Sir TB-L invented the Internet:
Life is but a span
— William Shakespeare
Now the few proud Internet finders, the thankless WWWho's Who's of web-debs gone by, have been praised, paid, published, and pedigreed (all inherited from their uncle, Sir TB-L: let's find out...
What did they do with it?
Follow their lazy litter-trail of derelict HTTP blogs, set on auto, recycling tweets as substitute for content, then posted to those same vulnerable, outdated "journals" with deprecated selectors andobsolete CSS, as far from the semantic Web they promised as the spammers, flash-fiends, and unholy coders against whom they triumphed, cleaning up the place, that never was, and is still, not really was never dirty, and it is still not dirty or bloated. get a real job, and stop...oh, you already have.
Instead, let's talk about #000000 turtlenecks, new wave computer nerds, virtual lucre, exotic speaking locales, and (the first) CSS weekend FLORIDA
Chris Coyier
Chris Coyier
lols.— CSS-Tricks (@css) 30 มีนาคม 2562
Now we have a super convenient URL for
i haven't validated it yet, but it may work. also, like most OG s, these web burnouts have abandoned their blogs after they sold enough CSS, html5 books. it's totally HTTP. i love it. here's mine: what else to do at 6AM? great for twitter!!!— — mrjyn (@mrjyn) 2019年3月31日
[i]'m loving all the web-dev-OGs from ten years ago, who i used to read, almost all who've abandoned blogs (all still HTTP, somehow), or, found a way to generate, automate, and acclimate to the times with clever apps that blog for them - no content needed - sort of cryogenic relevancy), seconds after the anti-semants were disabused and guilt-charged into loving the 5, never to use it in practice again - sorry @T.
[i]'m loving all the web-dev-OGs from ten years ago, who i used to read, almost all who've abandoned blogs (all still HTTP, somehow), or, found a way to generate, automate, and acclimate to the times with clever apps that blog for them - no content needed - sort of cryogenic relevancy), seconds after the anti-semants were disabused and guilt-charged into loving the 5, never to use it in practice again - sorry @T.
so after selling enough CSSwag, and then CSS3swag (do you get where i'm going); HTML5 how-to's (when there's a number after something, you can be sure that you'll be paying for its obsolescence faster than you can say, "Siri, order me the new Apple iPhone."
Tomes like "Make the virtual environment *and remember, it doesn't really exist* great again! Show Divs and Ps who's boss (with shit we're thinking up, which won't work across browsers ever." That was a good read.
i've reminisced over vintage places and things from my past. one which i found liquidizing was promised by a vintage web-listing for an annual CSS party/speaking engagement/appearance in FUCKING FLORIDA! (ANNUAL?)
Unbeknownst to us all: this, the second generation, le wave nouveau, web savants (think, TB-L's children); full of heads and bodies made for coding, whose competency and stamina, as well as a seeming immunity to repetitiveness and tedium only overmatched by the machines themselves.
they could not be doubted; however, they gave us no reason to suspect their relevancy, until later, and necessity.
these anti-Luddites upon whom i'd mistakenly surmised sat coding all day and night - maybe a few adderall, were (or, did they have agents?) booking WRETCHED, SQUALID "HTML" "CSS" PERSONAL APPEARANCES, SPEAKING GIGS, in FUCKING FLORIDA. FOR A WEEKEND...WITH SHRIMP!
— mrjyn (@mrjyn) July 23, 2018Seen

and is a Twitter
from his @css account, about something which really made me like him.reply to a Tweet
it is so unserious,
it is proof that he is still in it,
and in it for all the right reasons.
early in morning,
like this,
*think the Beach Boys' Kokomo geo-lyrics
- hosted in foul dens, peopled with forgettable nerds, whose zero-confidence had only just boosted them with the first and only "Nerdaissance."
- featuring:
- the nerd from MTV
- the eponymous nerd-movie
- the inevitable, future filthy lucre, a portent from their lord, Bill Gates.
- even Sir Tim was
@media:math{ *input: raking-it-in */in nary, lesser than five-star locations, nor venues/*
- see his Twitter for all the fun
they are all loving his "mother of invention," and the after parties which she throws; his providence, a surfeit of #000000 turtlenecks...look like Brooks Bros to me, bien sur, ouais...and can you imagine the
so, while one could never fault "the man who invented (co-) the Internet" (he even moved to wicked fucking Boston, where I know his doppelgänger is the apogee of Nabokov through Humbert Humbert; and god loves him for it, whether he believes in him, or, i'm betting, not.
this began as a short note of criticism on some of the newer, less-than-earnest CSS3 HTML5 salesmen out there...well, you've seen scumbags before.
i haven't validated it yet, but it may work. also, like most OGs who abandoned their blogs when they sold enough web-dev, CSS, html5 books, it's totally http. i love it. here's mine: what else to do at 6AM? …… great for twitter!!! — mrjyn (@mrjyn) 2019年3月31日