
Frutiger® Futura® (Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old Eighth graders)

    • 10-12 minute| Forum
      Readability Consensus

      Based on 8 readability formulas, we have scored your text: Grade Level: 8

      Reading Level: standard / average. Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old (Seventh and Eighth graders)

    • Futura®

      25 Products from Linotype

  • “I wish I’d made it a little shorter,” Allen says. "But at least it sounded better than brain-gash.”

    “I think a lot of what has to do with why my channel has become popular is because I do put a lot of my personality — oh, my God!”

    She stopped to interrupt herself and crinkled a plastic package of pens.

    “I put a lot of my personality into my videos,” she said.

    10-12 minute| Forum

    Reading Level: standard / average. Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old (Seventh and Eighth graders)