Vikyana Alittlebitothisnthat, Andy Smith, and 2 other friendsLouis Trevisan Lenny Smith like your video New Wave Molinare Video Showreel Christmas Bonus. 11:03pm Matt Hamlin likes your comment: "no better shirts exist and the ending..." 11:03pm Matt Hamlin commented on your video.
Matt Hamlin likes your video Go Go Girls Gimme Some More (MY ALLTIME FAVORITE VIDEO). 11:00pm Lenny Smith, Patrick Lavalle, and 2 other friendsJay Alan Davis Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 10:39pm Cam Paterson, Jay Alan Davis, and 2 other friendsRon Dill Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 10:36pm Chris Scott Dellas likes your comment: "oh, shit man, you're talking dictators..." 10:35pm Lenny Smith and Taquila Mockingbird like your video Emir Kusturica No Smoking Orchestra Unza Unza Time!!! 10:34pm Lenny Smith likes your comment: "the video is like jim jarmusch meets..." 10:34pm Lenny Smith and Jay Alan Davis commented on your video. 10:33pm Chris Scott Dellas, Cam Paterson, and 5 other friendsJay Alan Davis Taquila Mockingbird Sherry Gonin Sue Macphee-Gray Alan Pritchard commented on your video. 10:29pm Chris Scott Dellas likes your comment: "right back at you, hardcore. no i post..." 10:19pm Chris Scott Dellas likes your comment: "fuck their father, i'm waiting till..." 10:05pm Anita Chernewski likes your comment: "i am most looking!!!" 9:59pm Jay Alan Davis and Ron Dill commented on your video. 9:52pm Jay Alan Davis, Alan Pritchard, and Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 9:39pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "there is another guy on FB who pretends..." 9:38pm Jay Alan Davis, Tess Roy, and Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 9:31pm Jay Alan Davis commented on your video. 9:30pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your video I'd like to give her one of MY consonants in exchange for a vowel. 9:25pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: " little did this..." 9:25pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "none more than these serbs, to get back..." 9:13pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "don't forget to include my list in your..." 8:46pm Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "don't forget jim jarmusch and the three..." 8:43pm Jay Alan Davis and Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 8:35pm Taquila Mockingbird and Lenny Smith like your video Bes/Worst Bollywood Fight Levitation. 8:26pm Kerry Wheeler and Taquila Mockingbird like your video Backless waiter (another retarded nakedfunny video). 8:07pm Taquila Mockingbird and Lenny Smith like your video *Charles Dickens Christmas Carol (with Martians). 7:56pm Lumina Sector commented on his new friendship. 7:42pm Lumina Sector likes your comment: "hey, lumina. merry christmas and new..." 7:36pm Nettles J. Oak-Land tagged a photo of you. 6:41pm Jay Alan Davis commented on your video. 6:40pm Lenny Smith, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, and 3 other friendsRon Dill Taquila Mockingbird Jay Alan Davis commented on your video. 6:39pm Lenny Smith likes your comment: "" 6:05pm Jay Alan Davis, Kenny Russell, and Taquila Mockingbird commented on your video. 5:54pm Steven Truesdale commented on your video. 5:24pm Lumina Sector accepted your friend request. 5:06pm Jay Alan Davis, Taquila Mockingbird, and Roger Day commented on your video. 3:48pm Jay Alan Davis, Mark Segal, and 5 other friendsTaquila Mockingbird Andy Smith Alan Pritchard Thomas Hoffmann Lenny Smith commented on your video. 3:44pm Modesty Blaise shared a link on your Wall. 2:58pm Jay Alan Davis and Sherry Gonin commented on your video. 2:50pm Modesty Blaise likes your comment: "i've seen you around, modesty blaise,..." 2:35pm Modesty Blaise accepted your friend request. Since she's new to Facebook, you should suggest people she knows. 2:02pm Taquila Mockingbird tagged Robin Andrea Kohl in one of your videos. 12:33pm Mike Fifty-nine likes your video BUM BUM Doll (Poupee) French Publicite. 12:27pm Todd William Zimmerman, Taquila Mockingbird, and 2 other friendsJay Alan Davis Lenny Smith commented on your video. 11:42am Sherry Gonin commented on your wall post. 11:26am Skylo DeMylo, Thomas Hoffmann, and 2 other friendsFlick Rahke Lenny Smith like your video Robert Blake Dances with Playmates Playboy Mansion. 11:24am Sherry Gonin posted on your Wall. 11:24am Sherry Gonin likes your comment: "i wouldn't mind seeing you down at the..." 11:20am Sherry Gonin likes your comment: "or to the corner and pick me up..." 11:20am Freda Rente', Diane Huhnstock, and 3 other friendsBeverley Johnstone Clark Porterfield Wayne Smith like your photo. 11:17am Jay Alan Davis, Alan Pritchard, and 2 other friendsMocka Robinson Elena CemetaryCorvid Bridges commented on your video. 11:16am Freda Rente', Taquila Mockingbird, and 4 other friendsJay Alan Davis Alan Pritchard Lenny Smith Elena CemetaryCorvid Bridges commented on your video. 11:16am John Rock, Diane Huhnstock, and 12 other friendsDrummer Dan Owen Morgan Louis Trevisan Nicoletta Scherianz Grzegorz Kepinski Taquila Mockingbird Mike Fifty-nine Ragnhild Kristine Norheim The Italian Rididillo Skylo DeMylo Even Johan Ottersland Richard Frasca like your video Debut Jane Birkin. 11:15am Roger Day accepted your friend request. 10:17am David Burke and Chelle Burnett DeBoer like your video Jerry Lee Lewis "How Do You Know?" 10:15am Mike Fifty-nine likes your video “ÇOCUKLAR DUYMASIN” “TURKISH SEINFELD.” 9:56am Mike Fifty-nine likes your video Butt Ugly Martians (French publicite). 9:56am Sherry Gonin commented on your video. 9:53am Agnieszka Ledochowska likes your post. 9:17am Agnieszka Ledochowska and Todd Gerard like your post. 9:17am Sherry Gonin likes your comment: "you're talkin' about the new profile? .." 9:02am Todd Gerard tagged himself in one of your videos. 6:42am Mike Fifty-nine likes your comment: "i was gonna apologize for putting this..." 4:52am Mike Fifty-nine and Chris Scott Dellas like your comment: "i think they're nicoise businessmen by..." 4:51am Mike Fifty-nine likes your video Nicoise Punks Kill the Cat WARNING: GRAPHIC. 4:51am Jon Butcher likes your comment: "this is one of my greatest discoveries..." 4:31am Silvia Perl and Mike Fifty-nine like your video Barry Manilow's Mandy (Czech). 4:01am Winston Wolfe likes your comment: "i don't know, but for some reason that..." 2:20am Alan Pritchard likes your comment: "go to the wellcome" 1:04am Alan Pritchard likes your comment: "i'll look. see the funny thing about..." 1:01am Suzy Fisher accepted your friend request. 12:42am Lenny Smith commented on a post in VIBookies. 12:39am Lenny Smith likes your comment: "there's some women i could really enjoy..." 12:05am Jay Alan Davis likes your comment: "see~now do you understand, jt? it's a..." 12:03am Lenny Smith and Jay Alan Davis commented on your video. 12:02am Lenny Smith likes your video Warner's Corsets 'Thank Goodness it's Rustproof!' 191? Silent. 12:00amYesterday
Lenny Smith likes your comment: "let's just thank god that when we are..." 11:59pm