Christmas AIDS Songs (There was probably a good reason my old blog was deemed objectionable)
Abod, Susan soliloquy In the Moment privately released.
Christmas AIDS Song: Allen, Peter love don't need a reason Making Every Moment Count RCA.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Allen-Callen-Malamet Alsop, Peter gotta lotta living to do Feeding The Flame Flying Fish.
Christmas AIDS Song: Andersen, Tom yard sale The Journey WCD.
Christmas AIDS Song: Andreason, Christian everybody else privately released cassette inspired by AIDS predjudice Automatic Pilot safe livin' in dangerous times Back From the Dead ( - ) BMQR.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Brown-McQueen; from The AIDS Show Banks, Heywood a song for warren If Pigs Could Fly privately released Barker, Wayne safe sex slut Dont Mess With Mary (V A ) Aboveground Rec..
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Tom Wilson Weinberg Bern, Dan cure for AIDS Fifty Eggs Work.
Christmas AIDS Song: Billie & Patti until there is a cure Love, and Other Four Letter Words BPCD wr/Patti Bogdan, Tom walt whitman in 'Amour Bleu Poppy Records.
Christmas AIDS Song: (no#) wr/Chris DeBlasio-Perry Bass Boily, Deborah my brother lived in san francisco Voices For Life (V A ) VFL.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Bill Russell-Janet Wood Brennan, Kelly unknown soldiers A Thousand Times Yes Bucchino, John until the balance tips Solitude Lessons Art Food Music.
Christmas AIDS Song: Callen, Michael living in wartime Purple Heart Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Callen, Michael how to have sex Purple Heart Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Callen, Michael love don't need a reason Purple Heart Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Allen-Callen-Malamet Callen, Michael we've had enough Legacy Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Callen, Michael they are falling all around me Legacy Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Bernice Johnson Reagon Campbell, David yard sale Taking The Wheel Philips.
Christmas AIDS Song: subtle reference, wr/Tom Andersen Capitol City Men's Chorus jonathan wesley oliver jr Silent Noon CCMC.
Christmas AIDS Song: (no# Austin group, wr/Tom Brown Cherry, Nehah I ve got you under my skin Red Hot + Blue Chrysalis.
Christmas AIDS Song: Christian Left the body of Christ has AIDS Left at the Light Far Left Field CS wr/Stuart Boardman Christopher, Keith heal me Naked Truth Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Christopher, Keith someday soon Naked Truth Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Christopher, Keith pieces of lives Naked Truth Significant Other.
Christmas AIDS Song: Colorado Quilt Chorus World AIDS Day Benefit Concert privately released Cole, Paula hush hush hush This Fire Warner Brothers Criswell, Kim my brother lived in san francisco Elegies First Night.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Bill Russell-Janet Wood Crowell, Rodney wandering boy The Houston Kid Sugarhill.
Christmas AIDS Song: Diamond, Ed AIDS God Is Gay Gig Music.
Christmas AIDS Song: (no #) Farrand, Jim cover me January Sun Miles To Go.
Christmas AIDS Song: (no#) about the Quilt Flirtations living in wartime The Flirtations Live-Out On The Road Flirt.
Christmas AIDS Song: wr/Michael Callen Frankie Goes to Hollywood is anybody out there Liverpool ZTT Records.
Christmas AIDS Song: Free, Scott placebo Getting Off Leather/Western.
Christmas AIDS Song: Free, Scott AIDS dementia Getting Off Leather/Western.
Christmas AIDS Song: Free, Scott the living dead The Living Dead Leather/Western.
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