both solo and back-up), and an actress. She has provided a number of back-up vocal tracks to songs recorded by major performing artists during the 1960s, notably her powerfully-sung duet with Mick Jagger on The Rolling Stones' song "Gimme Shelter". [1]



[edit] Biography

Clayton began her recording career in 1962 at the age of fourteen, singing "Who Can I Count On? (When I Can't Count On You)" as a duet with Bobby Darin on his album "You're The Reason I'm Living". A year later, she recorded the first version of "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss)", although it was Betty Everett's version of the same year that reached the top 10 in the Billboard Hot 100.[2] Her early career included performances with artists including Ray Charles (as one of The Raelettes), Pearl Bailey, Elvis Presley, Phil Ochs, and Burt Bacharach. She co-wrote the song "Sho' Nuff" — which is about her mother — with Billy Preston [in 1971]. [3] She contributed vocals to Nicholas Roeg's 1968 film Performance.

Clayton is best known for her 1969 performance in a duet with Mick Jagger on the Rolling Stones' song "Gimme Shelter". (Originally, the Stones had intended to have Bonnie Bramlett sing, but Bramlett was not available, possibly due to illness.)[4] Clayton also sang backing vocals on Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama".[5] Also, early in her career, Clayton sang backup vocals for Tom Jones, Joe Cocker and Carole King. She also originated the role of the Acid Queen in the original 1972 London production of The Who's Tommy. More recently, Clayton has provided background vocals for Sparta's latest album Threes on the songs "Atlas" and "Translation". As an actress, she co-starred with Ally Sheedy in the 1987 film Maid to Order, and played Verna Dee Jordan in the final season of Cagney & Lacey.

In 1970, Clayton recorded her own version of "Gimme Shelter," and it became the title track of her debut solo album[6], released that year. Her version would be the first of two singles under her name to crack the Billboard Hot 100, reaching #73. She continued to release solo albums throughout the next decade, notching several minor R&B singles.

Clayton sang "You're Always There When I Need You," the main title for 1980's The Nude Bomb, the first Get Smart movie, which starred Don Adams. Merry also sang the song "Yes" that was in the 1987 film Dirty Dancing and also featured on the soundtrack album. This tune became her second, and biggest hit to date to crack the Billboard Hot 100 charts, peaking at #45 in 1988. She also recorded backing vocals for Tori Amos on her 1994 hit, Cornflake Girl.

Clayton also sang backup on several tracks from Neil Young's debut album Neil Young, originally released in 1968.

[edit] Personal life

Clayton was married to jazz artist Curtis Amy until his death in 2002 [7]. Clayton's brother is the Little Feat percussionist Sam Clayton [8].

[edit] References

  1. ^ True, Christopher. Merry Clayton Biography. Allmusic. AOL Music http://music.aol.com/artist/merry-clayton/biography/1049777
  2. ^ No. 1 in May 1991, an excerpt from The Best Of 1000 UK No.1 Hits published by Omnibus Press
  3. ^ Heckman, Don. "Merry Clayton from 'Newahlins.'" New York Times (July 16, 1972): p. D11, D22, D24.
  4. ^ Paytress, Mark. The Rolling Stones: Off the Record. Omnibus Press, 2003 (ISBN 07119886920): p. 181.
  5. ^ Dupree, Tom (1974-10-24). "Lynyrd Skynyrd in Sweet Home Atlanta". Rolling Stone. http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/alkooper/articles/story/9437632/lynyrd_skynyrd_in_sweet_home_atlanta. Retrieved 2006-09-17. 
  6. ^ Merry Clayton- Gimme Shelter @Discogs.com
  7. ^ Voce, Steve. "Obituary: Curtis Amy." The Independent [London] (June 11, 2002; accessed: May 14, 2008)
  8. ^ Crazy Horse, Kandia. Rip It Up: The Black Experience in Rock N Roll. 1st ed. Plagrave Macmillan, 2004. (ISBN 140396243X): p. 205.

[edit] External links

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Jumpin' Jack Flash

"pan's people" "Jumpin' Jack Flash"

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Johnny Thunders - Just Another Girl

Sweden, 1982
Category: Music
johnny thunders just another girl sweden

Just got my hands on 'all dolled up' and Johnny Thunders looks like a cute little Jewish school girl in it =)

This montage is from "Born to Lose: the Last Rock and Roll Movie," by Lech Kowalski. Some nice footage of a photo shoot and the guys getting dolled up.
Category: Music
new york dolls trash kowalski

New York Dolls - All Dolled Up (Part 11 of 11)

Pan's People: What were they?

interview with Ruth Pearson - founder member of the band and Legs & Co's manager.
What were they?
Back in the days before videos (or promotional films, to use the technical term), TOTP employed a troupe of young dancers to offer visual entertainment when an artist couldn't appear on the show. The first of these were three (and later six) young ladies known as the Go-Jos. Eventually, Top of the Pops decided to have their own exclusive set of dancers and along came Pan's People.
Who were they?
Babs Lord, Ruth Pearson and Dee Dee Wilde were 'Beat Girls' on the BBC programme The Beat Room. They were later joined by Flick Colby who recruited Louise Clarke and Andi Rutherford to form Pan's People. Flick found it tough being in the band and being the choreographer and eventually retreated to working only behind the scenes. Andi left to have a baby in 1972 and was replaced by Cherry Gillespie. In 1974, Louise left to get married, she was replaced by Sue Menhenick. Babs also left to get married in August '75.
When were they on?
Their first appearance was in April 1968. Often, Flick would have only a few hours in which to dream up a routine, leading to some humourously literal dance moves. They survived for an astonishing eight years before they felt it was time to call it a day. Their last appearance was in April 1976, dancing to Four Seasons 'Silver Star'.
What happened to them?
They were initially replaced by Ruby Flipper, who were managed by Flick and Ruth. Later that year, Legs & Co took over the mantle as show dancers. Ruth is a housewife, Dee Dee runs a dance school, Babs married actor Robert Powell and they live in Hampstead. Louise married a millionaire from Sheffield with a house in Marbella. Flick returned to New York and ran a gift shop for a few years. The Pan girls are still very close; the bond that brought them together in the '60s has made them lifelong friends.

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http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/events/prettyancient/media/pretty_ancient_banner.gifBEST PUNK MOMENT
Fittingly, the Sex Pistols won our Best Punk Moment vote with their shenanigans on the Today Show.
Jarvis was arrested at the '96 BRITS for running on stage during a Michael Jackson performance.
The pop anarchists threw a bucket of water over John Prescott at the BRITS in 1998.
What can we say - ex Libertine Pete lives and breathes the anarchic punk lifestyle.
sid vicious SEX PISTOLS
The Sex Pistols colourful interview by Bill Grundy on the Today programme.
Ian Brown of Stone Roses STONE ROSES
The Stone Roses covered the offices of their record company in blue and white paint.
Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond set light to one million pounds, filmed it and released a film!

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True Lies (1994)
When a secret agent learns of his wife's extra-marital affair, he pursues her and uses his intelligence resources in a job he kept secret from her.