
Ariel HO-KJAER Princess is Coming Out (reBlog Translation: Exclusive Interview: Daughter of Triad Figure Stanley Ho)

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Exclusive Interview 2009


Ariel HO-KJAER 试装 
Dior  exclusive interview 2009 Balikeli Weng party invitees

Princess is Coming Out

每年的11 月,位于法国巴黎协和广场的克利翁酒店(Hotel Crillon)总会有一个特殊的夜晚。 Each year in November, located in Place de la Concorde in Paris, France Clion hotel (Hotel Crillon) there will always be a special night. 世界各地的名门贵族、各界名人明星在这晚聚集在一起,举行一个盛大的舞会。 Around the world, the name of the door aristocrats, celebrities star in this night together, held a grand ball. 这就是著名的克利翁名门少女成年舞会(Le Bal des débutantes de Paris)。 This is the name of the famous Clion door girl adult dance (Le Bal des débutantes de Paris). 受邀参加过这一舞会的中国名媛有万宝宝、陈晓丹等人。 Invited to participate in this dance that thousands of Chinese aristocratic baby, Chen Xiaodan, among others. 本年度则又有两位中国少女接到请柬,其中之一是澳门巨富何鸿的孙女Ariel HO-KJAER。 This year there are two Chinese girls are receiving the invitation, one of which is Stanley Ho of Macao wealthy granddaughter Ariel HO-KJAER. 为了筹备将在两个月后举办的舞会,Ariel 近日前往巴黎蒙田大道上的Dior 总店挑选和定制礼服。 In preparation for the ball held in two months, Ariel recent trip to Bali Meng Tian Avenue Dior head office to select and customize the dress. 《外滩画报》作为唯一在场的华文媒体见证了整个试装过程。 "Bund" as the only witness to the presence of Chinese-language media throughout the trial installation process.

坐落于巴黎“金三角”地带的蒙田大道地价不菲,房檐下低矮的绿色植被和暗黑色金属栅栏传递着低调优雅的气息。 Is located in Paris, the "Golden Triangle" area of the Avenue Montaigne land cheap, low under the eaves of green vegetation and dark black metal fence to pass the low-key elegant atmosphere.在这条著名的街道上,集中了时装界最为辉煌和历史悠久的品牌,然而乍看之下,所有的楼房和店铺并没有很大区别,只有走到每一间店的门口,才能看到门楣上那些不太显眼的品牌名称。 In this well-known streets, focused on the fashion industry's most glorious and historic the brand, but at first glance, all the buildings and shops are not very different, and only went to the door of each shop to see the lintels are the less prominent brand names.
在蒙田大道和弗朗索瓦一世路的交汇处有一幢白色菱形格外墙的建筑—— 这就是Christian Dior 的总店,其品牌总部与之毗邻。 In the Avenue Montaigne and François I of the road junction with a white diamond extra wall construction - this is Christian Dior's head office, with its headquarters adjacent to the brand.
9 月11 日下午2 点半,记者在这个拐角见到了何鸿年仅15 岁的孙女Ariel HO-KJAER。 At 14:30 on September 11, the reporter saw in the corner of Stanley Ho as young as 15-year-old granddaughter, Ariel HO-KJAER. 陪她一起前来的是她母亲何超贤(Angela HO-KJAER)。 To accompany her to come to is her mother, Ho Chiu-yin (Angela HO-KJAER).
Ariel 受巴黎名门少女成年舞会邀请,将出席11月28 日在克利翁酒店(HotelCrillon)的盛大舞会。 Paris, the door girl by the name Ariel adult party invitation, will attend the November 28 hotels in Clion (HotelCrillon) the grand ball. 此番,她由母亲陪同前来Dior 为当晚的活动挑选礼服。 This time, she was accompanied by her mother to come pick Dior dress for the evening's activities.

Dior 与克利翁舞会 Dior and Clion Ball

Dior 总部大楼安静至极,私密的气氛让人感觉这更像一间小型博物馆,或是私人别墅。 Dior headquarters building extremely quiet, intimate atmosphere of people feel this is more like a small museum, or a private villa. 一名穿着黑色西服的保安坐在门口,此外再看不见第二个人。 One wearing a black suit sitting in front of the security, in addition to re-see the second person.
高级定制试衣室就设在底楼,由一位年长的法国女士负责接待。 Advanced Custom Dressing Room is located at the ground floor, from an older French President responsible for the reception. 在一个房间里摆着两口直通至房顶的巨大白色柜子,接待员为客人打开柜门,向她展示里面满满当当、尺码齐全的定制高跟鞋。 In a room were filled to the roof through two enormous white cabinets, the receptionist for the guests to open doors, to show her inside full to the brim, size range of custom high-heeled shoes. 在隔壁那间看得见蒙田大道的房间里则摆放着高级定制礼服。 In the next door was visible between the Avenue Montaigne room are placed with high-level custom dress. 由于Dior 的订单来自世界各地,时装屋不可能将所有礼服集中在总部。 As Dior orders from around the world, fashion houses can not be concentrated in the headquarters of all the dresses. 试装那天,高级定制部负责人为Ariel 准备了不同款式、颜色和季节的共八款设计,以供挑选。 Test equipment that day, the Department of Advanced custom prepared artificially Ariel different styles, colors, and seasonal total of eight designs to choose from.
在靠近入口的小圆桌上摆着Dior最新一季的高级定制图册。 Near the entrance of the small round table was the latest quarter Dior Haute atlas. 如果对试装的款式不满意或有别的需求,客人可以从图册中选择自己喜爱的款式。 If you try loading the styles are not satisfied or have other needs, guests can choose their favorite books in style.
同样摆在桌上供客人翻阅的,还有上一届巴黎名门少女成年舞会的画册。 Similarly, on the table for guests to read, and there were doors in Paris last ball girl adult album. 这场一年一度的盛事不仅是上流社交界的重要活动,还是各大时装屋展示创意的舞台。 This annual event is not only the elite social circles of the important activities, or the major fashion houses to demonstrate their creativity stage. 该舞会更对外公开宣称:“胖美人免问,礼服很小。”经过筛选的20 多名妙龄少女个个家世显赫、受过良好教育且拥有曼妙身材。 The dance is more open to the public stated: "fat-free beauty to ask a very small dress." After screening more than 20 youthful girls everybody's family prominent, well-educated and has a graceful figure.到舞会当晚,她们就穿着各时装屋的高级定制试装,搭配瑞士珠宝Adler闪亮登场。 To the ball that night, they wore the fashion house of senior custom test equipment, together with the Swiss jewelry Adler debut.她们的妆容和发型则由MAC 团队悉心打造。 Their makeup and hair carefully created by the MAC team. 在舞会前一天,她们还被要求打扮停当,拍摄单人照及合照。 At a party the day before, they are also required to dress Ting Dang, single photo and the photo shoot. 此外,专业的交际舞教师也会对所有受邀的少男少女进行速成培训,以保证他们在舞会当晚不让场上的镁光灯失望。 In addition, the professional ballroom dancing teacher will be invited for all the boys and girls to conduct intensive training to ensure that they keep the night at the ball field of the spotlight disappointed.这解释了舞会的另一条规矩:宠坏的孩子不受欢迎。 This explains another one ball rule: spoiled children welcome. “即便她们是巨星之女,我们也会一视同仁。”舞会主办者Ophélie Renouard 说。 "Even though they are superstars of the women, we will also equal." Party hosted by Ophélie Renouard said.

乖乖女首次试装 Good girl for the first time trial equipment

何超贤女士为何鸿和原配夫人黎婉华所生,从外貌上能看出明显的混血儿的样子。 Miss He Chaoxian are hung, and his wife Li Wanhua born first wife, from the appearance can be seen clearly mixed-race look. 她的女儿Ariel HO-KJAER在母亲的血统上又多了来自父亲的丹麦血统,亚洲人的外貌特征在她身上体现得不很明显。 Her daughter, Ariel HO-KJAER in her mother's descent from his father on the addition of Danish descent, physical characteristics of Asians in her embodied not made myself very clear. 年仅15 岁的她已经出落得相当漂亮—巴掌脸、大眼睛、高鼻梁、卷发、超过170 公分的个头、长腿,仿佛模特一般。 As young as 15 years old she had already come out quite nice - slap face, big eyes, high nose, and curly hair, more than 170 cm of the head, long legs, as if the general model. 在见到她之前,舞会主办人Renouard曾向记者描述她漂亮的外表,用了很多“非常”字眼还嫌不够。 Saw her in before the ball's organizers Renouard had described her beautiful appearance, with a lot of "very" words were not enough. 今年舞会的前一天,正是Ariel 年满16 周岁的生日—按照由年纪最小的女生跳开场舞的惯例,Ariel 将成为舞会当晚克利翁酒店万众瞩目的“明星”。 The day before this year's ball, it was Ariel's birthday over 16 years - in accordance with the girls from the youngest opening-hop dance practice, Ariel will become a party that night Clion Hotel eye of the "star."
刚见面,记者先试探性地用英文跟Ariel 打招呼,随后再用广东话问她听不听得懂。 Just met journalists first tentative greeting in English, with Ariel, and then hear their then asked her if she had understood Cantonese. 她却用普通话回答:“一点点。”母亲Angela 告诉记者,Ariel 正在学普通话,之前还到内地的大学进修语言,顺带体验了一把六人一间房的集体生活。 She replied in Mandarin: "a little bit." His mother Angela told reporters, Ariel is learning Mandarin, before the went to the mainland university education language, incidentally, has experienced a six-room collective life.
作为一个3 岁就到纽约生活的女孩,Ariel 的性格令人意外的害羞内向,和她早熟的外表有些不太相称。 As a 3-year-old girl went to live in New York, Ariel's character surprisingly shy introverted, and her precocious appearance somewhat proportionate. 她 在试每一件礼服前都小声询问:“我可以试这件吗?”尽管Dior总部外部关系负责人Bernard全程陪同了当天的试装,公司还派出形象设计顾问 Alexis 和已经在那里工作了十年的裁缝Christina 为Ariel 提供建议和帮助,试穿时,Ariel 基本却只跟妈妈交流意见。 Try every dress she whispered before they are asked: "Can I try this it?" Although the person in charge of External Relations Dior headquarters Bernard accompany the day of the trial installation, the company also sent the image of Alexis and design consultants have been working there for Christina tailor the Decade for Ariel to provide advice and assistance, when tried, Ariel basically only an exchange of views with her mother.
Ariel 一眼就看中了上一季Dior 备受争议的一款风格甜美的粉色低胸丝质礼服。 Ariel 1 on the eyes on the last quarter of a controversial style of Dior sweet pink low-cut silk dress.在秀场上,这款设计是超短筒裙,而为了满足客人的要求,在高级定制部已经改成了直筒拖地长裙。 In the show floor, this design is the ultra-short Tongqun, and in order to meet the request of the guests, in the Advanced Custom Department has turned into a straight mop floor-length dress. 第二件试穿的服装是奶油色露背丝质礼服。 The second try on the dress is cream-colored silk halter dress. 上半身全部采用亮片,下半身则是纱质层叠直筒裙。 Sequins used in all upper body, lower body is stacked Zhitong Qun Sha Zhi. 和上一款的甜美风格相比,这一款显得高贵而简洁。 And the sweet style, compared to the preceding paragraph, it seems a noble and simple.
所有的女孩和当晚出席舞会的女性来宾都必须选择长裙。 All the girls and women in the evening guests attending the ball must choose skirt. 这样一来,高跟鞋就是必不可少的行头——只有穿着高跟鞋,才能撑起长及地面的礼服。 As a result, high-heeled shoes are an essential line of the first - only wearing high heels, and on the ground in order to prop up a long dress. 在长达两个多小时的试装过程中,Ariel 一直穿着12 公分高的淡粉色丝缎高跟鞋,找不到多少机会落座。 In more than two hours during the trial installed, Ariel has been wearing a 12-centimeter-tall pale pink satin high-heeled shoes, can not find much chance seated.最后,摄影师拍摄结束的话音未落,Ariel 就穿着一款白色礼服,一屁股陷进了柔软的沙发里。 Finally, the photographer shooting the end of voice hardly ever, Ariel wore a white dress, a buttocks were caught by the soft couch.

