
if 2020's perfectly apocryphal Bosch and loamy vision of futurity were appearing closer the farther the mirror appears retrospectively reductionist, then whose and who is that up there slapping your face, asking you: who the President of the United States is?

  • thierry fremaux added in French, preferring the yeasty leesaged  piper heidsieck 1995 Blancs des Millénaires ‘…


    [c]inephilia as culture of the discarded … prefers to find intellectual coherence where none is evident …’


    • And this is my reference

    if 2020's perfectly apocryphal Bosch and loamy vision of futurity were appearing closer the farther the mirror appears retrospectively reductionist, then whose and who is that up there slapping your face, asking you: who the President of the United States is?

    he does not appear to be taking your answer with the same sense of gravity in which the question is supposed to be asked —

    1. first hint of  double 20

      whose legal tender trust is worthy of counterfeiters likenesses exclusively to test public reactions for what passes at face value,  inscrutably held  up to the light verifiable watermarks never too careful with barely legal tender traps  people trot out  to put in trickbags just to see if you can find your way out before the heat is heard asking twice to their radio, ‘what’s your twenty?’


      inevitably replying would be less rhyming numbers whose response  the other line would sound not pleased to hear it rattled off, numbers beg questions whose 20 is whose, why is it so clearly seen, and when all is said and done and the last bell is rung, should auld acquaintanceship be forgotten and  come to mind at end of year have they bought us what we have wrought as it be if it be murder most foul which marker's make epitaph's good riddance redundant,  echolalia by ear's murmuration soothing  something should its reputation repetitively say was and is endimic to all, the sequence of which we find ourselves perblind by both pan- and epi-demics, Justianianic


      first one of 541.


      and then the one that's Black.


      one of 1347.


      and the last Bubonic one of 1855


      don’t take Thomas Jefferson steve jobs to know the Rule of Three should be avoided  like the plague



    2. Jewelry jackets, humiliating tactics of unpaid walking supermodel spokespersons, influential athlete celebs and rappers, Nike Sneaker Pimps, most craven ...


      titular groups of music directors, fictional PI’s from above, share as one, this group’s improbable qualities, which inextricably weave  former solitary  celebrity and popularity not inconsideration, germane to answer --


      they share letters in their names!


      Nor can their inclusion in the descriptive piece of video / music/ marrying  be an otherwise nebulous chaos, unintentionally drôle -- mishmash


      Ask a Blink an Emersonado a private edwardsmanciniphile

    1. @dougmeet
    2. other (6)
    3. trish (6)
    4. first (6)
    5. #mrjyn (6)
    6. video (5)
    7. tarot (5)
    8. found (4)
    9. don’t (4)
    10. ferrari (4)
    11. @instagram (4)
    12. collins (3)
    13. follow (3)
    14. blink (3)
    15. world (3)
    16. executive (3)
    17. story (3)
    18. three (3)
    19. chair (3)
    20. share (3)
    21. instagram (3)
    22. tower (3)
    23. value (3)
    24. rappers (3)
    25. missed (3)
    26. dougmeet (3)
    27. athletes (2)
    28. search (2)
    29. question (2)
    30. caught (2)
    31. agents (2)
    32. asking (2)
    33. ��� (2)
    34. stash (2)
    35. perris (2)
    36. narcotic (2)
    37. death (2)
    38. black (2)
    39. fiona (2)
    40. apple (2)
    41. school (2)
    42. appear (2)
    43. things (2)
    44. thing (2)
    45. qualities (2)
    46. i’ll (2)
    47. arrived (2)
    48. @leylabluetoo (2)
    49. @blackpinkofficial (2)
    50. public (2)
    Keyword highlighting:
    • For official top view German maniac @marlon_style Broke it from Beating It Basquiat 6 days ago EDDIE VAN HALEN SOLOS MICHAEL JACKSON’s ‘BEAT IT’ TO DEATH! As if sitting shiva @liltunechi throws @gramparsons.forever a $1000 #funeral to start the year that wasn’t so nice they had to ask it nice if 2020 was referring to its perfectly apocalyptic #bosch vision of the future all things appearing closer in the rearview mirror than they appear when retrospective reductionism is slapping your face and asking you who the President of the United States
    1. 1.
    2. Give your girlfriend the pass to fap to 2.
    3. Expose his age in video 3.
    4. Explain what Ben Orr likes to do to women 4.
    5. Disabuse all comers of his non-affiliation with paint makers 5.
    6. Pretend he is a girl and look down his shirt • Story ends abruptly when director finds artist @lanadelrey sleeping on gig.
    7. Calls alt deejay,boo.
    8. THIS STORY.
    9. ... Record company dismiss her, kickoff squad reassess, well-versed seclusion, New Jersey trailer park, no toto, like no place, like home, re-emerge Zarathustra-like, dancing, one-foot-over proscenium, establish herself, not A&R guy — authentic #LanaDelRey — #chainsmoker nobody broke her, boiling interlocutor, ain’t no one in that sundress gonna fuck her coprolalia tics, her expat bar foks and poes, Zefin 2 tour wit, die antwoord with landy doll Yo landi visser every racked-up tracked-up viddy looks like she was mad for these times me either, but would be nice to kissa bitch like older guy who had it at ‘fuck it, first impression re specialty only get made time one time like a broken clock with one hand and a shadow, only right once a day and then sometimes twice if it's sunny all day long can’t contain the eye strain, she’s a dress flipper ... smokes LDR Cigarettes, but got all y’all-know-what-to-live-for and still not give a fuck for that $ 4000 ferrari chair! investigation previously identified coauthored state warrant multiprocessing courier target red narcotic stash coin city Perris Fiona apple sisterlover crush resistance thinking she would ‘Row Row Row Your Boat' RoundMaude Maggart on account-a Fiona Maggart-Apple ain't no kiss-tell-ya-bout-a-sister-MAGGART-braggart.
    10. ALTHOUGH SHAMEIKA DID CALL HER ART MAG IN MIDDLE SCHOOL Do rosebloom know they both NOW love if two Maggarts ARRest vests, 2 little art mags fit “aye, ee'best'sisterlove 'ere'all till she'ud e'en en shall" • #mrjyn • @dougmeet #MaggartSisterMeet2020 During a search of courier’s residence, agents located approximately 25 duffel bags within garage containing 406 kilograms cocaine, six kilos heroin, 650 lbs bernieamine.
    11. Add search of narcotic stash in Perris agents locate 1,600 lbx crystal met-a goin vestigation.
    12. “The largeDEA domseizure of metmine is a sigant blow to cartel gigant victoryor commSouthern California the United Statesdeal with torrent metetamine inneighborhoods,” Administrator Shea “We workattack drug trafficking at evelseizure send message mean business.” “Los Angeles is transshipment hub Mexican cartel traffick illicit drugsouthwest border,” said Special Agent in Charge Bodner.
    13. “azure lives and exploitation victimization” “ seizures thwart drugs, drugs causeharm” Brian Babbitt Justice Department, Grim Div BEST TV TO LIVE INSIDE #1 #KPOPP lalalalisa_m @blackpinkofficial girl tropicana In possession of all her ESP Trish tries to satisfy herself by reading my Tarot Deck giving me an art lesson as refund and trying to get me wherever she wants me.
    14. I suspect it a trap.
