
Lucie Kantrow brgeneral general counsel and my indelible anamnesis

Lucie Kantrow brgeneral general counsel and my indelible anamnesis

  1. Baton Rouge General Physicians, INC at BLUEBONNET CLINIC

    Baton Rouge General New Foundation Member Lucie Kantrow, are batting one zero one on Recovery, not to mention her side-bet at the Legal Book on my high odds of failing to follow through in defense of her enhanced On-Threat Assessment of protected source Trends, in her inappropriate and actionable special delivery, in which she states, through her representation as counsel of leadership, Board, Stakeholders, Physicians, and members of its Health System as it pertains to her apparent campaign of Shock and Awe plus pathology and where I shall paraphrase: 

    [S]he would, upon her nebulous through manifestation as devilment--should I revisit the public medical clinic of Baton Rouge General, Benjamin Levron, M.D. (where dyke-stopper comes brainsick as pissed off civil engineer in charge of dyke integrity, upset at never having occasion to finger the soggy, spongelike bottom of deep holes, only to find used condoms, or other detritus, but never herself to receive reciprocation for her tending dykes, post-Katrina).

    trespassing clinic of Ben Levron MD.,  

    Baton Rouge General Medical Center General Counsel News--  

    patient x 

    stating that she would have me for trespassing if I ever set foot onto the clinic of Benjamin Levron, MD.

    She is BRGeneral, General Counsel--doing legal no-nos which may solely speak to her initiate standing, or to her exuberance on cracking open her new Roy Cohen Bio with forward by her candidate himself, the Donald--or she is simply endeavoring to do discovery--in my pants.

    The foremost ribaldry destitute of law from a suitor's mind to which I have demurred amatory attentions, and wildly desperate enticements--warning against my corporeal presence on a public clinic, notwithstanding the qualification--clinic from which i was illicitly dismissed.

She is stoking the locomotive steam-engine to dangerous overheating, suddenly feeling as if she has the toilet at a crayfish boil--her internal Scoville mensuration is reading her baby box at 500,000 units--enough to soften ovaries, or hotwire the seat of her sensitive erectile organ in spontaneous rehab and emplacement to her stationary crotch, which she has in common with  Our Girl Health System--only rivaling their serious Vow of Silence.

My best interest is shielded from Lucie Kantrow'S potential decision to frame me up like the Juice with alternative rights which she has now through her Registered Mail as representative of BRGeneral--entangled herself and them--and me--inextricably.

Protracted PHE provides ample time to browse my Melvin Belli bio, and show "partial Medicaid" institution their whole duty to comply; and their "training wheel" clinic its poor selection of Health Systems, whose destitution I mistook for Port-a-Let before entering.

Upon entering, a Port-a-Let crammed with motley, Benetton Pirate-women--only surpassed by their incapacity to dial Medicaid, their decision based on a well-thought-out prospect to continue to not work--asking me to reschedule, after inanimate  exposition which resulted in my disappointment at those underserved folks whose flagship Port-a-Let this was.

Whereupon I distance myself AND abandon ship.

To never remember the ancient, stupefied, litter of mall-fashion, -manicured, butch, pirate faces found inside the wreck of S.S. BR General Florida, and Her associations concerned with standing.

MY Dismissal by health care provider, Mark ZIELINSKI, J.Michael ROBINSON, and, currently Benjamin Levron.

In full red-faced CVA, attempt to invent additional reasons why, rather than order my regular medications, he was instead, referring as many specialists in his network as James Michael Robinson had.the hot Caribbean sun causing their shadow centenarian hospital, and partner mayo Center, payor with all other Conrad Murray alumni in this Grenadian Med School nightmare of having 'studied' at the medical academic Cosplay, whose resulting degrees seemingly abject fear of medicine whatsoever, having come from their mouths--an unrealistic phobia of arrest, seizing of premises, subsequent investigation, which would prevent both of these young for such a wanton disregard against medical ethics,and my Qui Tam confidential, sealed ... lawsuit is filed in federal district court so that only the government is aware of the case.  as well as a sweet tortious twofer-- I am becoming a doctor!

