
Fukuchan Monkey in wig, mask, works this restaurant!




in wig,



this restaurant!!

Fukuchan Monkey in wig, mask, works this restaurant!
Oh yeah, the menu… ignore the fancy menu posted on the wall. The one with stuff like boar, deer and duck. There's none of that, that menu is just for show. Today's choices were: teppanyaki with chicken and tofu with meat. Plus the usual sides of kimchi, gyoza and tempura (which consisted mostly of onions). Tonight we were treated to only one monkey, Fukuchan. And thank goodness, because that was enough to creep me out. The monkey did her schtick of delivering hot towels for about 30 minutes and then disappeared behind the bar.


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Fukuchan getting friendly with customers

That was our cue to pay and leave. Oh yeah, speaking of paying… Our bill should have been 2200 yen (teppanyaki 900yen x2, plus oolong tea 200 yen x2), but we were charged 2600 yen and no explanation was forthcoming as to why. I was planning to leave a tip for the monkey (the sign on the wall asks you to do just that) but after being overcharged 400 yen,

I changed my mind.


Fukuchan sans the creepy mask Conclusion: it was interesting for one night, but we won't be back. I can ignore nasty attitude (god knows, I have plenty of that myself) but I won't put up with being ripped off. Here's a short film, sorry about the cellphone camera quality

Still, it's a creepy place, definitely not my favorite. I much prefer this - aaaahhhh, now THIS is paradise!(Click on the link ONLY if you love cats!)


Do you want a hot towel?

We were being purposely ignored for about 30 minutes. So much effort went into that ignoring that I was beginning to worry that mamma-san and her helper might sprain their necks from turning their heads to avoid looking at us.

But when we finally managed to place our order (teppanyaki x2 and oolong tea x2), the food arrived relatively quickly. Mamma-san's helper for some very strange reason insisted on explaining the menu to us in English. Even though Dr. Trouble was answering her in perfect Japanese.

We were bored today and thought that seeing a couple of monkeys in goofy costumes would be a swell idea. No, we didn't go to a cosplay event, we went to Kayabuki. Kayabuki is a restaurant (actually, an izakaya, to be precise) in the Miyukihoncho part of Utsunomiya (address: 4688-13 Miyukihoncho, parking available) where two monkeys work as waiters (or waitresses - sorry I didn't feel like pulling down underpants). Their names are Yacchan (presumably a boy) and Fukuchan (presumably a girl, though I'm not sure).

Kayabuki restaurant in Utsunomiya, Tochigi 4:02 Added: 11 months ago From: budgettroubleblog Views: 211,683 せめてお面はずせばいいと思うが・・・・

fukuchan rocks!
これは恐すぎる・・・ 何でこんなフレンドリーなの? お客さんの神経が分からんわ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
かなり不気味すぎ・・・ 絶対行きたくないよ。こんな店。
単純に虐待と決め付けるのは人間のオゴリではないでしょうか? 感謝される、ほめられる、必要とされること、この猿さんはこの幸 ­福をここで得ているように見えます。 だったら服とかお面とかなくてもいいよねってね。それも言えてる ­。 まーバランス持ってやればいいんじゃない? 楽しませて頂きました。
なんでババア顔なんだ?!かわいくないっ!もっと可愛いお面にす ­ればいいのに。不気味だ!
嫌がってるように見えないからいいんじゃない?? ほんとにストレス感じて嫌がるならやらないでしょ!!動物なんだ ­­からがまんしないでしょ。 衛生面気にする人は来ないでください。 気違い一匹発見
My owner is an idiot
andff 11 hours agom ­
アホかw 悪趣味すぎや
これは怖いなぁw なんだかんだ言っても虐待のレベルだよなぁ、やっぱり。
95897523415912865583 19 hours ago
嫌がっていなくても やはり虐待と言われても仕方ないと思う それに、酒に酔ったジジババの相手させてるんだろ たばこの煙だってあるだろうし これは虐待以外の何ものでもないな 栃木は「猿軍団」があったりして 猿好きなのかもしれないが これはやりすぎだね 見世物としても低俗すぎる この飼い主っていうか店主の考えがわからない どっかの「正義の動物愛護団体」から 苦情が来るんじゃないか? クジラ、マグロ、サメの次は「サル」ってか?
これは可愛そう・・せめてお面取ってあげようよ。 人間だってお面かぶりゃ苦しいじゃん・・・

I'd much prefer to see the monkey's real face than the mask. I suppose she has some fun as a waitress, as she gets petted and get treats and lots of attention but I hope she also has monkey fun too. I hope her owner respects her natural monkey nature.
Copyright © 2011

Fukuchan Japanese Monkey in wig, mask, works this restaurant!! Fukuchan Monkey in wig, mask, works this restaurant! Oh yeah, the menu… ignore the fancy menu posted on the wall. The one with stuff like boar, deer and duck. There's none of that, that menu is just for show. Today's choices were: teppan ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat