
She fucked a bridge ...

She fucked a bridge ...

Dear Erika: I'm sorry, but it is impossible to write a better headline than that which you see titling this page. I told you before, I actually think you're kinda cute (and plenty weird enough to be my girlfriend should that ever be a question), so you know I would never purposefully keep your wonderful video from Tyra up just to make your life miserable, but as we discussed in our correspondence, you certainly knew what you were doing by booking for the Tyra show, just as I suggested you knew what you were doing for the other scores of TV appearances for which you have volunteered, been paid, or otherwise appeared. As far as the few isolated instances from my last video which you found distasteful enough to have your own video removed because of a seemingly understandable and not completely unsexy (if you ask me) fence frottage (after all, you had feelings for this fence), I suppose maybe the director could have been a little more subtle and easily left it out, but do you think that its omission would really have changed anything all that much? Anyway, just mainly checking in to see how things are going. It seems like we used to talk a lot more when you were trying to get things removed from my channel. Please say hello to Mrs. Berlin Wall for me. I was thinking the other day that if I had to choose between the two of you (hypothetically, of course, if both of you magically started liking people more than objects), I would pick you in a heartbeat, although, I must tell you that I'd probably rather party with Mrs. Wall. But I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised in case you are harboring some let-your-hair-down tendency which I failed to glean from our brief flirtation/debate. Hope all is well with Madame E. and any others you may have on the side that I don't know about. I will tell you should it make you feel better, that no matter if you're monogamous with Mrs. Tower or not, you're still getting more pussy than I am. Hopefully that helps you carry through the rest of the day with a little inward smile. Love, Guk

She fucked a bridge ... Dear Erika: I'm sorry, but it is impossible to write a better headline than that which you see titling this page. I told you before, I actually think you're kinda cute (and plenty weird enough to be my girlfriend should that ever be a question), so you know I would never purp ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat