YouWeirdTube what is wrong with you people? it's a french parody from 1994 in response to the first trial. You'd think you would be satisfied with the con artist father of the 'victim' committing suicide. This is from one of the most famous TV shows in France. It's a fucking lookalike. You've buried your humor with your idol. Now I remember why I stopped uploading MJ videos for you idiots
KWSTA20 I know you think your funny puting this up yay lets get atention!!!!!!! MICHAEL JACKSON WAS INOCENT, PPL LIKE YOU HURT HIM. Tried but never brought him down. TODAY hes bigger then even rip michael. YouWeirdTube GET A REAL LIFE. I FEEL BAD FOR YOU.
Onlysheeplecantsee You are messed up. Seek professional help.
Find the light release your darkness.
pard084 Si non ,le reste est pitoyable! MJ avait une maladie de peau, n'etait pas raciste du tout et surtout n'etait pas un pevers de pédophile!
pard084 "et coté coeur ?
Non, non, rien du tout il tiens bon!
Mj ki kiff claude François, mdr!
February 11, 2010
Interview with Michael Jackson in the future
“Interview Future ‘: Coming in 2008, Michael Jackson (lookalike) enters with a huge teddy speaks of its relevance in 2008 and his terrible 1994 (trial for pedophilia). He gives his recipe for not getting old, spoke of his many operations when it reappears Claude FRANCOIS met in 1964. Both Claudette and 2 sing and dance on “Alexandrie Alexandra”. Then Mickael tackles Thierry Ardisson has materialized its plush, and is dematerialize turn.
“Michael Jackson” #michaeljackson mj jacko teddy “Claude FRANCOIS” teddie pedo bear Future 1994 Mickael “Thierry Ardisson” pedophilia pedophile trial lookalike double mrjyn whatgetsmehot youweirdtube yt:quality=high mjf mjfan @mj
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