    15. • #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @Instagram • If I Could Turn Back Time • • ….
    16. I’ll @cher more about the woman and the man behind the camera if there is any interest.
    17. You can register interest by the frictionless click of the like symbol • • • • • • • • • —• This is the original Bella window time going viral or getting likes wanting to be followed! his intimate express adventur tracs outgoing women causeof intima bari things not no thing peak illions.
    18. • • • • • • • • • • • trish collins ‘Pick’ Tower XVI series, Trish, load Tower deck “say it’s funniest video I made, hey u don’t know me”• @dougmeet • @Instagram •—• •— The Tower (XVI) (most common modern name) is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian Tarot decks.
    19. Used in game playing since the 15th CENTURY (quoth Bob Dylan, re.
    20. an Italian poet), as well as divination since the mid-19th century.
    21. See argumentative Tarot Read exec meet house 9PM 9PM @trishcollins pie-eye recumbent $4000 ferrari chair tart geevery Trish Collins Makeup Art Lesson for Tarot Fail If you’ve seen the #tarotreadersofinstagram #divinationcommunity clip before this much discussed argument to her establishing that it wasn’t her doing my Tarot Read, apparently, to win back my trust, she invited herself to my yearly company executive board meeting, where she and one older executive were seen drinking stiff Gin Martini's downstairs at the corporate dining room, where further they both missed the almost mandatory required meeting, or rather, he did, which I had been mysteriously text messaged from the founder's Blackberry at approximately 7PM had been moved ahead one hour until 10PM because of what was supposedly an issue with Building Security, all very matter of fact with an unexpected small 'x' signed by his secretary, his elderly amaneuensis, whose tenure was edging toward a Japanese CEO in duration.
    22. Upon my arriving at 9PM found trish collins was likely pie-eyed and even from my vantage relaxed in a recumbent posture, splayed out on one of the $4000 Ferrari Racing Chairs which Enzo himself had designed and manufactured in a limited edition in the exact condition of the chair he had sat behind his desk for so many years, in one of the lesser known embodiments of everything which made a Ferrari his, and which had turned it into an unchallengable iconic combination of modernity, function, design, machismo, competitive prowess, beauty, and a couple hundred other qualities whose legend is forever storied and grows of its own past even as its present still produces ever innovative, impractical, sexy, designs and engineering summits on an almost yearly basis -- all by, for, or inspired by the man whose brand is fully capable of competing with its product and whose heritage is dynastic, classic, and perfectly preserved for the ages.
    23. Trish had arrived with a startlingly idetic and complete knowledge of every CEO, COO, FEO, FOUNDER, AND EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, EVEN winning through cartomancy the haggard hoarish STENOGRAPHER WHO visibly DISTRACTED, began SHAKING when I ASKED HER TO READ BACK MINUTES WHICH I only ASSUMED HAD been recorded during my absence.
    24. #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @Instagram • @leylabluetoo #company (rough for fun) … #chowmeifun to blame.
    25. Got real dreamy then I got real arty then I got real thirsty.
    26. ‘I started a fight with the mirror … but it cracked!’ And no don’t expect to see a surgical edit with a filter of the glass brea… cracking … not that kind of guy … as subtle as a flying mallet — not me.
    27. And especially not in possible error in which case I will with all respect to you and your lovely family with no delay remove or any version of that action only too happy to have caught in my magpie eye the Tribeca equivalent of a rooftop garden or possibly a darkroom if one still rolls old school on occasion.
    28. I was surprised that my Memphis decisively momentous acquaintance @egglestonartfoundation happily admits to never having printed his own work.
    29. And when I sold and was honored to host @helmutnewtonfoundation and his equally talented #alicesprings and @hermanleonardphotography originals I found the opposite origin the polar opposite early career of genius ending with an even more bohemian Ibizan lifestyle.
    30. from without means to consider opting out.
    31. I am in awe of the incomparable piece of art yours and your wife’s equally sly eye put forward for @leylabluetoo which in my opinion even New York has entirely missed — firstly a @newyorkermag profile and unless I missed it @nytimes exclusive story I am now cracking ahead of the Lyft little junior #genz music reporters for @pitchfork NOW WITH A MILLION MORE @condenast dollars— to stuff my inbox new releases than COVID-19 has disease ���s— but when I found out that the beautiful Ms.
    32. Blue was remarkably gifted #leylabluetoo my ears pricked up my ears and felt in awe of her seemingly anxious desire to get on with it.
    33. Then COVID.
    34. Her rhapsodic vocalizing had me at rapt attention as if in the presence of Piaf or Blossom and strangely @mariahcarey whose Clive less organic opportunities abound in natural development.
    35. Leyla crooning at perfect age like that other NY guy whose tunefulness was godliness in a blink that made the world fall away in ‘Silence’ she is very special — I wrote @mrs.jimmyscott_official about her.
    36. That’ll what I think.
    37. 5 4 days ago Parfum de poupee #YoZef par @DougMeet #premiere #cinereel #4 #Halloween2020 #IGTV #mrjyn #creators #dougmeet #ZEF House lux addict @DieAntwoord #yolandivisser and Ninja keep it hype with @LVMH @Gucci and every #obscureobjectofdesire whose #Oroboroustail was cut and broken when in the 80s #thebronx it was first forbade laughed at and degraded its #knockoff Chinese #bootlegs first paraded and appropriated OG #streefashion action no contract -- heralded tailor to Rappers Bronx-centric litigated profiled in what can only be described as haute negrophobia now because they had refused when Asian Bootleggers whose transition from #Mingtobling seamlessly sold every day of the year up and down Canal St.
    38. Chinatown New York City.
    39. The Piaget I bought in faux-ironic protest against the epicene Parisian Houses via sweat shops pre-iPhone continuing post-colonial servitude to outsource the greed of the world's capitalist pawning to the world's most conspicuous consumer felt cheap.
    40. The demand created the need the greed supplied no time for remorse until avoiding like the plague the eventuality of HIV the last something to effect their clientele and its insistence on only the best -- a kind of black death gallow's screaming anything but "I've just contracted blank but my @Gucci #LV Mask arrived overnight from Amazon so my parents can say goodbye.
    41. Can you imagine LVMH? I mean the one behind the boardroom who first seriously suggested the abandonment of everything it held sacred for what it is today? Yet somehow continuing to supply outrageously gauche bagatelles and baubles for the never-ending signing bonuses athletes and rappers whose 'riche' was so nouveau it only bought wine on November 11? No old rich widows but still the outrageous exchange of wildly marked up luxury items whose value depreciated like an automobile whose Caveat Emptor the dealer stood waving where their future lies.
    42. Jewelry jackets humiliating tactics of unpaid walking supermodel spokespersons influential athletes celebs and rappers Nike and other Sneaker Pimps most craven of all 5 days ago What does the titular grouping of musicians directors and fictional PI’s from above share as one this group’s improbable qualities which inextricably weaves their formerly solitary — with regards to each other — celebrity artistic achievement and popularity with the public which cannot be considered Germaine to the answer any more than the fact that they all share a letter in each of their names! Nor can their inclusion in the eponymous description of their inclusion in the piece of video / music/ marrying them together in an otherwise nebulous chaos theory randomly and unintentionally drôle be considered in the mishmash of unremarkable commonality they share? Ask a Blink an Emersonado an @hannahmontanastagram fan #privatedick #edwardsmanciniphile ��� #julieandrews ; … DONT ASK ME! It cost me three hours I’ll only get back if you like it … @blackpinkofficial @mileycyrus @emersonlakeandpalmerofficial @yehudivenuti @gunne_sax_addicts @henrymanciniofficial #themefrompetergunn #blackpinklisa #blinksthailand #bplisa @thetrashapp • #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @creators • @marlon_style This is NEW WAVE CINÉ ÉELS ep.
    43. 3.
    44. If you enjoy this you will surely find eps.
