
Things Overheard at Swenson and Twain 7-11 on Seventh Consecutive Over-110 Degree day in Las Vegas AFTER MY GIRLFRIEND LEFT ME

Things Overheard at Swenson and Twain 7-11 on Seventh Consecutive Over-110 Degree day in Las Vegas, Nevada AFTER MY GIRLFRIEND LEFT ME


1. (pay phone

'cash out the $200 and put another twenty to start fresh.' 


2. (7-11 employee homemade sign

deli center has been moved to wine cooler until room temperature accommodates 34 degrees for prepared sandwiches .   


3. (Mexican meth tweaker-to me as i exited

excuse me sir, but why is Aladdin's Lamp showing up when i start my car? 

(i looked inside and on his dashboard saw the universal symbol for low oil and assured him that it was same, and definitely not good luck, and that i didn't think 7-11 sold oil, but that he might be able to leave the parking lot if he didn't rub anything too much. he stayed there and asked the next guy the same question)!