获得一件高级定制时装 To obtain a high-level Couture

现今,越来越多的中国人也成为了高级定制的忠实客人。 Today, more and more Chinese people have become loyal customers advanced custom. Dior 外部关系部负责人在接受采访时透露,他们的高级定制市场正在中国逐渐铺开。 Dior person in charge of external relations department said in an interview, their senior custom market is China's gradual spread. 通常,希望享受Dior高级礼服制作的客户或者直接与位于蒙田大道的总部联系,或者通过该品牌在世界各地的店铺定好“量身”时间。 In general, want to enjoy the Dior dress production of high-level clients or directly with the headquarters located on Avenue Montaigne, or by the brand stores all over the world be good "customized" time. 随后,高级定制部的工作人员将根据客户需要在巴黎或世界各个角落进行“定制的第一步:获取尺寸。 Subsequently, the senior staff of the Ministry will be customized according to customer needs in all corners of the world in Paris or a "customized first step: Get dimensions.
客户可以根据最新一季的高级定制礼服画册选择自己喜欢的样品。 Customers can customize according to the latest quarter, senior pictures to choose their own dress like samples.Dior 网站的图片也是实时更新的。 Dior site's images are real-time updates. 一般情况下,世界上绝对不会有一模一样的设计出现。 Under normal circumstances, the world will not have exactly the same design appears. 因为,每位客户都可以依照自身的喜好和身形对颜色、面料、款式以及细节处理各个方面进行选择。 Because each customer can be in accordance with their own preferences and build on the colors, fabrics, styles, as well as details of the deal with all aspects of selection. 之后,定制部会先完成一个人台模型,再开始真正的制作。 Later, the Department will first complete the custom table model of a person, and then start the real production. 一件礼服在“诞生”前需要经过数次客人试衣,每次修改之后,Dior会将礼服运抵客户所在的城市。 A dress in the "birth" before the guests need to go through several tests of clothing, every time modifications, Dior dress will be delivered to customers located city. 从下订单到领取服装基本需要两个月左右。 Orders to receive clothing from the basic needs of about two months. 而说起价格,Dior的负责人则称之为秘密。 Speaking about the price, Dior's head is called a secret.
克利翁舞会当晚,Ariel 身着的Dior礼服属于“租借”的形式。 Clion dance night, Ariel dressed in a Dior dress are "lease" form. 有时候也会有参加舞会的女孩儿把礼服买下来的情况。 Sometimes there will be a ball girl bought the dress situation. Dior 外部关系主管表示,品牌基本不接受外借,克利翁舞会属于特例。 Dior director of external relations, said the brand basically does not accept the loan, Clion balls are a special case. 此外,高级定制室的礼服都是从秀场上直接下来的,平常人很难穿得进去。 In addition, senior custom dress room is directly down from the show floor, and ordinary people is difficult to dress in.. 按说,平时穿36 号的Ariel 的身材又高又瘦,想选择到钟爱的礼服应该不存在太大的障碍,但根据记者观察,毫无赘肉的Ariel 在试穿Dior 的礼服时还是几次出现了难以将裙子拉上的尴尬。 Ordinarily, usually Ariel wear No. 36, tall, thin body, want to choose to love the dress should not be too great an obstacle to exist, but according to journalist observed, there is no fat on the Ariel in the try Dior's dresses, or when on several occasions is difficult to dress in one way or another embarrassment. 幸运的是,她最终选中的那条浅银粉直筒拖地裙并不需要做太多的修改,只是考虑到舞会当晚要跳舞的状况,可能裁缝要稍微在上身放宽几厘米。 Fortunately, she was finally selected to which the light silver skirt Straight mopping the floor does not need to do a lot of changes, but taking into account the situation of the ball that night to dance, you may tailor to be slightly relaxed in the upper body a few centimeters.

Ariel HO-KJAER“这是一份意外的礼物” Ariel HO-KJAER "This is an unexpected gift"

对年轻羞涩的Ariel HO-KJAER 而言,克利翁舞会只是一次有点不寻常的经历。 For young shy Ariel HO-KJAER, the Clion ball is only a bit unusual experience. 而尽管身为名门之后,穿上高级定制时装对她而言也只是平生头一遭。 As the name despite the door after the high-level custom fashion wear for her first for only his life.