    45. 1 & 2 of the same value and don’t forget to make ‘T’ is for Tourette’s and the others part of your diet of IGTV INSTAGRAM CARE to be found by clicking the link on the video bottom or on my profile next to my feed and stories 4 #GuitarGods #RIP ***Y: @angusyoungofficial acdc • @eddievanhalen • FEATURING @michaeljackson #livebeatt and CRAZY #BASQUIAT best_ig_filters this • #mrjyn • dougmeet for • #nouvellevague #cinereel produced by #dougmeet using @thetrashapp #aivideo #machinelearning #bayesianmodels #probabilityengineering® employs cutting edge computerscience technology under the brilliant @algorithmn.insta newbreed #editrix eye ��� of #trashedit pioneer @genevieve.m.p and with eternal inspiration inspired by #martinscorcese seasoned #filmeditor @thelmaschoonmaker I humbly submit for your approval the latest joint by #twotime #mrjyntrashgoat winner — me.
    46. For official top view German maniac @marlon_style Broke it from Beating It Basquiat 6 days ago EDDIE VAN HALEN SOLOS MICHAEL JACKSON’s ‘BEAT IT’ TO DEATH! As if sitting shiva @liltunechi throws @gramparsons.forever a $1000 #funeral to start the year that wasn’t so nice they had to ask it nice if 2020 was referring to its perfectly apocalyptic #bosch vision of the future all things appearing closer in the rearview mirror than they appear when retrospective reductionism is slapping your face and asking you who the President of the United States ������ is and does not appear to be taking your answer with the same sense of gravity in which the question is supposed to be asked — the first hint of the double 20 whose popularity as legal tender is so trustworthy that counterfeiters used its likeness exclusively to test the public reaction it would pass for at face value or cautiously inscrutable holding it up to the light to verify its watermarks as you can never be too careful nowadays with the barely legal tender trap which people will try to put you in a trickbag just to see if you can find your way out of before they were made and the heat was heard asking twice on their radio ‘what’s your twenty?’ to which the inevitable reply would be other less rhyming numbers whose response by the voice on the other line would sound not pleased to hear it as it rattled off more numbers that beg the question just whose 20 is whose why is it so clearly seen and when all is said and done and the last bell is rung on its auld acquaintanceship come the End of its year will it have brought us that we have wrought will it be a #murdermostfoul which makes its mark or will the epitaph it leave in its good riddance be something so redundant that its echolalia we mistakenly hear murmur something soothing instead of something which should be by its own reputation eponymous repetitive and like the Justianianic first one of 541 and the Black one of 1347 or the last Bubonic one of 1855 it don’t take Thomas Jefferson @stevejobsfilm or @carminegalloauthor to know the Rule of Three should be avoided #liketheplague as @ruthbaderginsburg.quotes said ‘Never use four words when three will do.’ PtII CBS DAY -Movies Too: Nancy A.
    47. Sissy .
    48. Nicole .
    49. 1 week ago Celebrity Breast Size Day Begins with ”B’” • Doug Meet has mild #tourettesyndrome syndrome Instagram is his Tic! • Get More 'vIDEA' IGTV • Follow @dougmeet • Tourette (too-RET) syndrome disorder involves repetitive movement unwanted sound (tics).
    50. you might repeatedly blink eyes shrug your shoulders blurt out unusual sounds offensive 1.
    51. Me #THANKYOUinAdvance • Following • dougmeet • 2.
    52. (You) • Follow • Follow Subject HashTags • • Like Videos • 3.
    53. (They) • #IGTV @Instagram @Facebook #VideoProvider • YOUR Page Posts HERE • • • • Page HERE • • • stories HERE • • • • • Tag Page HERE (one way to save) • • • 3.
    54. We (Dougmeet YOU) • Inspire Algorithm • Organic Friends Personally Loyal AppreciationComment • • Brandworthy Recognition Testimonial • • Frictionlessness Discovery Internal Linking • • Reciprocity Sharing Introducing • dougmeet • instagram.com/dougmeet 2.0 NOW WITH iPhone 14 • Fully Guaranteed • AI Video Editing • by apple Technology • igtv @creators account New Clip Joints made for cannes film week See equipment used by epic film auteurs martinscorcese cohenbrothers davidlynchfoundation thelmaschoonmaker academyawards winners Thelma edit Martin since raging bull & winner of bafta award for #bestediting! No genius would be caught without their iphone .
    55. time to put away heavy stuff like steven soderberg and make sexliesandvideotape okay stay tuned filmophiles cinephiles.
    56. As annette michelson told me at chateau marmont “There is no such thing as cinephilia’ as she sipped her veuve clicquot “just forms and periods of … [it].” To which thierry fremaux added in French preferring the #yeasty leesaged piper heidsieck 1995 Blancs des Millénaires ‘… [c]inephilia as culture of the discarded … prefers to find intellectual coherence where none is evident …’ And this is my preference.

