
10 Most Popular "twin peaks" Quotes

Most Popular Titles With Quotes Matching "twin peaks"

11 titles.

1. The Simpsons (1989 TV Series)
Episode: Lisa's Sax (1997)
That's damn fine coffee you got here in Twin Peaks. And damn good cherry pie.
2. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.2 (1990)
Deication to duty is not the only reason of my return to Twin Peaks. It's about Windom Earle.
Your father! Ben Horne! He owns this place. He owns everything in Twin Peaks, including me. I run girls through the perfume counter at Horne's Department Store. That's how I recruited Laura Palmer and Ronnette Pulaski.
3. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.10 (1990)
That's not an attitude. That's a promise. Agent Cooper is the finest lawman I've ever known. I've had nothing but respect for him since he arrived in Twin Peaks. Now, I don't know what information you have or where you got it from, but it is dead wrong.
4. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.18 (1991)
In Twin Peaks?
5. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #1.7 (1990)
Well, how much do you know about Josie? Where she's from? Who she was before she came to Twin Peaks?
6. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #2.3 (1990)
A man that four of us have seen here in Twin Peaks.
7. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
We've lain a gala reception for your fair-haired boys tonight; all of Twin Peaks' best and brightest.
8. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Episode #1.2 (1990)
Diane, 6:18 AM, room 315, Great Northern Hotel here in Twin Peaks.
9. Twin Peaks (1990 TV Series)
Episode: Pilot (1990)
Diane, 11:30 a.m., February Twenty-fourth. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many trees in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, I'd rather be here than Philadelphia. Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day. Weatherman said rain. If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it'd beat working. Mileage is seventy-nine thousand three hundred forty-five, gauge is on reserve, riding on fumes here, I've got to tank up when I get into town. Remind me to tell you how much that is. Lunch was, uh, six dollars and thirty-one cents at the Lamplighter Inn, that's on Highway Two near Lewis Fork. That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie, and a cup of coffee. Damn good food. Diane, if you ever get up this way that cherry pie is worth a stop. Okay. Looks like I'll be meeting up with the, ah, Sheriff Harry S. Truman. Shouldn't be too hard to remember that. He'll be at the Calhoun Memorial Hospital. I guess we're going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl that crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain. When I finish there I'll be checking into a motel. I'm sure the sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced. That's what I need, a clean place, reasonably priced.
Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks - some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery - the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all - it is beyond the "fire", though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one - and I knew her. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one.
10. The Border (2008 TV Series)
Episode: Nothing to Declare (2008)
More like... Twin Peaks.
11. Hype! (1996 Documentary)
So all these people come here, and then there's all this publicity, and... "Northern Exposure" and "Twin Peaks" and all this stuff, and everyone wants to come here and live the good yuppie lifestyle, but all this time there's all these people that are underneath that were here first and they're just starving and they're all crazy.

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