文/ 本报特约记者赵梓男摄影/Christophe Guibbaud(ABACAPRESS.COM) Text / Photo PRC ZHAO Zi-man / Christophe Guibbaud (ABACAPRESS.COM)

B=《外滩画报》H= Ariel HO-KJAER B = "Bund" H = Ariel HO-KJAER

对舞会一无所知 Ignorant of the ball

B:请问你是何时接到邀请并确定要来巴黎参加克利翁舞会的? B: I ask when you received an invitation and to determine Clion want to come to Paris to attend the ball?
H:大概几个月前吧。 H: about few months ago.
B:众所周知,克利翁舞会的门槛非常高。 B: As everyone knows, the threshold Clion ball very high. 你是怎样收到请柬的? How did you get invited?
H:是通过我们家的朋友介绍。 H: is through our family friends. Ophélie拿到了我的资料,决定邀请我参加今年的舞会。 Ophélie got the information I decided to invite me to participate in this year's ball. 这位朋友的女儿之前也参加过这个舞会,而且这个女孩本身跟我是非常要好的朋友。 Prior to his friend's daughter also attended the ball, and this girl told me in itself is a very good friends.
B:得知入选的消息,你有什么感受? B: that selected messages, what do you feel?
H:这是一份意外的礼物,我从来也没想过会参加这么大型的舞会。 H: This is an unexpected gift, I never think I would go to participate in such a large-scale dance. 而且,很抱歉,我之前从来没听说过这个舞会。 Moreover, I am sorry, as I have never heard of this ball.
B:这次有没有你的朋友跟你一起? B: there at this time with your friends with you?
H:我的哥哥也会来。 H: my brother will come. 他将是另一位受邀中国女孩的男舞伴。 He will be invited by another Chinese girl male partner.
B:你会做些什么准备工作? B: What would he do his preparatory work?
H:其实我自己倒是没有什么特别的准备。 H: Actually, I myself have no special preparation. 但在接到邀请后,我的活动突然增加了很多。 However, received an invitation, I have a sudden increase in the number of activities. 之前我在纽约接受了一本法语杂志的采访,有图片社到我纽约的家里拍照。 In New York before I accepted a French magazine interview, there are photo service to my home in New York pictures. 这次我又专程飞到巴黎来试装。 This time I also made a special trip to fly to Paris to try installation. 我现在在接受你的采访,明天还将有一本杂志给我拍照。 I now accept your interview tomorrow, there will be a magazine for my picture. 除此之外,我想我会在精神上做足准备的。 In addition, I think I will be mentally ill-prepared for. 我现在非常期待11月份的舞会。 I am very much looking forward to November of the ball.
B:在你看来,克利翁舞会的意义何在? B: In your opinion, what is the significance Clion ball? 是否意味着你已经成年了? Does that mean you are of age?
H:对我而言,这是一次新奇的尝试,它和我以往的生活完全不同。 H: For me, this is a novel attempt, it completely different from my previous life. 虽然我的家族很有影响,但我本人的生活一直非常简单。 Although my family is very affected, but my own life has been very simple. 我喜欢不同的体验,这次的舞会就是如此。 I like a different experience, this is the case of the ball. 至于其他意义,我倒没想过是不是成年这么深刻的含义。 As for the other sense, I did not thought about is not an adult so profound meaning.另外,我也不觉得自己之后会有什么不同。 In addition, I do not feel there will be any different after.

新鲜的高级定制 Advanced customization of fresh

B:你是第一次来巴黎吗? B: You are the first time in Paris? 此时此刻的心情如何? How they felt at this moment?
H:是啊,我是第一次来巴黎。 H: yes ah, I was the first trip to Paris. 好兴奋! Very excited! 不过,刚下飞机就来试装了,还没来得及好好看看这座城市呢。 However, just to test equipment on the plane, and have not had time to see if the city does well. 明天我也有安排,所以游览和购物只能等到周日了。 Tomorrow I also have arrangement, tours and shopping can wait until Sunday had.
B:今天下午在Dior 的试装感觉怎样? B: This afternoon the trial loading in the Dior feel like? 过来之前,你有没有想好自己喜欢的款式? Before coming, you have not thought of good style you like?
H:感觉很棒! H: feels great! 裙子都很漂亮,但是高跟鞋也让我穿得很累。 Skirts are nice, but let me wear high heels very tired. 来之前,我在纽约的店里看过他们的画册,也找了几款自己喜欢的礼服。 Before he came here, I looked at their shop in New York album, but also find several of your favorite dress.但可惜我最钟意的那款不在巴黎店里。 Unfortunately, my most favored by the store that shall not in Paris. 不过没关系,我还是找到了自己非常非常喜欢的款式。 But it does not matter, I found her very, very favorite style.我对今天的收获很满意。 I am very satisfied with today's gains.
B:为什么会选中Dior ? B: Why is selected Dior?
H:其实是Dior 选的我。 H: Actually, yes I am Dior election. 这个品牌跟舞会有长期的合作,我想是舞会组织者把每个女孩的照片发给不同的品牌赞助商,Dior 就选了我。 The brand has a long-term co-operation with the ball, I think, dance organizers pictures of each girl sent to a different brand sponsor, Dior would have picked me. 另外,我的祖父跟他们有一些合作,这可能也是因素之一。 In addition, my grandfather had some cooperation with them, which may also be a factor.
B:此前你是否会经常穿高级定制? B: Do you often had to wear high-level customization?
H:没有,今天都是第一次。 H: No, today is the first time. 我平时也没什么机会穿这么昂贵的礼服。 I usually have little opportunity to wear such an expensive dress.
B:为了搭配你今天所选的裙装,你舞会那天想佩戴什么款式的首饰? B: In order to match your choice of dresses today, do you want to dance that day what the style of jewelry to wear?
H:因为礼服是低胸的,我想我会选一条长一点的项链,再配上长的耳环。 H: because it is a low-cut dress, I think I would choose a longer necklace, matched with long earrings. 我到时候会把头发盘起来。 When I went to the hair will set up.

