
Bizarre Angry Wife Stories | eHow.co.uk

Video Transcript

I'm your host, Dr. Franklin Ruehl, and we'll start off with the case of two angry wives. the first, in Fort Rock, Wyoming noticed that her hubby was opening a Christmas present about a week before the holiday. And this so angered her, so enraged her, that she stabbed him in the chest. Now he's going to live. But remember, no wine before it's time, no Christmas present before it's time. Now let's go down to Nicholson, Georgia and a wife got into a spat with her hubby. You know what she did? She tossed a potato at him; hit him right in the nose, causing him to go unconscious. Now she's been arrested but he's not going to press charges. You know what I say? That's not the way to handle potatoes. Instead, I recommend that you perform the straw in the potato experiment. First of all you take a straw, pinch it and say the magic word Gihee! Right through the potato. Let's try that again. Gihee! And let's try that one more time. Gihee! Now the principle at work here is as follows. We're all surrounded by air which acts downward with a pressure of fourteen point seven pounds per square inch. When I pinch the straw, I'm trapping air in it, converting it to something akin to a nail. Gihee! If I were to perform this on the surface of Mars where the atmosphere is much less than on Earth, about one hundredth the atmospheric pressure. It would not work quite as well. Gihee! Contrary wise, if I were to perform this on the surface of Venus, where the atmosphere is ninety times that on Earth, it would work even better. Gihee! Gihee! Gihee! Boy. Gihee! Let's try that one more time. Gihee! Gihee! Gihee! Do you see that? One potato, ten straws. That is a modern miracle, and that's what you should do with potatoes. Don't throw them at your spouse. Thank you.

Video Transcript I'm your host, Dr. Franklin Ruehl, and we'll start off with the case of two angry wives. the first, in Fort Rock, Wyoming noticed that her hubby was opening a Christmas present about a week before the holiday. And this so angered her, so enraged her, that she stabbed him in the ches ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat