WATCH the original account by the only one who Really knows what happened, and has only told the story on one Television Interview. Listen to Jerry Lee Lewis talk about just How It Is That He Got Arrested at 4 AM at the Gates of Graceland for Attempting to Assassinate Elvis Presley: unrivaled for its shocking Rock 'n' Roll Infamy!
JERRY LEE LEWIS recounts the true, quixotic tale of his failed 4AM VISIT TO desperately lonely, strung-out Elvis Presley
He explains how the King's calls for an audience with The Killer was a matter of bad timing and unforseen eventualities.
how tuned-Up was he while wheeling his boat of a Lincoln down Elvis Presley Blvd., having just finished an evening's partying at one of his two favorite Honky Tonks on the outskirts of Memphis where the anomalous vibe of the street, then know as brooks Rd. was as simple as the establishments which line it, far past the time Memphis had closed at 2AM, and even farther from the mode of Memphis, whether from its black ghettoes or Downtown Tourist Beale St., no Midtown Zinnies Vibe, No Cokey Party Bars, and the type of music being performed in that city called 'The Home of the Blues,' while definitely not blues, unless you knew where to go, as in slumming, but not to a Memphian, just somewhere to let your hair down and listen to something that sounded very much like Junior Kimbrough, or you could just head Down in Mississippi, and go see Junior Kimbrough at his Juke Joint with the locals and a few bibulous Fraternity boys from MSU or Ole Miss.
No, they were watching and enjoying every Top music act in the world whose tour of America would be positively unAmerican without a stop at any number of divey but thrivey Mecca's of where you wanted to play and who you wanted to hear what you were playing in the town so eaten up with music that it seethed or looked quizzically at you if you sometimes even broached the subject, instead, as with many Outlanders, if you wanted to talk music to Memphis and a Memphian, it better be real fucking obscure, not popular, from a while back, and you had better know where you stood on it from its A-side to the end of the B-side.
You basically had to be a born in Memphis boy or girl whose parents were either in a band or worked in some aspect involving the field, but unlike Nashville, this was not lucrative, or even particularly ego-boosting work, and it also wasn't work -- for that you probably needed to find some very laid back and entirely unserious job with a friend who owned a restaurant, a record store, a music shop, or you would even have no problem sporting your McDonald's costume at band practice. Because in Memphis music is not work, it is life. And if you were not yourself a very quietly modest ex music wonder in the popular radio friendly, signed to a major label recording artist, then you were equally likely to be as quietly regarded with some hip Memphis rep as a former soul cat who'd worked out with the Bar Kays, or that great drummer who subbed for Jerry Lee's drummer that tour, or any of a number of combinations of those examples, which also meant, you were one of the best of a long line of equally talented, inherently brilliant musicians, back-up singers, audio guys running the board for the national acts or doing the same thing during the day at one of the hundreds of music recording studios which are so arcane in their production, so rarely bragged, hardly advertised as to the players who had been through the doors for multiple albums, it was not necessary to speak it, you could feel it from the interstate right as you exited off of Interstate 55, right, onto Brooks Rd. exit and started seeing Honky Tonks, Strip Joints, and very un-Memphian looking, feeling establishments which had noting to do with subtlety but everything to do with the same league of players over in MidTown or Cooper Young -- just they came in from Bartlett and other little burgs which some people might call White Trash or Redneck.
But why YOU probably shouldn't is:
Elvis would have been one of them, and almost every one of the stable on Sam Phillips' little Record Company, Sun Records, and the Jazz guys from over the tracks.
But I bet you this: any one of them could play you off a stage, or make you have your best gig with the innate sense and out the box intuition and invention of what everyone else would call a genius, but in Memphis, you just said Hello to your neighbor.
The chops of a prodigy, the cool of a Bluesman, and the unprepossessing but self-aware joyful quality that they knew they were hot, but were gonna show you without trying one more time anyway, on this cut, or number, that's just being counted off, called out right now, that they've never heard or played in their life, and a-2 ... 1!
brand new present of a pistol on dashboard because that's where the Man from the Vapors said it was legal to put it.
a nightmare:
And here's where things get a little mountain - molehillish (but I know the truth)
an "attempted assassination attempt," against the King, or rather as far as he was able to get well without the gates of Elvis in his fortress, an estate boldly purchased from a middle-aged married couple who had built it and actively farmed and raised Milk Cows, in the most beautiful skirt outside Memphis, Memphis never dared raise up and show everyone ... and with green rolling hills, and hardly a neighbor in any direction.
Memphis in the 1950s, far enough for he and his queen to feel no prying eyes, and all the land and toys with which to satiate an insatiable Rock Star, whose idea of a good time was Touch Football with the Guys, a Movie after midnight in a rented Memphis Theater -- closed to the public -- and open for Elvis to do with what he liked, followed by Milkshakes, Hamburgers, and whatever else Memphis had to offer in those early days of Drive-Ins, Soda Shops, for a man whose star was so bright it seemed as though it were his forever.
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Elvis Presley was the most famous member of the Scout Platoon of the 3rd Armored Division’s 1st Medium Tank Battalion, 32nd Armor, stationed at Ray Barracks in Friedberg. |
in his endless adolescence as the most famous man on the planet, firmly ensconced with his beautiful 13-year-old girlfriend, Priscilla Beauleiau, whose Sargent father he had in a monumental exercise only possible with his newly found courage supplied to him by the US Military and forever carried on into the very telling end of his life of his early 40s.

as the fox, he had, pill-proud and with the air and swagger of Royalty, conceived then made epic the 'ask,' an enlisted Private to one tough Father, Officer (who no matter what they say, must have had a hell of a reason to get rid of his gorgeous 13-year-old Lolita to the biggest Humbert Elephant in the room, country, world).
- “Tonight was just reconnaissance. Tomorrow is the Battle of the Bulge.”
to not only consider, but agree to his insane picture, painted in crazy swirls and chiaroscuro, pintemento, and bolus dripping lava, falling to the carpet in this quaint little household, which Sgt. Beauleau kept for his wife and daughter, Priscilla, and which this Hillbilly was trying to smooth off his hands.And with that, Elvis had himself a teenage live-in girlfriend, and she had the hottest boyfriend in Baden Baden Germany, with whom she would whisper breathlessly that she couldn't believe it, kind of nervously, then giggling in long obstreperous gasps for breath.
- He hated fat Elvis for that on this night, you can rest assured. And very soon now, everyone in the world and for the ages would know of it and imagine their own sordid, leering iteration, intent, and harmless eventuality.
his Graceland arrest and mugshot, and ultimately the untimely death of Elvis, the Golden Goose, who might have been saved from his demise by dilaudid and désuétude with this midnight visit from the only man who understood. In this interview, recounted for the first and only time by the Killer, himself; hitherto romanticized - first by Nick Tosches in his masterpiece "Hellfire," and forever-after by all who have dreamed its possibilities; hear the truth - previously dismissed by its piano-playing protagonist as tabloid fantasy - now confirmed by the only man who knows!
Discover the improbable cause of the jagged cicatrix decorating the premature gin-blossomed nose
the mugshot displays, of champagne-drunk, Jerry Lee Lewis!
Where truth meets apocrypha, its coruscating glory is real, and everything is permitted (champagne défenestration, brandished pistols), and five Memphis Police cruisers are en route to Elvis Presley Boulevard to save the King from the Killer! Due to inspire unbelievers, this is an out-of-control, rock 'n' roll telephone game between the King, the Killer, and the World! Did he wish to kill the King? It is for you to last!
Elvis’ Entourage in West Germany
As he had done at Fort Hood in Texas, Elvis brought his home with him to Europe. As Lamar Fike put it, “Elvis always kept his own world with him; he kept his own bubble.”[5] Unfortunately, his mother had died before he left for West Germany, but his 68-year-old paternal grandmother, Minnie Mae (Elvis called her “Dodger” - which I call Jane Aldridge) filled in for her in Bad Nauheim. Of course, Elvis’ 42-year-old father Vernon was also there, just as he had been in Texas.
She would accompany him back home to his mansion in Memphis, Graceland, where she would be under constant supervision from his family members
Elvis on the cover of the German teen magazine Bravo (No. 43, Oct. 21, 1958)
The Pills
White House visit.
Elvis had already fallen into the trap of using drugs to help him cope with the pressures of fame before he arrived in Germany. According to Lamar Fike, “Elvis got his first uppers from what he stole from his mother.” Gladys was taking the appetite suppressant Dexedrine to help her with weight loss. Elvis came to accept such amphetamines as a normal, everyday thing.
But while he was in the army in West Germany, his use of amphetamines increased dramatically. According to those who were around him in Germany, he obtained large amounts of “pep pills” by bribing an army pharmacist. He told his friends how great they were for staying alert and avoiding fatigue, and he encouraged them to use them – which most of them did.
Elvis subsisted largely on a diet of Southern home cooking in Germany. As a soldier, he and his family had access to American food and other products at the base PX (post exchange). Although they did buy some food from the local markets, Elvis and his clan were not adventurous eaters. In a land with 200 varieties of marvelous bread, they ate sandwiches made with bland American white bread. Elvis’ daily meals (he rarely ate at the base canteen) were Southern fare served up by his grandma Minnie Mae – just like back home in Memphis. Even in the US, Elvis had been no gourmet, preferring the same menu day after day. That continued while he was in Germany. Even the other Americans sharing his house complained about always having to eat what Elvis ate. When Elvis was away, Elisabeth would cook other dishes, or she, Red and Lamar would go out and eat some real German food at a local restaurant.
