HTML5 Elements
The table below shows the 104 elements currently in the HTML5 working draft and two proposed elements (marked with an asterisk).
How are they used?
Periodic Table of the Elements
Elements for
1html col table 1head 79span fieldset form 1body 25h1<section>
Contains of elements grouped by theme, for example a chapter or tab box.
25section colgroup tr 1title 216a pre meter select<aside>
Content related to surrounding elements that doesn't belong inline, such as a advertising or quotes.
aside 25h2 1header caption td 6meta rt dfn em i 24small ins hr 2br 86div blockquote legend optgroup address 21h3 nav menu th base<rp>
Contains semantically meaningless markup for browsers that don't understand ruby annotations.
rp abbr time b 48strong del s 87p ol dl label option datalist 3h4 1article command tbody 6link noscript q var sub mark kbd<wbr>
Opportunity for a line break.
wbr figcaption 12ul dt input output keygen h5 1footer summary thead style 6script cite samp sup<ruby>
Contains text with annotations, such as pronounciation hints. Commonly used in East Asian text.
ruby bdo code<figure>
Contains elements related to single concept, such as an illustration or code example.
figure 72li dd textarea button progress h6<hgroup>
Collection of headings for the current section. The highest ranked heading repesents the group in the document outline.
22hgroup details tfoot 61img area map embed object param source iframe canvas<track>
Specifies external timing track for media elements.
This element is still being drafted.
track* audio video<device>
Allows scripts to access devices such as a webcam.
This element is still being drafted.
Root element
Text-level semantics
Tabular data
Metadata and scripting
Grouping content
Document sections
Interactive elements
Embedding content
HTML5 Periodic Table