Hotel Janitor
Defies Eviction Moratorium,
Civil Rights
in 2nd Retaliatory
Force-Out Attempt
Wyndham Hotels
Richmond Inn & Suites
Police Assistance by False Report
and Personation of Authorized Agent
10-Month, Paid-in-Full
in Bogus
"Quit or Arrest" Threat
Thr0ugh Police Presence as Stated Representative of
SMC Hotels Group
(Owner / Pres., Delton Smith)
(La Hotels Lodging Assn.)
With No Judicial Order or Writ, I Was, by Intimidation and Threat, Deprived of my Civil Rights and Constitutional Protection on December 27, 2020
cc: BRPD Internal Affairs,
Complaint Submitted
I opened my door onto a festive tableaux ready for caroling or Good Cheer, and saw a man whom I recognized as the Hotel fix-it man.
Richmond Inn Suites Head Janitor Mike, looked as though he wanted Christmas Tribute.
My thought was NOT hide.
I was dishing out some of my Christmas Dinner to one of the Vets who had just been put up by the VA to stay completely free, as should be, on an indefinite basis; however, with no draw or per diem, this meant:
six ex-military soldiers from various Middle Eastern Incursions were walking around after a supplied breakfast with little to nothing in their pockets until breakfast the next day.
six ex-military soldiers from various Middle Eastern Incursions were walking around after a supplied breakfast with little to nothing in their pockets until breakfast the next day.
My Christmas Wish for him was to IMMEDIATELY get out from Inn and on the Sunny Side of the Suite, or curb of Wyndham Hotels' rambling sprawl, and especially, Building B, Suite 123.
Newly soft-branded as a member of the nebulous Wyndham Trademark Collection, a distinction as to distinguish only it discretely, of its own identity, from the easily heard overburdening hoarding of which Hospitality as a finite product, one wondered to which degree there might be any available for Super Mega Big-4 Chain Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, whose 9000 properties over the world made them largest in dominion, with this unassuming sleeper property, as one.
This set it apart from other mid- low-level Micros as of a Collection (probably for the sake of accountants to make heads or tails of the multitude Brands, Sub Brands, Franchisees, held through Investment Groups, or as this property, Multi-Brand Acquisition / Owner clusters, whose opportunistic Business Plan had served well for 80 years, the Shreveport-based SMC Hotels Group.
Formerly headed by family founder and CEO, Harrison Smith, whose recent passing had been sadly grieved by both Hoteliers and beneficiaries of his Philanthropic largess (most notably as applied to the coffers of New York City's Met, Metropolitan Opera, one of the world's shining cultural diamonds of the Arts, for a century).
Its acquisition had been barely a blip to its behemoth umbrella, whose million-key Timeshare Wars over, was taking in lodgers (again), but providing equal service of lodging as opposed to whatever that was whose scam and outcome, equally furtive, had resulted in a newly acquired CEO, and a massive re-branding, re-naming, blinding and memory wiper ray-gun, on business, or for holidays and local events, pleasure, as well as the occasional long-term resident, which as its sign proclaimed, "A Residential Style Hotel," found me as well.

Among an uncountable list of sub-brand franchisees, their franchisors and sub-sub-Manager Supervisors (at SMC, John Holmstrom, VP of Operations was over RI&S for son of Harrison, Delton Smith, President -- no philanthropist. In 150 days, and never, has he called about this situation, having also blocked me from his Social Media, as have the others).
SMC Hotels Group, who own the 25-year-old, former Best Western, Richmond Inn & Suites, Trademark Collection under the umbrella of Wyndham Hotels, was, despite the complicated business of management, at first an accommodating, multi-building, 165 Key, old but kept compound, whose spacious living spaces, with full Kitchen, separate en suite Bathroom Vanity, King Sized Bed ... and laughably for Baton Rouge, Fireplace, were recommended to me by a former employee, as a welcome but unknown property to me, strangely it was, being a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge.
However, there were two things yet unknown: its proximity to Baton Rouge and the United States Central Southern Corridor at I-10 and I-12 Split, whose lack of Sound Damping Wall, made it -- from 45 to 60 dB -- one of the loudest places I had ever stayed.
But with time, of course, its staff, especially GM, Trudi Veals, with 25 years experience, would be, I imagined, the perfect GM to keep such a large property and staff in line, I thought ... at first.
When a General Manager at one of SMC Hotels Group's six managed properties under their name, slipped up on the job, VP Holmstrom would intervene. This is how I first met John Holmsrom
His job entailed far more than supervising employees. For years he had worked in "opportunistically (their description), acquisitioning Properties, moribund, in dereliction, or disuse, whose owners usually, were of the same such condition (my description).
Desperate for rescuing, but through profiteering from deeply underwater dives such as his, their deep discounting appeal to Corporate Raiders would barely get his ass out from the roiling sea of suicidal ideation in which this hypothetical poor wretch was happy to be, as he found himself currently listing: his former place of family fun vacations had become gulag, or ghetto, not destination -- Krakow during Armageddon.
He would leave it on a braver, smarter man's doorstep -- his happy disbursement relinquished, where from his neck, fell the Albatross who'd been choking him for so many years -- to which he would awaken sometime deep in the night, and from whence a smile would cover his face, in his little Highway Hotel on the outskirts of his hometown, and as if from drowning, clasp the hand of his High School Sweetheart, and remind himself, he had not been choking, he had been laughing from not choking.
For pennies on dollar, to the victor, the spoiled.
ONE-PERCENTERS, who while you wile away holiday, poolside, or in long showers, enjoying the COVENANT you pay for for a Hotel's REVERIE away from the place you call home, you will be -- until they come to relieve you, like they did to me, of your dwelling, or mine, who's sole and primary abode, WITH NO reason or reproofing of, or mentioned, with no explanation to offer as to their intention, and with no way to appeal the out-of-control, rogue, raw end of the deal, nor OPTION, or recourse did THEY OFFER, only strong threats and commandment of unauthorized agency, they call him herein an agent, his folly he perpetrated, but agent or not he had fixed my toilet plenty.
Now he wants me gone with no authorization nor even authority, he had NONE in spades, nor orders of eviction for my door (which if he had, he'd not be who served them), NOT EVEN the Marshall and Constable, today of Christmas Holiday weekend -- they were Public Servants, not Sanitation Engineers, who instead of counting sheep to sleep, it appeared that Ambien, I pray it wasn't PCP -- just to say, oh, by the way.
The only person to call now who could possibly help, WAS already called FULLY ENROLLED, standing stock still, occasionally nodding, in the midst of this Posse Comitatus sham of a joke of Universal Proportions -- perpetrated by a rogue Janitor on a Payback mission of high confidentiality, accompanied by a Head Housekeeper, and most wryly, among them, still nodding his head as if affirming the ignorance he claimed to the outrageous assistance and authority to which his sheer presence imbued this wholly illegal action, the cop, WHOSE SILENCE would, if his presence had been warranted, been in thought or consternation as to the incredibly complicated, but finally, easy out he had to instead of support a fraud's fake eviction, tell him to stop and wait, at least, if not that, how about, sometimes, the police call the police.
But so outrageous was this Surprise Get Out Party, that I began to wonder, and still do at the writing of this, what nefarious motive next to graft, or blackmail, or debt, or bond bail, did he possess.
I have decided, FINALLY, I don't care, for he owes me more than whatever it was, or nothing. I am owed dignity and Justice at its depriving.
Because. For me ... I had to go.
This is the place I found myself in America a long, faraway, 150-days-ago today. As today. Having, through innumeerable versions of letters of inquiry, to each and every group, LLC., chain, brand, sub-brand, franchisor, franchisee, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook Page, Instagram, through email blast and personal appeal to CEO and Guest Seervices Rep, to a peersonal letter to Wyndham Hotels and Resorts CEO, Geoff something on his personal LinkedIn: NOTHING. 0 RESPONSE OUT OF OVER 50 CONTACTS. OVER 150 DAYS. FROM THE FIRST DAY UNTIL TODAY. THEY HAVE DECIDED TO TRUST LUCK, CONNCTIONS, LAWYERS, AND THE FAILED BET THAT I WAS BLUFFING, FOR WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST SHAMEFUL DISPLAY OF COWARDICE AND MORAL TURPITUDE AND CRAVEN DEPRAVITY OF THAT WHICH THEY ARE ALL GUILTY, BUT WHICH NOW HAS INSPIRED MY FINAL DECISION TO TAKE TO ITS ULTIMATE FATEFUL JUSTICE FOR THEIR ENTITIES AND ITS REPUTATIONS, NOT A SCAM OF TIME SHARES WHICH IS EVEN LAST YEAR STILL RECEIVING ATTNTION, BUT THROUGH COVID-19 DENIAL, OR ... HOW WILL THEY SPIN WHAT WAS DONE TO ME IN THEIR NAME?
WE SHALL FIND OUT SOON, AS SOON AS THE BACKLOGS GET CLEARED AND THERE'S COURT READY TO HEAR TESTIMONY FROM MY LAWYER RETAINED, THROUGH VIDEO HOOKUP, CHAT OR IN PERSON, THERE IS NO COURT IN THE LAND WHO SHALL NOT UNDERSTAND OR AT LEAST RULE IN FAVOR OF THE AWFUL MULTIPLE EXIGENCIES DONE IN PLAGUE TIME AND DURING MORATORIUMS, MOOT, BECAUSE I WAS REMOVED FROM MY DWELLING BY A JANITOR DURING CHRISTMAS WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF LawEnforcement, and to prove the absence of any degree of their innocence, but to illustrate the depravity and Special Circumstance to which my life was haned and thought of with not even an offer of apology. For a week I thught surely that one of the crew in a moment of weakness against Legal's Corporate orders would pick up a phone to see what went wrong, and to offer some offer of at least consolation or feeling.
But not Trudi Veals, nor Mike, nor SMC Delton, nor John, or on Twitter, where they tried but shutdown, then ordered to block me, nor anyone in those New Jersey offices thought it might be decent if we send him appeasement ... but never,
and that's what huge lawsuits are all about.
I'll get back to you in a couple years and post a photo of me in my new car in front of its benefactor SMC and Wyndham and Trudi Veals and Mike, back from doing time in Club Fed.
Have a good time.
Don't forget to exercise.
See ya on the outside.
Good luck.
Hell is coming down.
They got away with murder, or something unholy, LIKE IT. I hope they enjoyed it -- long days its lasted.
I've only just begun to fight ...
I'm looking for a BRPD Cop through LEGAL Channels for the Investigation to which he must be held accountable, and shamefully, concurrently guilty for the violation of my Civil Rights does he bear umbrage, from his Official Capacity whose dereliction and insubordination was it as to his presence alone or under which the authority of both he and the janitor did lack but assert through force and rogue demand, and which instead of calling as I requested, his supervisor or Officer in Charge, in this glaring instance of utmost uncertain procedure, whose unorthodoxy, at least should have warranted it from the answering of the call, which now was mushrooming in a Wild West railroading borne from either ignorance, complicity, reckless disregard, or mental failing, known then or not, is known as to his involvement through criminal false report to Law Enforcement, specific to this incident at approximately 2 PM at Richmond Inn & Suites on Energy Drive, from an individual named Mike.
Police Department of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, EBR Parish BRPD, December 27, 2020 either willfully or through negligence or failure of duty to conduct proper investigation on complaint or call for assistance from a citizen, even as to his non-managerial, unlicensed Part-Time employment of the said Hotel and its premises under whose domain and auspices to which he was now trespassing and asserting himself as to the lessor of the rightful dwelling of this residence that he was enforcing an illegal order with no explanation through force and also refusing to contact his supervisor, GM Trudi Veals, as requested by me.
In no official capacity with no correct criminally enforceable complaint, unless that complaint be fabricated, maliciously for felonious purpose of furtherance of a criminal enterprise, now with the demands and outcome, a Federal Abrogation of my Constitutionally provided Rights against false arrest, or of False Imprisonment or terrorist impersonation of an officer of authority to compel through threat of arrest and or subsequent force of removal physically and forcibly of self-imposition, under witness of sworn official assisted by omission this commission of one of many crimes which were solely and recklessly committed by Mike, the Officer, and the General Manager of the Hotel, and her superiors at SMC Hotels Group, Shreveport, whose silence after the fact implicates them further in the outcome of what has suddenly become a conspiracy to violate my civil rights, as well as the criminality to which they are each equally guilty.
Refusal to contact Supervisor on Duty, he did personally speak it, and Hotel Janitor, or whatever his position of promotion has him tasked now: Mike (Last name unknown).
As well as SMC Hotels Group Executive Members, specifically President Delton Smith, and Vice President of Operations, John Holmstrom