母女二人的混搭路线 Mother and daughter duo's mix and match lines

B:你怎么形容自己的着装风格? B: how do you describe your dress style?
H:经常变化,没有固定风格。 H: constantly changing, there is no fixed style. 像今天我选择了这条高腰的短裙,但是在纽约我是绝对不会穿的。 Like today, I chose this High Waist of the skirt, but in New York, I definitely will not wear. 每个城市的风格不同,我也要为此搭配不同的服饰。 A different style of each city, I have to do with different sets of clothing. 在纽约,我通常会穿舒适、随意的衣服,比如窄腿牛仔裤和T 恤。 In New York, I usually wear comfortable, casual clothes, such as narrow-leg jeans and a T shirt. 我的style icon 是Marc Jacobs。 My style icon is Marc Jacobs.
B:你平常购买和喜欢的品牌都有哪些? B: you usually prefer to buy and what are the brand? 有没有喜欢的设计师? Are there favorite designers?
H:不太固定, H&M 我会去买,LouisVuitton 和Roberto Cavalli 我也很喜欢。 H: not fixed, H & M I would like to buy, LouisVuitton and Roberto Cavalli and I love it. 我走混搭路线。 I walked mash line.
B:你能不能形容一下你妈妈的穿衣风格? B: Can you describe what your mother's dress style? 你们会经常在穿着上相互给建议吗? You will often wear each other for advice?
H:我妈妈也是走混搭路线的。 H: My mother is also taking mashups line. 她会穿很便宜的裤子,搭配很贵的皮带。 She would wear cheap pants, with expensive belts. 跟所有母女一样,我们的眼光有时不太统一,她喜欢的我却看不上。 As with all mothers and daughters, our vision is sometimes far from uniform, and she likes I do not despise. 不过,幸好也有意见一致的时候。 Fortunately, there is also a time when consensus.好在我都是自己给自己买衣服,妈妈不会参与意见。 Fortunately, I belong to ourselves to buy their own clothes, my mother will not participate in the views.
B:妈妈有没有什么衣服和饰物是你特别喜欢的? B: mother has no clothes and accessories that you particularly like?
H:(指着妈妈的细绒豹纹裤子)这个我就很喜欢。 H: (pointing to her mother's fine velvet leopard pants) This I liked. 它一点也不贵,穿起来也很舒服。 It is not expensive, is also very comfortable to wear them.她今天穿的鞋我觉得也不错,但可惜我的脚比她的大,穿不了。 She is wearing the shoes I feel that good, but unfortunately my feet than her large, can not wear. 我妈妈很喜欢Valentino。 My mother liked Valentino.
B:你现在还在纽约念书吗? B: you are now in New York them? 未来有什么打算? What are the future plans? 你的职业规划是什么? What are your career planning?
H:我从今年开始在瑞士上学,会在那边呆两年的时间。 H: I go to school in Switzerland, starting this year, will stay there for two years time. 大学我可能会回美国,也有可能在欧洲。 University, I might return to the United States, may also be in Europe. 不过,我最喜欢的大学是哥伦比亚大学。 However, my favorite universities are Columbia University. 我对理科感兴趣,将来希望从事科学方面的工作。 I am interested in science and will want to engage in scientific work.

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