Google Alert 3 - blogurl:
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Google Alerts wrote: Blogs 43 new results for blogurl: TGIP: Thank God It's Prostitutes (Friday) - Dogmeat By Limbs AndthingsClick...
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via posterous.comvia posterous.comToday * Rusty Spur, Alan Pritchard, and 3 other friendsLenny Smith Jay Alan Davis Suzy Fisher commented on your video. 9:23am * Rusty Spur and Suzy Fisher like your comment: "if you have anorexia, shooting a..." 9:23am * Winston Wolfe, Sarah Vanessa, and 8 other friendsInternotional Times Alan Pritchard Paris Oozylips Kardashian Taquila Mockingbird Cam Paterson Rusty Spur Suzy Fisher Mimmo Major commented on your video. 4:53am * Matt Hamlin likes your video Jem 'I am a Giant (esse)' (Punky). 3:17am * Winston Wolfe tagged Kellie Rego in one of your videos. 2:13am * Lenny Smith, John Hanrattie, and 2 other peopleDezi Desolata Suzy Fisher posted in VIBookies. 1:19am * Alan Pritchard, Suzy Fisher, and Rusty Spur commented on your video. 12:45am * Alan Pritchard likes your video Avengers Giantess Mission... Highly Improbable. 12:44am * Brian Taylor, Lenny Smith, and Mike Fifty-nine like your video Carpenters Japanese Pop Commercial. 12:19am Yesterday * Joseph Nkondjock, Bela Hex, and Dampira Quin like your video 'Most Beautiful Girl in Gucha.' 8:44pm * Steven Truesdale commented on your video. 7:41pm * Suzy Fisher likes your comment: "yeah (forrest gump)" 6:14pm * Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "i just wanted you to know how i felt..." 5:19pm * Angela Clare, Lenny Smith, and 3 other friendsSuzy Fisher Mike Fifty-nine Dampira Quin like your video Avengers Giantess Mission... Highly Improbable. 5:18pm * Taquila Mockingbird and Bob Roehrman like your status. 5:14pm * Mike Fifty-nine likes your video Clarika Beau Comme Garcon (Giantess Francais). 5:10pm * Dampira Quin commented on her wall post. 5:09pm * Dampira Quin made you an administrator of the Page "Dampira Quin (Band)". 5:08pm * Suzy Fisher likes your comment: " Karen was just..." 5:01pm * Dampira Quin likes your wall post. 4:56pm * Bob Roehrman, Geoff Chisholm, and Mike Fifty-nine like your video Polish Pleasure Princess (Giantess). 4:56pm * Suzy Fisher likes your comment: "hey, did you get your valentine video i..." 4:50pm * Suzy Fisher likes your comment: "please use muster in your reply" 4:50pm * Geoff Chisholm likes your comment: " this is the Polish..." 4:34pm * Bob Roehrman, Bettys Darling, and 5 other friendsTaquila Mockingbird Lenny Smith Alan Pritchard Mike Fifty-nine Dampira Quin like your video Bill Evans 'quiet now.' 1:30pm * Bob Roehrman, Winston Wolfe, and Taquila Mockingbird like your video Elvin Jones Trio STOCKHOLM. 1:29pm * Jay Alan Davis, Bettys Darling, and 2 other friendsMike Fifty-nine Dampira Quin commented on your video. 5:35am * Suzy Fisher likes your post. 5:25am February 14 * Scott MacLean, Nettles J. Oak-Land, and 25 other friendsAngie Jacques Shaun Art Wanker Gleason Rocky Sampson Tammy Nanos Winston Wolfe Tina Silvey Denise Alcala Diane Makaroff Alan Pritchard Lenny Smith Jill Trear Cam Paterson Chuck Nancy Humphries Anne Taylor Renee Duval Sherri Patrick Mertens Aquanetta Dew Dew Sarah Leslie Zdybel Dampira Quin Richard Odd and 5 more... commented on a photo of you. 11:04pm * Antjuan Oden commented on your video. 9:48pm * Nettles J. Oak-Land shared a link on your Wall. 8:14pm * John Hanrattie posted in VIBookies. 4:28pm * Dampira Quin and Alan Pritchard like your video French Hells Angels Interview (should be bon). 