Elvis ~ Jerry Lee Lewis ~ ~ Graceland Invasion ~
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For the first and only time, JERRY LEE LEWIS recounts the true tale of his infamous sartorial rendezvous with a desperately lonely, strung-out Elvis Presley in all its "impossible to believe" candor, hitherto romanticized, first by Nick Tosches in his biography masterpiece "Hellfire", and forever by all who have dreamed of its ultimate possibilities!
Here are impossible to believe details of the Killer and his Invasion of Graceland by the only man who knows--Jerry Lee Lewis--in this recently discovered one-of-a-kind exclusive interview.
Hear the truth behind the mugshot heard round the world, previously dismissed by its piano-playing protagonist as mere tabloid fantasy, now revealed as the final Rock Star fantastique!
Discover the improbable cause behind the jagged cicatrice decorating the nose of the inebriated, fingerprinted, champagne-drunk Jerry Lee Lewis! Where truth shall meet the apocryphal in its full-coruscating glory, nothing is real and everything is permitted (Champagne is defenestrated, pistols are displayed...and five Memphis Police cruisers are en route to Elvis Presley Boulevard!Due to inspire any thereafter told, THIS is an out-of-control rock 'n' roll 'telephone game' between the King and the Killer...and the world which wants to believe!
Did he wish to kill the King?
It is for you to decide...at last!
Uploaded by dougmaet on Jan 29, 2012
Pour la première fois et seulement, JERRY LEE LEWIS raconte l'histoire vraie de son rendez-vous avec un infâme vestimentaire désespérément seul, Presley Elvis enfilées-out dans toute sa "impossible de croire" candeur, jusque-là romantique, d'abord par Nick Tosches dans son chef-d'œuvre biographie "Hellfire", et jamais par tous ceux qui ont rêvé de ses possibilités ultimes!
Primum et solum, LASANUM Lee Lewis refert vera historia eius constitutio cum infamis perdite in tantum, Elvis Presley insertis-de omnis "impossibile credere" forma hactenus de sexus, primum Nick Tosches in eius biography PALMARIUS "infernum", et ad omnes qui semper somniavi de ultimum possibilities! "Elvis Presley" "JERRY LEE LEWIS" ELVIS "ELVIS JERRY LEE LEWIS" Graceland Invasion "Graceland Invasion" PRESLEY "Jerry Lee Lewis" "Jerry Lee" Jerrylee "Jerrylee Lewis" "rock 'n' roll" "whole lotta shakin" "great balls of fire" mrjyn Country MRJYN murder vapors "kenny rogers" "linda gail lewis" "elmo lewis" champagne " "Invasion Graceland" "grandes boules de feu" vapeurs pays mrjyn meurtre champagne
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