      investigation previously identified coauthored state  warrant multiprocessing courier target red narcotic stash coin city Perris


      Fiona apple sisterlover crush resistance thinking she would ‘Row Row Row Your Boat' RoundMaude Maggart on account-a Fiona Maggart-Apple ain't no kiss-tell-ya-bout-a-sister-MAGGART-braggart.



      Do  rosebloom know they both NOW




      two Maggarts  ARRest   vests,  2 little art mags fit


      “aye, ee'best'sisterlove   'ere'all till she'ud e'en en shall"


      • #mrjyn • @dougmeet #MaggartSisterMeet2020 

      During a search of courier’s residence, agents located approximately 25 duffel bags within garage containing 406 kilograms cocaine, six kilos heroin, 650 lbs bernieamine.

      Add search of narcotic stash in Perris agents locate   1,600 lbx crystal met-a  goin  vestigation.

      “The largeDEA domseizure of metmine  is a sigant blow to cartel gigant victoryor commSouthern California the United Statesdeal with torrent metetamine inneighborhoods,”
      Administrator Shea


      “We workattack drug trafficking at evelseizure send message mean business.”

      • “Los Angeles is transshipment hub Mexican cartel traffick illicit drugsouthwest border,”

      • said Special Agent in Charge Bodner.

      • “azure  lives and   exploitation  victimization”

      “ seizures  thwart drugs, drugs causeharm”

      • Brian Babbitt Justice Department, Grim Div

      BEST TV




      #1  #KPOPP


    2. lalalalisa_m  @blackpinkofficial

    girl tropicana

    In possession of all her ESP Trish tries to satisfy herself by reading my Tarot Deck giving me an art lesson as refund and trying to get me wherever she wants me. I suspect it a trap. • #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @Instagram

    • If I Could Turn Back Time • • …. I’ll @cher more about the woman and the man behind the camera if there is any interest. You can register interest by the frictionless click of the like symbol • • • • • • • • •

    • The Tower (XVI) (most common modern name) is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian Tarot decks.


    • Used in game playing since the 15th CENTURY (quoth Bob Dylan, re. an Italian poet), as well as divination since the mid-19th century.
    • See

    argumentative Tarot Read exec meet house 9PM 9PM  @trishcollins pie-eye recumbent $4000 ferrari chair  tart geevery



    Trish Collins Makeup Art Lesson for Tarot Fail If you’ve seen the #tarotreadersofinstagram #divinationcommunity clip before this much discussed argument to her establishing that it wasn’t her doing my Tarot Read, apparently, to win back my trust, she invited herself to my yearly company executive board meeting, where she and one older executive were seen drinking stiff Gin Martini's downstairs at the corporate dining room, where further they both missed the almost mandatory required meeting, or rather, he did, which I had been mysteriously text messaged from the founder's Blackberry at approximately 7PM had been moved ahead one hour until 10PM because of what was supposedly an issue with Building Security, all very matter of fact with an unexpected small 'x' signed by his secretary, his elderly amaneuensis, whose tenure was edging toward a Japanese CEO in duration.


    Upon my arriving at 9PM found  trish collins was likely pie-eyed and even from my vantage relaxed in a recumbent posture, splayed out on one of the $4000 Ferrari Racing Chairs which Enzo himself had designed and manufactured in a limited edition in the exact condition of the chair he had sat behind his desk for so many years, in one of the lesser known embodiments of everything which made a Ferrari his, and which had turned it into an unchallengable iconic combination of modernity, function, design, machismo, competitive prowess, beauty, and a couple hundred other qualities whose legend is forever storied and grows of its own past even as its present still produces ever innovative, impractical, sexy, designs and engineering summits on an almost yearly basis -- all by, for, or inspired by the man whose brand is fully capable of competing with its product and whose heritage is dynastic, classic, and perfectly preserved for the ages. 


    Trish had arrived with  a startlingly idetic and complete knowledge of every CEO, COO, FEO, FOUNDER, AND EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, EVEN winning through cartomancy the haggard hoarish STENOGRAPHER WHO visibly DISTRACTED, began SHAKING when I ASKED HER TO READ BACK MINUTES WHICH I only ASSUMED HAD  been recorded during my absence.


     #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @Instagram • @leylabluetoo #company (rough for fun) … #chowmeifun to blame. Got real dreamy then I got real arty then I got real thirsty.

    ‘I started a fight with the mirror … but it cracked!’ And no don’t expect to see a surgical edit with a filter of the glass brea… cracking … not that kind of guy … as subtle as a flying mallet — not me. And especially not in possible error in which case I will with all respect to you and your lovely family with no delay remove or any version of that action only too happy to have caught in my magpie eye the Tribeca equivalent of a rooftop garden or possibly a darkroom if one still rolls old school on occasion.

    I was surprised that my Memphis decisively momentous acquaintance @egglestonartfoundation happily admits to never having printed his own work.


  • And when I sold and was honored to host @helmutnewtonfoundation and his equally talented #alicesprings and @hermanleonardphotography originals I found the opposite origin the polar opposite early career of genius ending with an even more bohemian Ibizan lifestyle


  • I am in awe of the incomparable piece of art you and your wife’s equally sly eyes put to @leylabluetoo , which in my opinion, New York has entirely missed — firstly new yorker mag profile missed it and ny times exclusive story, I am now cracking ahead of the Lyft little junior gen z music reporter for pitchfork NOW WITH A MILLION MORE condenast dollars— to stuff my inbox chockfull of new releases more already  than COVID-19 has new diseases 


  • — but when I found out  the beautiful Ms. Blue was remarkably gifted leylabluetoo, my ears pricked up my ears in awe of her seeming desire to get on with it.