And once it appears as if the young barrister is getting ready to explode, as she boils over into furious jilling uphill for a cup of water, in prophylaxis of defending her deranged, self-invented, non-criminal (she is all-in and standing up from the table, removing her Carerra shades from her disquieted face, in order to see flop on the River).But, sensitive to her notably virulent personal enmity through initial contact of this twin role corporate attorney, it is now conterminous upon me to test her durable catcall and legal Chicken in all iterations below which her wealth of resources will undeniably influence--even thwart, my experiment.

  1. Through her contacts of native law enforcement and their uncareful resolve to jug everything, she will have already originated a special extension on whose call BRPD attorney Hotline is activated, before i may feel freedom of movement in her self-imposed oligarchy whose private floorspace is a restricted showcase whose condition, even ramshackle--minus roof from wind--would shine as Haj Mahalia in comparison to BRGeneral flagship clinic, tucked off of Florida Blvd--unprepossessing, minimalist space whose antique ambulance entrance of yesterday (the name for local minority population's legs--Ambulance), whose loyalty, a necessity through impoverishment, was what kept them rooted to one medical clinic--whose brand is oldest--100 years--home to first doctor within the quaint capital of the baby pelecaniform seabird state--its Red Limb not nevertheless fully developed--thereby avoiding native Indian's incorporation as to use on which to display white men's room gory heads, whose reminiscence is spurred by its changeless stasis--as if lost in time through the bailiwick Zen of Historic Center--saved, reminder / caution of neglect--imperceptible marking of time does glacial misfortune stay freed from detection even now--choked Pueraria lobata contrastive medical aid enjoyed by only an elite few, whose slow appreciation at dangerous, excessively sensitive detection, or glaring, digital readouts of distracting specificity and scope, sees some request diagnostic apparatuses which they previously mocked in disgust--up-to-date medical devices not offered here.
  2. administrative contingency which through enrollment and participation within the federal Department of Health and Human Service Medicare and Medicaid CMS, and ACA mandate of compliance in order to continue its payments to Benjamin Levron, his staff--at his door, eavesdropping in plain view, processing all HIPPA out the water--and for a second time, watching me.
  3. INTERFERED WITH Medicaid Beneficiary's PROCEDURAL Due Process, SUBSTANTIVE due process, AND EQUAL PROTECTION RIGHTS under FEDERAL AND STATE CONSTITUTIONS; ZIELINSKI, et al. engaged in "knowing concealment, suppression and omission of material facts," made false representation of fact, which FMOLHS, OLOL, LSU relied upon.

  4. No notice provided, in violation of state law.
  5. DENIAL OF healthcare BY FMOLHS 
  6. Failure to comply with consumer and Medicaid healthcare System LETTER OF DISMISSAL,NEGLIGENT punishment based on untruthful ALLEGATION (SUBSEQUENTLY RECANTED) CONTEMPORANEOUS OMISSION OF PROVISION IN institution OF PATIENT TERMINATION for MAINTENANCE OF medicament.
  7. A claim for fabrication of evidence; A claim of Fraud in the commission of a criminal retaliation, to deprive me of my Civil Rights, the lawful service of due process (against Individual parties).

    Such failure of dignity and depraved motive, bereft of reason, inappropriate procedure, obstruction of facility, transition through referral--during pandemic--misdiagnosis, denial of treatment through improper referral of non-attributable current medication

  8. A claim for violation of due process rights to serial nature of years, attempting under superintendence at Teaching University LSU, OLOL campus (as supervisor), whereby, lack of pre-deprivation or informal hearings, as stipulated under FMOLHS rules, refusal through a campaign of silence and universal blackballing, as well as the locking of my patient record, thereby disabling any information even from administrative operators, as to further actions, in violation of state and federal law.

  9. false information through forceful manipulation of my indelible anamnesis -- disqualifying diagnoses therein, incalculably devastating to my relationships, my career, and my self-worth; invalid prescribing of narcotics and appointments for enrichment, he, and FMOLHS--caused permanent injury, and destruction of personal worth, and failure, through “manufacture of dubious medical diagnoses, requiring powerful habit-forming medications to be taken in daily toxicant combination, which are attributable as main factor in my diagnosis of NASH,” which will result in the shortening of my lifespan by no less than a factor of 10%--the remaining years experiencing a quality of life, lower than would have been expected.


