
David Allan Coe Never Even Calls Tyler Mahan Coe by His Name: Podcast "Cocaine & Rhinestones" Never Came Back for Seconds And Mercifully, 'Your Favorite Band Sucks' Is Kicked Off of the Air for COVID-19 Jokes


'Your Favorite Band Sucks'



anarchist hipster

 Kierkegaard had no university career, and Nietzsche was a professor of Greek and Roman philology who had to retire because of ill health. Both were individualists, and both were contrarians by nature, dedicated to making people uncomfortable.
-- 2016, Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails, Other Press

self-inflated   leaker, serially chucking-over the gondola for ballast   provocation of old Classic Rock Bands,  then chickens for notoriety:  blanket contrarianism.


In the fifteenth and sixteenth century, the ballast "did not consist entirely of leakage, but of urine, vomit, and various foul food leavings that lazy sailors discharged into the ballast contrary to orders, in the belief that the pumps would take care of it."


  • Figure 2.  Chinese porcelain plates used by American tea and opium traders for ship ballast.  (Credit: Istdibs Co.)


  • random or easy gunshot: “Major Swayne … kept them under hedges firing pot shots, on which the enemy reoccupied the position” (from an 1843 Afghan journal by Florentia Wynch Sale, the wife of a British army officer). Earlier, it had meant shot for a cannon or a shot to kill food for the pot. And later, it came to mean random, easy, or unfounded criticism: “But I don’t think much of the pot-shot method of refutation” (from the November 1926 issue of the Forum, a New York magazine).

Patsy Lee Harvey Oswald potshot takedowns.

 ... Jeanne told George that Oswald had a rifle, and George joked to Oswald, "Were you the one who took a pot-shot at General Walker?

Taking down the biggest names in Rock for the largest ratings.

unserious research for a Podcast  given a modicum of cred, thanks to unscholarly acumen, not squirting humanistic discipline in dry locution; speaking 'fuck' as if a part of speech
(well,  if he wrote it: there is nothing noble once that he wont speak).

sadly, there is to be learned from the kids of celebrities and musicians the very fact that they blame everything already on the dogma learned from celebrities and musicians.


 Classic Rock 'n' Roll Bands make low-hanging the 'fruit of rashness,' in overabundance unfold its seeds, that 'the fruit of their doings,' ungovernable by his misconception that the more folks like a thing, the thing is less likable, or ought be.

Your Favorite Bands DON'T SUCK!

The primary nomenclature in the title makes it thus.

YOUR: not  HIS!

FAVORITE:  falsely equivocates the sham which is his POD, were it still up and running,  easily telling wary potential listeners to avoid it, by implying,  anything, you in your untutored minuscule music experience favor, is automatically subject to my slamming  criticism!


[] whether the transgression of Eve seducing, did not exceed that of Adam seduced, or whether the resistibility of his reason did not equivalence the facility of her seduction, we shall referre it unto the Schoolman.

 1646, Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, London: Edw. Dod & Nath. Ekins, 1650, Book I, p. 25,


reject everything.

tabula rasa.

this is where I 1st meet TMC, on the coattails of simulacrum, enjoying fugacious import, acclaim, and a small quantity of recognition for his hard-sell (self-sabotage?) 'Cocaine & Rhinestones' Podcast.


Had he continued with 'C&R' from where it was left, YFBS, as trivial and undeserving of attention as it is, a virtual vanity license plate, or Ft. Lauderdale T-shirt; a stoner's fleeting confusion, and then in the dumpster, it should have been, but once he was unable to complete more than the first gallop out of the gate on this roundabout without mechanized rabbits for the whip,  he realized, then  maintained for the longest time on Twitter, where he still 'dines out on it,' with former listeners unwilling to take reasonble abrupt notice of dereliction on, first one, then the last property condemned,  a new series of Country Babylon easily restocked, but the show is hard to fold up tent when the paychecks are bouncing, and sometimes it takes an elephant to remember what Maya Angelou so eloquently said,


'When someone shows you who they are, believe them.'


It is sad that it is always the weakest rubes who are picked as prey, and  not only to shame them, boosting his failing with their diversion, their sincere questioning met with wearying attacks,  coded  except for the  thickest supplicants, fair game his to inveigle and deprecate in the public forum which is Twitter, where  easy contact and  false familiarity breeds contemptible people whose suckers, if not born every minute, are, at least, good for a few minutes of reprehensible Tweets for the bloodlust and mocking boorishness sharper than the alternative empty hole where lies his condition for maintaining the account (He is currently removed from the Podcasting service which was his platform for some unfortunate callous remark on the subject of COVID-19,  should tell you everything you need to know about TMC.

Browse Tyler M. Coe's Tweets, blessedly limited, sub-grammatical, contextually adrift vocabulary darts

issued one-character-at-a-time, a plodding crawl of his pace --  IT guys don't type so good, these Nashvillian hunt-and-peckerwoods. 140-character actus reus substituting for rockcrit.

These false-flagging Tweets in search of suckers are fallacy attacks of a straw man put forth as formula, positing

lyrics / vocals of a song equal 50% of its 'value.'

The human voice although usually lead, is just another instrument in the song. Every purpose it serves is the same as the other instruments except it's the only one capable of delivering lyrics, which is why lyrics, the only part of the song that isn't sound design, are 50%.

Tyler Mahan Coe (@TylerMahanCoe)


shared by dougmeet (@dougmeet)