Richmond Inn & Suites - Baton Rouge, LA (225-924-6500) 135 Days Since Janitor Mike | GM Trudi Veals Illegal Retaliatory Eviction and Civil Rights Violations | SMC Group | Wyndham Hotels Trademark Commandeering BRPD Officer through False Report

FTC and Consumer Affairs have explicitly warned landlords and innkeepers in their official statement of intent, April 2021, of their decision to fully prosecute opportunistic acts of posse comitatus, Self-Help, and retaliatory, and Constructive Eviction, as well as any instigation of lawful process through court order of writ to those actuated by non-payment, specifically if by tenant's contraction of Coronavirus, any retaliation which falls under the Federal Whistleblower Protection, and any action by Owner / Landlord whose initiation began through his action through lock-outs, shut-offs, and alternative subterfuge through connivance, whose offense falls within the class of expedient and gratuitous defiance of the currently mandated legal imperative for temporary subsidence of any intent gained through legal, or extra-legal machinations employed by property owners, lessors, or agents of same, and any covered under the Innkeepers ambit which violate tenant / lessee Rights as Warranted Consumers as stipulated by FTC, whereby, assayed Products and Services are dwelling, and leasing of dwelling, whereby lessor and lessee Covenant in agreement to guarantee under Code of Ethics of the governance of those whose position includes them as entities, their instruments, or agents, through corporate, or in camera, closely-held Places of Letting, Leasing or Rental Dwellings for a period, contractually declared, or offered to its itinerant, overnight lodgers, or as an extended plan, and by state subject to a minimal period of use by tenant, from one month to three months time, whereby, subsequent to the designated time, Owner / Landlord and Tenant /Lessee Agreement as guaranteed by Law is transferred into Replacement Agreement Structure, should there not have been an earlier Contractile Agreement prior to this period of time.
Moving into Richmond Inn and Suites in February of 2020, referred by an ex-employee which netted me a commodious two-room suite with full kitchen and fireplace, a large bedroom with King Sized Bed and complimentary amenities such as daily breakfast, made this a happy move, only deteriorating in the third month of animus manendi through a bizarre and baseless attempt by the GM of the hotel, personally calling my Hotel Room Phone to inform me of her decision that I leave.
Upon gathering myself and questioning her as to hr reason for such an abrupt decision, stemming from 'what, I was not told,' she stated 'We just don't seem to be able to make you happy, and so I have arranged for your checkout tomorrow at Noon.' I flatly told her in reply that I had no intention of doing anything of the sort, and that instead, I would be contacting her superiors at SMC Hotels Group to dispute this attempt at an unlawful force-out with no legitimate grievance attached, and that I would leave the decision to them.
At this she became highly agitated and began to hysterically insist that I do this right away, offering and giving me the name and telephone number of the person who it was to which I should speak. So sure was she as to any vulnerability in her decision being contested or overruled, she even dialed the number herself in an hysterical scene of exaggerated, indignant righteousness, illustrating the paucity in which she viewed my chance of receiving a sympathetic ear to help me as to its final result.
After a very brief introduction of myself, and the mystified reason I had in contacting him, John Holmstrom, to my relief, almost immediately sided with me, and for lack of any compelling serious evidence whatsoever, denied her order, overturning it in favor of my continued long-term residency, to which I remain grateful.
supporting a guest over a senior GM, whose attempt at a clumsy Conventional Eviction had only just begun, and when examined by an executive of the Hotel's Parent Company, its VP of Operations had deemed it superficial, or benign -- through which he gained my respect and admiration in the immediate cessation of the action intended to put me out of my rightful home. In my experience this was the singular example I had of a high ranking administrative employee being dressed down in the matter of an order of proposed action involving a guest by a Corporate superior who was not onsite to have witnessed an incident or for whatever she had complained of, if anything, relating to her reason which she may have shared with him in private, and which had been the cause of her nullified decision.
As to a blatant, unnecessary dismissal of a guest, as well as the
evidence to what can only be described as that being surmised to be a personal attack -- which in
time, lessons learned in regard to being caught, and its more careful
recapitalization as to the procedures necessarily carried out with the
express purpose of evading John Holmstrom's opprobrium, or at least, his
awareness of the deed, until she had accomplished the deed to rid herself of me, and only possibly had to save her job by inventing some reason as to why it had become necessary, that would be exactly what transpired.
The entire period of my tenancy found me current with rental payments, including a credit card on file for their use in automatic
self-payment on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, no late payments
assessed, no damages to property, or withholding of security fees
levied, nor any complaints regarding my behavior as to the rules of the
Hotel, whetherfrom Management, or submitted by any of the
groundskeepers or other staff, nor any guests, nor finally, anyone, including third party entities or friends of staff or guests -- no incident reports, written, nor oral warnings to any
infractions during the time of my residency.
Trudi Veals's retaliatory Constructive Eviction through Self-Help tactics and defiance of Federal, CDC Eviction Moratorium Act, did personally employ, cause, direct, and authorize she and agents / employees of Richmond Inn & Suites, whose position at the time were of a non-managerial nature, as with Front Desk Clerk Faith (eventually fired as a result of her bizarre actions toward me), and RI & S Janitor, Mike (Last Name Unknown), who would ultimately through illegal means obtain the outcome desired by Trudi, which I hurriedly compile for your attention 130 days after my final extraction through threat, and commandeering of an Officer of BRPD under false pretenses in acting as agent in command of my sham-eviction, where along with the primary Principal agent personating someone with the authority to do what he was indeed doing, rather than that whose responsibility would have been entirely as that of RI & S Janitor. Immediately in defense of my assertions above, I will point to the evidence which can not be disputed: Subsequent to the deeply unscrupulous actions taken by her henchman coram non judice, her innocence could easily be proven by the reinstatement to my legal dwelling, and his dismissal, immediately effectuated; however, negating even the possibility of her ignorance or conspiracy, or direction, and the likelihood of her direct formulation of its commission, her complete silence as befits those cowards, slumlords, and corrupt officials, who need not be Mirandized to know when to keep quiet, but whose winning is winning at any cost, whose moral turpitude of conscience commence only upon being discovered, found out, caught, and as must be evident -- this was not the scenario which played out with Trudi Veals and Mike -- no communication to make right this shameful abidance, hence support of the actions by a mature woman at the quarter-century mark of her career, came -- and likewise, following suit, never did come from any party involved. No matter the qualification as it applies to the Long Term Residence inquestion, however adjudged as to my protection by current Federal Mandate, by whichever of those who may rule as to my qualification of it; however it is found as to that protection under current Eviction Moratorium, the end result is Moot.
This Illegal Eviction was conducted under cover of cowardice as the looters during Katrina, whose looting was not for sustenance, but TVs and Electronics, all brazenly done, with the entitlement of something borne of endemic anti-white racism whose momentary Devil Night of mayhem could only be executed with bigger problems to address in the hopes that they would never sit charged and adjudged guilty from their own avarice of opportunism and lack of concern of any other's rights or loss and suffering.
I was forced out on the street by threat of arrest and extraction, during a gubernatorial Stay at Home Order from my Primary Residence, causing me to become homeless, for no stated cause whatsoever, under no legally adjudicated Court Order, in a State of Emergency, during the escalating death toll of severely affected areas, such as EBR Parish of Louisiana, through December of 2020, by command, immediate compliance, devoid of documentation, notice, or proper authority, through unauthorized instrument, with egregious, negligent and blanket false statement, which inveigled the malicious commandeering of an Officer of BRPD, during a Holiday Weekend, when neither Marshall nor Constable would be so ordained or granted right to eviction; without presence of proper authority, of which the GM only fit its description, and committed during such time in which it would be known by Mike that Trudi Veals was at home, with no way for me to contact her; so that with the refusal of any employee to grant me consultation, any effort on my part to solicit help, of proper authority from this sham ousting went unaccommodated.Previously denied and reprimanded for the forensic double to this last outrageous petty acquisition to which she felt entitled, one would expect Ms. Veals's extortive and corrupting influence through her professional station as senior member of staff of the two main principals as to her enlistment of their services; two underling employees perniciously recruited of the Special Circumstance in which it is added a more serious charge as in that same special designation, one individual whose right of housing she acted as overseer, and suborned her duty in hubris of the definition of racism:
a person or group who with authority has the advantageous position of dictating or effectuating their own self-serving personal office as to the actions which from their own greed and profiteering to exploit those whose station, or ignorance, or inability to request help, have none of these, and therefore submit.
And so her first principal co-conspirator / Front Desk Clerk Faith, tried and failed in her ignoble endeavor in the bizarre three instances which are truly unbelievable, and so omitted; which gave perfect impetus to which Mike the Janitor would later succeed, both of their motivation the same: to impress, satiate the shattered ego of their boss, moribund and unmistakably still smarting from public censure from her superior's discovery (with the help of a former employee, my report), initiating the emergency intervention of momentum, halting her first attempt at unlawfully forcing my departure through intimidation.
The firing of Faith had Trudi overstepping the line, forcing through self-preservation of loyalty to her staff, her refusal to do what had been asked by John Holmstrom -- to fire Faith.
her declination causing John a trip to Baton Rouge to carry out that which a shattered preoccupation contrasted his former personal assessment of his GM (he had promised to meet with me to speak about my anxiety over this issue becoming compounded, to which he had agreed, and then ignoring any such promise, disappearing back to Shreveport on the morning, when I awoke and noticed the pall throughout the property, and on its employee's faces -- Faith had been fired and everyone blamed me).
Dispatching a one-year employee in order to preserve the stability and smooth running of his property, while assuaging a resident offended, was a necessary exercise by his peers at SMC, in order to stop the machinations attributable to their experienced GM, whose dissatisfaction at the decision, she had rabidly objected -- known among her group of workplace confidants and helpers).
John Holmstrom, nor anyone at SMC had a clue why. I phoned the young woman who had referred me to the hotel where she had been employed and whose boss John Holmstrom had been, and thanked her for her help.
She told me that I should move if I could. I said that I was aware -- and trying. I knew that it would be me next.
Grooming another member of staff to assist in a second attempt through her ongoing gambit of Constructive Eviction would be tough, but Mike was who I would have picked, and apparently Trudi and I had that in common, because the final round of intimidation and exceptionally hostile instances of meeting, were all served from the same spoiled cans of food through which the last dinner's reprisal of upset stomachs and diarrhea had not only failed to put her off her appetite, but apparently only whetted it.
Trudi Veals would not be as easily combated by me, I knew, with Mike in her camp, but I did not expect anything approximating what was to come.
Upon my questioning of company man Mike while in mid-siege of my legal dwelling, as if Mad Jim Jones, emboldened, but faintly aware that this was the end of it, therefore make it grand, through my hall flanked by the motley crew, out of its element and commanded by a Soldier of Fortune, his silent posse commitatus did finally answer the oppressed peasant under the weight of the invasion and enslavement of my only abode at the mercy of a crazed officer of a rogue outfit whose office he'd won in a Poker Game and was now using to his sadistic whims, of which he said that he had the authority, and continued hurriedly.
Federal, State, Civil and Criminal Laws broken by all parties and time over for their response, I have now been forced as my only option to slog through a long and tedious avenue involving multiple different Courts, Suits, Attorney Costs, and Time Spent waiting for the Multi-Conglomerate Hotelier Wyndham Hotels and Resorts to exhaust every trick in its highly paid vast web of legal diversionary tricks and stalls in order to force me into what they must realize is an impossible disputation as to their ability to prevail in a rogue compulsive chance taken at one of their lesser soft-branded Trademark Collection properties, to which must be defended and never admitted to as to fault, as a matter of course and business self-preservation informing against all lawsuits their position, whether frivolous or airtight.
The Courts of Louisiana and the Federal Courts whose authority this falls, in the long and costly endeavor to retain counsel and file motions, and litigate the failure on their part to treat a guest of their auspicious Parent Company's Umbrella, as a human being, who paying these corporate entities for providing goods, as stated by FTC and Consumer Affairs Dept., must as dictated by those same departments fall under those corporate entities whose business model is through retail: different but equal as to its judgement as to its description of service or product.