
My Type❤️ Add Lana Del Rey, Fiona Apple, Bhad Bhabie and a couple recessive Jean gene Genies ❤️

My Type❤️


I reverse engineer - even Dr. Frankenstein seems reasonable - Gysin cut-ups where came Chicken McNuggets aversion therapy. Meat unable to tell its story.


An inevitable antithetical, "anti-type" delight Happy Meal Toy.

  • "Man proposes, God disposes." - Source unknown.

  • "Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing." - Goethe.

  • "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong.

  • "To err is human; to forgive divine." - Alexander Pope.

A disproportionate phobia gently accesses zombification tasks in search of historic gemstone sites whose location is mined and applied to  futurity by equations to prove it.


Misogynistic would not be fair in this case, as Dream Lover both Bobby Darin and Roy Orbison dream up, not for slaving from a galley, but for more pleasurable experiences which neither she nor I will know until she is made, for better or worse.

Only for the purpose of easy explanation is 'she' explained so inartfully — and definitely not anything resembling partialism or cut-and-paste guessing, this beautiful doll, this #bjd, #poupee constructe, superior Barbie Doll, if truth be known, has already been brought to life as art.

Add Lana del Rey, Fona Apple, Bhad Bhabie, for pedigree, and a couple recessive-gened Jean Genies.


You got an ideal Xmas present 🎁 for me.

Je fais de l'ingénierie inverse - même le Dr Frankenstein semble raisonnable - une coupe Gysin d'où elle vient.

Les Chicken McNuggets remplacent les viandes de thérapie par aversion incapables de raconter son histoire.

Un délice antithétique inévitable «anti-type» chez Happy Meal Toys.

Une phobie démesurée accède doucement aux tâches de zombification à la recherche de sites historiques de pierres précieuses dont la localisation est extraite et appliquée à une minuscule futurité par des équations le prouve.

L'homme rend la viande rare, en voie de disparition, fantôme.
La douleur causée par une perte réelle, une confiscation, une amputation ou par décret nécessite une attention particulière: sans médiation, elle devient réelle.

Le fantôme parfait voit des fantômes qu'il devient. La viande mange des animaux fantômes. 




dissembler is a person who makes false appearance. One of Wordnik's sources has this usage note: Synonyms Dissembler, Hypocrite. ... This sounds like a contradictory person: asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.