
Cocktail Magazine (since i post regularly these from adult ebay, i don't mind the groundwork or repost)

Cocktail Magazine

A nice collection of Cocktail magazines I found on eBay.  eBay has replaced the neighborhood adult book store. No more skulking! Since you probably have eBay in your stock portfolio or company savings plan, you are now in the same business the mob used to run! Funny, I don't see many uptight conservative investors divesting their shares in the company. 

Cocktail was the genius idea of Milton Luros, science fiction illustrator turned pornographer. His brilliant idea was to sell men's magazines IN LIQUOR STORES and each was named after a drink. Cocktail lasted the longest…and it attracted the interest of mobster Reuben Sturman, who liked the idea of a profitable magazine so much, he made Milton an offer he couldn't refuse. Milton sold. Hence, Cocktail published by Parliament. 

More about Milton Luros and a case the government brought against him for 37 dirty photographs is HERE.