
Baywatch St. Patrick’s Day Parade

7th Annual Hermosa Beach St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Newly retired Hermosa Beach Police Chief Val Straser settles into a life of leisure as the parade’s "VIP of the Year." Photo by Robb Fulcher

St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee member Vince Schmeltzer cruises Pier Ave. in Dick Medkiff’s 1959 Irish built Shamrock, believed to be the world’s last rolling Shamrock. Photo by Kevin Cody

HB Mayor John Bowler waves his shillelagh to the gathered throngs. Photo by Robb Fulcher

Pat Hopkins, her nephew Sean and Jodi Scully lead the Our Lady of Guadalupe scouts. Photo by Kevin Cody

South Bay Assemblyman George Nakano resurrects the spirit of former California Sam Senator Hiakawa with a Scottish tam-‘o shanter.

The parade’s traditional embodiment of St. Patrick himself, Knights of Columbus’ Eric DeRocca, drives the snakes out of Hermosa. Photo by Robb Fulcher

Joan Kelly, and dancers from the Kelly School of Irish Dance take a break from the high-stepping mode of locomotion they used throughout the parade. Photo by Robb Fulcher

South Bay State Sen. Debra Bowen and her pooch do the parade in style aboard a U.S. Marine Corps jeep. Photo by Robb Fulcher

Gravity car racers Terry O’Donnell of Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach YMCA Trailblazer Clara Goldstein and Hawthorne Savings Dan "Daredevil" Mariano line up for the Inaugural St. Patrick’s Day Suicide Run down Pier Ave. Photo by Kevin Cody

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