11:08am * Geoff Chisholm likes your comment: " We all know that..." 6:37am * Rusty Spur tagged a photo of you. 12:46am February 13 * Taquila Mockingbird and Mike Fifty-nine like your link. 7:32pm * Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 7:28pm * Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 7:28pm February 12 * Lenny Smith likes your post. 11:39pm * Lenny Smith likes your post. 11:39pm * Lenny Smith likes your status. 11:35pm * Bob Roehrman posted in VIBookies. 3:48pm February 11 * Rusty Spur, Suzy Fisher, and Lenny Smith commented on a photo of you. 2:58pm * Steven Truesdale likes your photo. 12:17pm * Courtenay Jamison confirmed a photo of you. 9:41am * Windysan Zog commented on your video. 8:44am February 10 * Steven Truesdale likes your video Dear Posterous, FIX POSTEROUS! 8:02pm * Steven Truesdale likes your video Puʻu ʻŌʻō! 8:00pm * Steven Truesdale likes your video Universite girlfriend showtime party. 7:45pm * Steven Truesdale likes your video Universite girlfriend showtime party. 7:43pm * John Hanrattie posted in VIBookies. 11:52am February 9 * Mike Fifty-nine likes your status. 11:14pm * Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 11:14pm * Elena CemetaryCorvid Bridges and Michael Biederbeck like your video MARIANNE Faithfull SERGE Gainsbourg 15 Minutes (TAQUILA'S FAV!) 4:23pm * Mauryo Rourk tagged you in his activities under Golf. 4:06pm * Michael Biederbeck, Mauryo Rourk, and Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 3:47pm * Matt Hamlin likes your video Banksy's Simpsons TOO EDGY FOR FOX! 3:24pm * Mauryo Rourk commented on your video. 3:19pmFiled under: code, Drunk, Fucked Up, Posterous, Posterous Spam, Posterous Video, Removed by YouTube, Search Posterous, youtube
Movie Blog: 10 Top Tips for Faking Social Networking Sincerity #lgm
Warning This Article May Contain Trace Elements of Irony and Sarcasm Last week's article about social networking, cyberweasels and movie marketing seemed to hit either the mark...
White Man In Hammersmith Parlay
From: post@hurstm.posterous.comSubject: White Man In Hammersmith ParlayDate: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 15:01:24 +0000I look rough and I feel rougher. Yes, I’ve had a rough...
Filed under: 1. Hammersmith Broadway Centre
Marathon Day, Or, the Best Thing That Ever Happened to a Masochist is a Sadist
The morning of November 14, the day of the San Antonio Rock & Roll Marathon, rolled in bright and early. I'd set a 5:30 alarm but was awake a full fifteen minutes earlier thanks to the constant...
The First Time
Well, I wanted to do this last night, but didn't. Primarily coz of 2 reasons Because of the 2 line conversation I had with Maneesh on Twitter (I know.. thats a weird way to spell Manish, and its not...
I feel it's much more tactful to Blog this special NetworkBlogs 'Fuck you', i don't think they get a lot of off-Facebook comments
About Me Sorry, I'm just really getting tired of the erratic censoring being done all over the web. So instead of seeing my real blog which I had associated with each of my last three...
Just words Just speeches
Just Words …Just Speeches? – Obama’s Rhetoric and Duplicity Barack Obama – the flip-flopping gaffe machine – doesn’t seem to get much scrutiny from the mainstream media about his shifting...
Ben Templesmith: Interview with a Vampire
Ben Templesmith is a guy myself and Kevin have had a lot of time for following 30 Days of Night hitting comic book shelves in 2002. Since then, we have seen his career shoot into the stratosphere working...
Robyn News and New Music + Music Tidbits (M.I.A., Rihanna and More) + Computer Crashes
I am pissed. I was putting together this post and left my computer for 20 min. I come back and windows are popping up and things are scanning. God knows what was happening. All I knew was that my computer...
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