
it looks like a log, but instead, there's holes where she'd been hiding secrets

It was RI & S Janitor on whom I focused -- and he looked as though he wanted more than Christmas Tribute. He looked like he was about to get his money's worth out of his Stacey Adams, and turn some motherfuckin' white boy out.


I quickly heard dissonance, sad sleigh-bells Santa commanded, instead of Reindeer.

My Christmas Wish from him was to IMMEDIATELY get out from the Inn, on the Dark Side of the Suite, or the curb, of whose Wyndham’s rambling Sprawl, Building B-23, my home — that's all.


Technically re-statused under soft-brand Trademark Boutique Collection, of necessity and distinction, as to be identifiable, but barely of its own identity it would exist, to this Hotel Megalopolith of Big-4 Brand Wyndham Resorts, whose 9000 properties over the world made it largest of sorts -- officially, my one of 9000 set it apart from the other mid-low micro, probably for the sake of the accountant to make heads or when 9000 X 100 Keys jingle all the way to filing hotel taxes.

Its acquisition had been but a blip to its behemoth umbrella, whose Million-Key Timeshare Wars over, was back to its old tricks taking-in Lodgers, on business, or relief — check, the sign — A Residential Style Hotel," and I claim it too.

Newly renamed from Microtel, of no-stars nor amenity, to the top of the Mark property among an uncountable list of sub-brands their franchisors and invested, franchisees were the lessors, sometimes bound further to groups of management  co's whose holding responsibilities for sub-sub-Supervisors (this one was John Holmstrom, VP of Operations), SMC Hotels clustered Richmond Inn & Suites, under an umbrella by Wyndham Trademark Collection, from whence its domain pours it, it really rains.

what's that 

Shakespeare said is in a name? 

VP Holmstrom's job entailed far more at SMC Hotels Group, Shreveport La..


For 80 years has found, "opportunistically (their description), Hotels in squalor, moribund, in dereliction and disuse (mine), whose owner was in the same such condition. Desperate for saving, but through the profiteering from his deep underwater dive, their discounting would barely get his ass out from whence roiled ideation


His former place of family vacations had become gulag or ghetto, not destination;


Krakow during Armageddon, he would leave it on a smarter man's doorstep, his happy disbursement relinquished, where from his neck fell an Albatross who'd been choking him now for too many years.

For pennies on dollar to the victor went the spoilt — the Hospitality game, ya see.

ONE-PERCENTS, who, while you wile away holidays poolside, or in long showers, through your enjoyment, the COVENANT of HOME away, pay Hotel Reveries you'll see, until they come to relieve you, like me, of your dwelling, primarily, WITH NO reason nor writ FOR YOU, and with no explanation to offer, no way to appeal an out-of-control  raw-end of the deal, and no OPTION, nor Recourse DO THEY OFFER, only strong threats of commandment, unauthorized agency, they call herein;


but agent or not, this guy's fixed your toilet, uninvited by me, and now with no authorization, nor authority could it be, had he had it in spades, orders of eviction for my door to get out, he'd not be who served it, no Marshal or Constable, today is a weekend -- they're public servants, Sanitation Engineers, who counting sheep to sleep here, you sleepwalked on Ambien -- I pray it's not Sherm, just to say, by the way -- HAS ANYONE DRUG TESTED YOU TODAY?


You have got to get going.


And don't come back.


You've got three hours, and BTW, the policeman I lied to, to make seem official, he's not going to say anything, or call anybody, or even begin to arrest me for what I'm doing.


So, have a good life, and Merry Christmas -- and to the family.

The only person to call now who could possibly help, has already been called and is, as he mentioned, standing stock still and nodding, in the midst of a Posse Comitatus of a sham of a joke of Universal Proportions -- a Janitor, and a Housekeeper, and most wryly, right between them nodding his head, stands the cop whom you thought to call, WHOSE SILENCE would it be if his presence had warranted it, but only of some nefarious motive, next to graft, or blackmail, or in debt or bond bail, but, I don't think it was so. It seems his training was in need of a few basic pointers. as for me. I had to go.

this is the place I found myself in America a long, faraway, 140-days-ago today.

they got away with murder, or something unholy, and I hope they enjoyed it -- long days since its lasted.

I've only just begun to fight ... I'm looking for a BRPD Cop through LEGAL Channels for the Investigation to which he must be held accountable, and shamefully, concurrently guilty for the violation of my Civil Rights does he bear umbrage, from his Official Capacity whose dereliction and insubordination was it as to his presence alone or under which the authority of both he and the janitor did lack but assert through force and rogue demand, and which instead of calling as I requested, his supervisor or Officer in Charge, in this glaring instance of utmost uncertain procedure, whose unorthodoxy, at least should have warranted it from the answering of the call, which now was mushrooming in a Wild West railroading borne from either ignorance, complicity, reckless disregard, or mental failing, known then or not, is known as to his involvement through criminal false report to Law Enforcement, specific to this incident at approximately 2 PM at Richmond Inn & Suites on Energy Drive, from an individual named Mike.

the Police Department of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, EBR Parish BRPD, December 27, 2020 either willfully or through negligence or failure of duty to conduct proper investigation on complaint or call for assistance from a citizen, even as to his non-managerial, unlicensed Part-Time employment of the said Hotel and its premises under whose domain and auspices to which he was now trespassing and asserting himself as to the lessor of the rightful dwelling of this residence that he was enforcing an illegal order with no explanation through force and also refusing to contact his supervisor, GM Trudi Veals, as requested by me.

in no official capacity with no correct criminally enforceable complaint, unless that complaint be fabricated, maliciously for felonious furtherance of a criminal enterprise, with  demands and outcome a Federal Abrogation of my Rights against false arrest, or  False Imprisonment, or terrorist impersonation of an officer, to compel through threat of arrest, or subsequent forcible imposition, under duress, witnessed by sworn official, assisted through omission, his commission of one too many crimes, solely and recklessly committed by Mike, the janitor gained through approval from General Manager, and as unlikely the buck didn't stop where it did, although, in no way preventing any responsibility, liability, or judgement of punitive damage, her superiors at SMC Hotels Group, Shreveport, whose silence after the fact implicates them further as to the outcome of what   becomes  conspiracy to violate my civil rights, as well as  criminality in its acquisition through my deprivation,    they are all equally guilty.

I just sweep the fagots in her cremains, on whose container, I've engraved to her loved ones, her final words --- if heard correctly:

'Ice Water,'

did she appeal.

But in Hell, they don't give it, or guts, to revisit what made you human from the evil you made.


ETERNally on






VAIN, WASTED, INSCRUTABLE, LIKE THIS WAY Something Reels, Burning everything  broken, down the road, Dylan-inspired wheels on fire, wheels driven off, freewheelin' (A&R guy, I'm sure), and finally, this wheel shall explode.


no one better to make stick, but she who laid it on thick,

human backdraft

  • Black smoke becoming dense, greenish yellow without visible flames. ...

  • A well-sealed building might indicate air confinement and excessive heat buildup.

High concentrations of flammable carbon monoxide could be present as a result of incomplete combustion.

  • Little or no visible flame.

Flashover normally occurs at 500 °C (932 °F) or 590 °C (1,100 °F) for ordinary combustibles and an incident heat flux at floor level of 20 kilowatts per square metre (2.5 hp/sq ft). An example of flashover is the ignition of a piece of furniture in a domestic room.


angered at something unjust or wrong; "an indignant denial"; "incensed at the judges' unfairness"; "a look of outraged disbelief"; "umbrageous at the loss of their territory"

Trudi Veals!

Principal co-conspirator initial 'Conventional Eviction,' for unscrupulous or personal reasons, bypassing legal or established process whose responsibility it is, Landlord to Tenant, subject to null and void, Civil, or an indiscriminately mixed bag of offenses, a Tiger Pit -- tricky to navigate when inviolate; but when deprived of Civil Rights, demonstrably combative, a real epidemic, affording protection for minorities, who through discrimination, exposed and virulent,  while not killing landlords or employers, its prohibition of leasing, letting, renting and dwelling and your pet, was rife with dispute, but doubly offset.

Federally Protected Civil Rights limned issues not protected.

Guarded for forty-seven years, sub-clause of discrimination through force-out, intimidation, shut-off, strategic slumlord tactics, observed with   aversion and limiting any necessity of outside observation by itinerant, part-time, or residential tenants, any chance at gaining   semi-permanent status, through  State and Fed districts, more restrictive force through fringe offense to  prove too tough --

intimidation, failure to mend, and  Ace up their sleeve --  by their dearth of counsel 80% having none,      from monetary burdens, including exhaustion of resources, ruled agreement between tenant and landlord, or in the case  of tenant's continuous, dwelling, 31 days his primary residence,  inclusive amenities as to a room, etc.,

sleep tight.