  • Then COVID.


  • Her rhapsodic vocalizing had me at rap attention, as if in the presence of Piaf or Blossom, and strangely mariah carey, whose Clive-less organic opportunities abound not often in natural development (then I read coincidentally,  dear Leyla attended L'ecole Foundation, eponymously named in his honor as a young sprout).


  • Leyla crooning at perfect age like that other NY guy whose tunefulness was godliness in a blink that made the world fall away in ‘Silence’ she is very special —


  • I wrote mrs. jimmy scott about her.

    That’s what I think.




  • @DieAntwoord #yolandivisser and Ninja keep it hype with @LVMH @Gucci and every #obscureobjectofdesire whose #Oroboroustail was cut and broken when in the 80s #thebronx it was first forbade laughed at and degraded its #knockoff Chinese #bootlegs first paraded and appropriated OG #streefashion action no contract -- heralded tailor to Rappers Bronx-centric litigated profiled in what can only be described as haute negrophobia now because they had refused when Asian Bootleggers whose transition from #Mingtobling seamlessly sold every day of the year up and down Canal St. Chinatown New York City. The Piaget I bought in faux-ironic protest against the epicene Parisian Houses via sweat shops pre-iPhone continuing post-colonial servitude to outsource the greed of the world's capitalist pawning to the world's most conspicuous consumer felt cheap. The demand created the need the greed supplied no time for remorse until avoiding like the plague the eventuality of HIV the last something to effect their clientele and its insistence on only the best -- a kind of black death gallow's screaming anything but "I've just contracted blank but my @Gucci #LV Mask arrived overnight from Amazon so my parents can say goodbye. Can you imagine LVMH?

  • I mean the one behind the boardroom who first seriously suggested the abandonment of everything it held sacred for what it is today? Yet somehow continuing to supply outrageously gauche bagatelles and baubles for the never-ending signing bonuses athletes and rappers whose 'riche' was so nouveau it only bought wine on November 11?


  • No old rich widows but still the outrageous exchange of wildly marked up luxury items whose value depreciated like an automobile whose Caveat Emptor the dealer stood waving where their future lies. Jewelry jackets humiliating tactics of unpaid walking supermodel spokespersons influential athletes celebs and rappers Nike and other Sneaker Pimps most craven



  • If you enjoy this you will surely find eps. 1 & 2 of the same value and don’t forget to make ‘T’ is for Tourette’s and the others part of your diet  by clicking •

    Doug Meet has mild tourette syndrome

    Instagram is his Tic! •


    Tourette (too-RET) syndrome


    disorder  involves repetitive movement   unwanted sound (tics).


    you might repeatedly blink


    eyes shrug your shoulders


    blurt out unusual sounds offensive


    • Like Videos •



    • #IGTV

    @Instagram HERE •


    • https://www.instagram.com/tv/CEAyzbzgHg1/ •


    • HERE •




    stories HERE •

    https://www.instagram.com/stories/dougmeet •


    • HERE


    • https://www.instagram.com/dougmeet/tagged/ •


    Inspire Algorithm •

    • dougmeet •


    2.0 NOW WITH iPhone 14 • Fully Guaranteed • AI Video Editing • by apple Technology • igtv @creators account New Clip Joints made for cannes film week

  • equipment used by epic film auteurs
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      Thelma editrix


    & winner of  bafta award  for bestediting!



    filmophiles  cinephiles.


    annette michelson told me at  chateau marmont


    “There is no such thing as cinephilia’ as she sipped her  veuve clicquot


    “just forms and periods of … [it].”


    To which 



  • thierry fremaux added in French, preferring the yeasty leesaged  piper heidsieck 1995 Blancs des Millénaires ‘…

  • [c]inephilia as culture of the discarded … prefers to find intellectual coherence where none is evident …’


    And this is my preference.

    • Transcript 00:00 [Música] 00:08 histórica llena de amor cada vez que te 00:13 vi pavicic benemérita 00:15 [Música] 00:21 lección 00:23 [Música] 00:37 muchas más a la la 00:39 [Música] 00:43 u2 00:45 [Música] 00:47 y 00:47 [Aplausos] 00:48 [Música] 00:59 sra 01:00 aquí estoy 01:02 [Aplausos] 01:04