Some of Elvis’ dietary preferences were unusual, even for most Americans. His favorite lunch dish was known as a “goofy sandwich.” Elisabeth describes it thus: “This strange sandwich was made of peeled and sliced potatoes fried in grease with ‘burnt’ bacon. Each slice of American bread had mustard and slices of raw onions.”
none of the girls in Germany would have a real chance against the stepdaughter of US Air Force Captain Joseph Paul Beaulieu.
It was while he was stationed in West Germany that Elvis Presley first met his future wife, Priscilla Beaulieu. Although it is difficult even to count all the Fräuleins who played a major or minor role in Elvis’ life in Europe, everyone at the house in Bad Nauheim could tell from the start that Priscilla was different.
When they first met in Germany in September 1959, Elvis was 24 and Priscilla was 14 and in the ninth grade – a ten-year age gap. Priscilla Beaulieu was a strikingly beautiful, dark-haired girl who was also mature for her age – and had a mind of her own. Capt. Beaulieu had recently been transferred to Wiesbaden from Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin, Texas. Priscilla was not at all happy about having to leave her friends in Texas. About the only good thing about the move to West Germany in her opinion was that Elvis was living in Bad Nauheim, only an hour’s drive away from Wiesbaden.
Stay Tuned for next week's exclusive video: A possum turning into a duck is the ultimate kafkaesque situation to beat.
- #GeorgeJones: Dee-Doodle Duck was Quack Addict (WATCH UNknown #MikeJudge BEST #TalesfromtheTourBus ep.
— mrjyn (mrjyn) February 20
Kafka had never heard George Jones, the greatest country singer of all time, belt out 'He Stopped Loving Her Today' (a song Billy Sheril has estimated took two years to record), but somehow he wrote 'The Metamorphosis' anyway.
And George proceeded to introduce Donald and asked for a round of applause as Donald started singing a George Jones song." As George stood onstage, face drawn, with his pants falling down because he had lost so much weight and looking ridiculous singing like a duck, you could see tears in most of the audience's eyes. (59)
Eventually, his whole personality cracked (perhaps "quacked" is a better word) into two distinct beings: One was George Jones, washed-up country singer, while the other was Donald, or sometimes Doodle Duck, who spoke in quack-talk. (55)
"I was country music's national drunk and drug addict." "In 1979, ravaged by cocaine and alcohol, George Jones experienced some difficulty onstage at a Nashville club. (46)
As recalled by Jones' then-manager Chug Faggot in the Jones bio Ragged But Right, Jones "came onstage and announced that George Jones was washed up, a has-been, but that on that night a new star was born who was going all the way to the top. (44)
#Metatron is the highest of angels and serves as celestial scribe or "recording angel". "Metatron" is the name that Enoch received after his transformation into an angel in Jewish #apocrypha and early kabbalah.
Elvis - das Musical im Festspielhaus Baden-BadenElvis - das Musical. Live im Festspielhaus Baden-Baden am 17.2.2016, 20 Uhr
- Elvis Presley in Germany FOOTNOTES:
- 1. Tom Parker, in The Colonel. Alanna Nash, Chicago Review Press, 2003; p. 177
- 2. Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Story of Elvis’ Missing Years. Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield, ECW Press, 2002; p. 65
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doug meet, covering movies, museums, music and pop culture is an American journalist and writer who is the national arts reporter for The Post. He previously worked for the American Music Forever.
He also hosted Edge of WILBUR, and starred in the documentary.
He also has completed writing for a children's books on the subject of this post you have just enjoyed called:
Hey, Boys and Girls, Elvis Presley was almost ASSASSINATed by the Killer, Jerry LEE LEWIS ... But not really, because he killed himself eventually, while Jerry Lee goes on outliving every motherfucker in the entire Solar System!
He also Tweets about Bhad Bhabie, with whom he has a crush, on Twitter at @mrjyn ... A LOT!
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@BhadBhabie @GGYOUNGBOYERA #inherfeelings #madeHerCry i had 2 ear it 4 2 hrs #untweeted2017 BUT #yb finEly stops ballin' over #monopolymoney #stack + @malutrevejo15 #squalls at #YoungBoy & 14 #bhabie #pleadsguilty #momboppin
- After 15 Years I Found a Cop Who Would Sell It! I Bought It Right Outta Evidence. Cost Me Nothing! After All That Waiting Though, What Did I Do? Busted My Tabloid Cherry (Frankie Jean Lewis said), and Made a Bundle off of Trump's Pal at the National Enquirer: Here's the story of Rock 'n' Roll's Holy Mugshot Grail and How Come You Get to See It!