  11. In 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), 18 U.S.C. § 1962(d), conspiracy --not having communicated, or allowed any of their administrative staff take a call, or return a decision since the New Style calendar month of June within the year of our Lord, 2021, once on the second day in the forbidding weather of partly spiking pandemic, during a realtime gubernatorial Stay-at-Home order, Mark Zielinski, Lee Tynes, and Kathleen Crapanzano did enter into into a criminal conspiracy, with Zielinski's nurse, and office manager, and perpetrate, Excommunicate, and do not Resuscitate this flatlined casualty.

  12. Zielinski's decision to "lemondrop" a semi-permanent patient whose eightieth CMS rate was commencing to drag, just as the new LSUHSCNO-BR FMOLHS OLOL  Psychiatry Residents (all 8 under the supervision of Tyne, Crapanzano, and Zielinski--all three players in this tawdry tale of malfeasance), would be filling his time as associate professor and supervisor for their first chance to treat real patients at his clinic--squalid by his superintendency, its running.

  13. Its office manager--on this occasion, delegated as responsible in informing patient (me), that brand new hire Stephanie, was now in charge of the culmination of a second time deception, fraud, and untruthful ambit, to through misfeasance, moral turpitude, and complete disavowal of Medical Ethics, during spiking COVID Pandemic and its declared State of Emergency as well as gubernatorial Stay at Home order, on June 2, 2022, Mark Zielinski, M.D., had by amanuensis without the decency or intestinal fortitude to do the one last-resort, least pleasurable chore any physician has to do--but which only 1 in 4 have ever done once in a career--as a fully cooperative federally funded by HHS Department of Medicare and Medicaid full reimburser to the tune of 3.6 Billion dollars net worth, involuntarily disenroll a fully participating Medicaid beneficiary who had been being seen by the provider for approximately four years, and who through actionable malpractice, easily classified Medical Abandonment, not possible during any Medicaid enrollee's experience throughout the entire, still in existence, Public Health Emergency--for any but the most egregious reasons.
  14. abortionfactent

  15. Sister Barbara Arceneaux, tending mission to rid the state of  abortionfactent, and establish a contraception course, wherever handiness is indefinitely on hold in the all-Catholic town of Baton Francis, tribute to namesake saint, 13th-century, visionary, self-flagellating Dr. James Harold Jimmy Doolittle of Assisi, and through him (although the suffering sisters having everything gratis, they love to watch worldly heathens--J.P. Funes, mostly--get their Ordinary's on Fleek), on account of their Vow of Impoverishment--taken as full-blown sisters

  16. causing Office Manager Stephanie's personal liability, through his failure to disclose, or do his job himself--as all practitioners through common sense and duty--do no harm--this cavalier, callous lock-out of Zielinski's would--
  17. FMOLHS OLOL administrative operator, that as she read to me from her own screen notations on my chart: any claims, false reports attributable to the nurse, and original allegations upon which Zielinski had, through his Office Manager, cursorily related upon my questioning of why I was being immediately terminated ten minutes before a month-long-advance televisit appointment with the OLOL physician, I was told a bare one-line exposition of some unspecified allegation reported to Zielinski by that nurse, and to which one week after the fact, just in time for our appointment, he would not be seeing me that day or any other day--and that I had, 'as of now,' been terminated and dismissed from the practice of Mark Zielinski, as well as the entire clinic at O'Donovan--effective immediately--canceling visit--furthermore providing no referral, etc., --she now recanted her report to Zielinski--his entire case for my dismissal now an open and shut case of misfeasance, malpractice, fraud, forgery, mail fraud, retaliation, and multiple other legal, and federally enforceable instances of serious contravention and direct breaking of those CMS rules with which that clinic and Health System are funded by Medicaid, and in danger of having that funding either discontinued, or being fined, and possible sanctions, as well as operating under a new agreement, at their discretion--and many other probatory punishments, fines, and serious oversight for lack of compliance by the boards and associations through which he is able to maintain licensure and to practice medicine in the United States.