Archies Attack Of The 50 Ft Veronica
Episode Recap
One of the many video
incarnations of the Archie Comics characters, the
'Weird Mysteries' series was produced for
syndication and the afternoon juvenile TV
audience. It revolved around the adventures of the usual Archie
gang members and their dealings with supernatural
events and creatures. In this episode Veronica
is exposed to a growth ray and begins to gain the
stature befitting a young woman of her wealth and
shriveled upbringing. And she gets taller
too. If you pay attention to the party scene, you may notice that
after Miss V grows out of the pool, the pan shot
of the crowd shows almost every male face
smiling, while most of the females frown with disapproval.
Only Archie appears to be worried. Well at least he has something to worry about, from a romantic responsibility standpoint anyway.
While visiting Dilton with Archie, Veronica accidentally zaps herself with an experimental growth ray and finds herself increasing in size at an alarming rate.
Full Recap
Dilton says he has invented a growth ray that can make vegetables and fruits increase greatly in size. However, when he demonstrates the device for Archie, nothing happens and the two leave the room shortly thereafter for Pop Tates. Moments after they leave, a bug is seen growing in size.
At Pop's, Veronica is discussing who she invited for her pool party and makes a point of saying she's not inviting Jughead as he's an outsider and too different and weird from anybody else.
Later, Jughead visits Betty just as she encounters a giant bug on her front lawn. Jughead tries to scare it off as Betty calls Archie for help. Veronica, who accompanies Archie, thinks the whole story was a fib to get Archie away from her.Back at the school lab, Dilton and Archie discuss the bug incident as a a disinterested Veronica wanders around. She clicks on a device she finds and is bathed in bright yellow energy for a few moments. When archie and Veronica go to leave, she seems to be taller by a few inches.
Later, Veronica is having trouble finding a dress that fits her for her date with Archie. When Archie arrives to pick her up, she's wearing a sweat suit and looks several feet taller. Veronica gets into Archie's car with some difficulty and after watching a movie, her head pokes through the roof due to lack of room.
The next day, Archie asks Dilton if his growth ray could have affected Veronica in any way. Dilton says his growth ray appears to affect animals and possibly people but not food as intended. The two rush off to Veronica's pool party to see what has happened.
At the pool party, Veronica, who looks to be forty feet tall, looms over everyone as she walks around. After another growth increase, Veronica becomes a little unstable and after tossing Archie into a nearby tree, she stomps into town and rips off the roof of Fresco's Fashions, an expensive clothing store.
Giantess Bonus: Veronica Lodge Part 1
Ok...playing a little bit of is a tribute to last month's supernatural type of choice...Giantesses. Representing the type is Archie Comics Veronica Lodge who finds herself with a big problem in one of the episodes of her cartoon. The episode proved to have many foot scenes (a lot of which I still need to cap) so consider this one part 1 for her.
- At the school lab, Dilton and Archie see Veronica heading their way and with the police and army closing on Veronica's location, Dilton quickly invents a gadget that will reverse Veronica's growth. (118)
uh oh...she looks pretty mad...(These are from the Archie's Weird Mysteries episode "Attack of the 50 foot Veronica". Massive Thank you to both Martin and JTurner for helping me find and cap this bonus for her.)
For those into femdom, Veronica's personality is a lot of fun. She's a spoiled, selfish, bossy rich girl type who really likes getting her way. (You guys can imagine the trouble she could cause as a GTS. ^_^;) Like most guys would...the lead character in the series Archie lets her get away with a lot because she's really hot. It should be mentioned that Veronica has a sensitive and vulnerable side as well though though it also means she has quite a temper when she's mad. ^_^;
Ok...that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season. ^_^
Next up...GTS Rampage!!
Becoming despondent over her predicament, Veronica is surprised to see Jughead nearby and unafraid of her stature. Jughead manages to calm her down and she learns Jughead isn't quite the person she had thought he was.At the school lab, Dilton and Archie see Veronica heading their way and with the police and army closing on Veronica's location, Dilton quickly invents a gadget that will reverse Veronica's growth. At first, Veronica fears the ray is not affecting her but Veronica shrinks back to normal just as the army arrives. In gratitude, Veronica invites Jughead to her next pool party and even imitates Jughead's style of clothing afterwards.
veronica (23)- archie (19)
- jughead (8)
- growth (7)
- dilton (7)
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- betty (2)
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- fresco (1)
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- forty (1)
- animals (1)
- affect (1)
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- affected (1)
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- expensive (1)
- store (1)
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- catchup (1)
- fashions (1)
- stomps (1)
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- unstable (1)
- tossing (1)
- tribute (1)
- spoiled (1)
- police (1)
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- unafraid (1)
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- gadget (1)
- reverse (1)
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- afterwards (1)
- gratitude (1)
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- affecting (1)
- shrinks (1)
- predicament (1)
- despondent (1)
- selfish (1)
- bossy (1)
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- jturner (1)
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- bonus (1)
- femdom (1)
- imagine (1)
- At the school lab, Dilton and Archie see Veronica heading their way and with the police and army closing on Veronica's location, Dilton quickly invents a gadget that will reverse Veronica's growth. (118)
- Episode Recap One of the many video incarnations of the Archie Comics characters, the 'Weird Mysteries' series was produced for syndication and the afternoon juvenile TV audience.
- It revolved around the adventures of the usual Archie gang members and their dealings with supernatural events and creatures.
- In this episode Veronica is exposed to a growth ray and begins to gain the stature befitting a young woman of her wealth and shriveled upbringing. And she gets taller too.
- If you pay attention to the party scene, you may notice that after Miss V grows out of the pool, the pan shot of the crowd shows almost every male face smiling, while most of the females frown with disapproval.
- Only Archie appears to be worried.
- Well at least he has something to worry about, from a romantic responsibility standpoint anyway.
- While visiting Dilton with Archie, Veronica accidentally zaps herself with an experimental growth ray and finds herself increasing in size at an alarming rate.
- Dilton says he has invented a growth ray that can make vegetables and fruits increase greatly in size.
- However, when he demonstrates the device for Archie, nothing happens and the two leave the room shortly thereafter for Pop Tates.
- Moments after they leave, a bug is seen growing in size.