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(CSS level 3) Template
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Warnings (4)
URI : TextArea
248 | img.c6 | Same color for background-color and border-right-color |
248 | img.c6 | Same color for background-color and border-bottom-color |
248 | img.c6 | Same color for background-color and border-top-color |
248 | img.c6 | Same color for background-color and border-left-color |
Valid CSS information
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1st Valid Orig. Template Theme (YWT) 4.4.11 by Dogmeat
as Dogmeat Draft
(currently on YouWeirdTube )
1st Valid Orig. Template Theme (YWT) 4.4.11 by Dogmeat CSS! Posterous theme by Dogmeat
Valid CSS! Posterous theme by Dogmeat